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ROLL NO: D-17-PG-04


Radial Flow
When fluid flow mainly along the radii of rotation in reservior is called
radial flow in reservoir.Because fluids move toward the well from all
directions and coverage at the wellbore, the term radial flow is given to
characterize the flow of fluid into the wellbore.

Radial Flow of Incompressible Fluid

In a radial flow system, all fluids move toward the producing well from
all directions. Before flow can take place, however, a pressure
differential must exist. Thus, if a well is to produce oil, which implies a
flow of fluids through the formation to the wellbore, the pressure in
the formation at the wellbore must be less than the pressure in the
formation at some distance from the well.

Radial Flow of Slightly Compressible Fluids

The dependency of the flow rate on pressure for slightly compressible
fluids. If this equation is substituted into the radial form of Darcy’s Law.

Radial Flow of Compressible Fluid

The basic differential form of Darcy’s Law for a horizontal laminar flow
is valid for describing the flow of both gas and liquid systems.

Pressure Profile of Radial Flow

Radial flow is a flow regime that occurs in the middle time (infinite-
acting) region, before the occurrence of boundary effects. The purpose
of analyzing radial flow data is to determine permeability
(k) and apparent or total skin.
For oil and water:

For gas:

Radial flow data will form a straight line when placed on a semi-log
plot of pressure versus a log time function for a buildup as shown
Which is the best method of reserve estimation?

Although many books mention that ''Material balance calculation provides a

check on the volumetric method'' but the no. of variables associated in MBE
is much more than volumetric and hence any minor error will lead to a large
cumulative error in the estimation then how do we conclude which method
is more accurate. I am well aware that MBE is applied only when production
data of 5 years (minimum) is present with us yet the question about its
accuracy still remains unsettled.

Material Balance Equation (MBE)

For gas the MBE is defined as the relationship between the original gas
in place, initial pressure (pi), cumulative gas production, and the current
average reservoir pressure. The basis of the MBE for gas flow is the
volumetric balance of all the fluids at a given time. The following
equation proposed by Ramagost and Farshad (1981) is used to calculate
the average reservoir pressure for gas systems. This equation considers
that gas is the only mobile phase in the presence of residual fluid
saturations (oil and water) in a compressible formation.

Oil and Water

For oil and water the MBE is defined as the relationship between the
original fluid in place, initial pressure (pi), cumulative fluid
production, total system compressibility (ct), and current average
reservoir pressure. The following equation for liquid flow is based on
the definition of total compressibility (ct) at a given time. This equation
considers the selected fluid (oil or water) as the only mobile phase in
the presence of residual fluid saturations, if present, in a compressible

For oil:

For water:

Average Reservoir Pressure (p or pR)

The average reservoir pressure in a reservoir at a given time is an
indication of how much fluid (gas, oil, or water) is remaining in the
reservoir. It represents the amount of driving force available to drive
the remaining fluid out of the reservoir during a production
sequence. When dealing with oil the average reservoir pressure is only
calculated when it is undersaturated (flowing pressure above the
bubble point). Average reservoir pressure can be estimated in two
different ways:

1. By measuring the long-term buildup pressure in a bounded

reservoir. The buildup pressure eventually builds up to the
average reservoir pressure over a long enough period of time as
shown below. Note that this time depends on the reservoir size
and permeability (k) (i.e. hydraulic diffusivity).
Determine Gas Compressibility and Pseudo-
Reduce Compressibilty from Gas Reservoir
Gas Compressibility:
At normal pressure and temperature, the ideal gas law is accurate to
determines gas behavior. However, the ideal gas law cannot be applied to gas
in a reservoir as pressure and temperature in a reservoir is much higher than
atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the real gas equation has a compressibility
factor(z) to correct the real gas relationship. The real gas relationship can be
shown below;

PV = znRT

P = pressure

V = gas volume

T = absolute temperature

n = number of moles of gas

R = gas constant

z = compressibility factor

z=1.0 means the ideal gas.

The compressibility factor (z) is changed by temperature and pressure. The

two charts in Figure 1 demonstrate how z-factor changes with temperature
and pressure.

At Reservoir:
At a reservoir condition, gas is mixtures of several gas molecules therefore it
is impossible to have the z-factor chart made to match with each composition
of gas in a reservoir. Therefore, the Principle of Corresponding States by Van
der Waals (in 1873) is utilized to describe gas in reservoir conditions. The
concept of the Principle of Corresponding States proposes that the equation
state shown in reduced gas properties is the same for all gas types and

The reduce properties are shown below;

PR (reduced pressure) = P ÷ Pc

VR (reduced volume) = V ÷ Vc

TR (reduced temperature) = T ÷ Tc


P = current pressure

Pc= critical pressure

V = current volume

Vc = critical volume

T = current temperature

Tc = critical temperature
The Standing and Katz (1941) chart is widely used to estimate reservoir gas
compressibility factor (z). The z-factor chart is shown below. The x-axis is
pseudo reduced pressure and each line represents pseudo reduce temperature.
The y-axis is the compressibility factor (z).
The pseudo-reduced properties are used in order to deal with all components
of gas and the relationships are expressed below;

PR’ (pseudo reduced pressure) = P ÷ Pc’

TR’ (pseudo reduced temperature) = T ÷ Tc’


PR’ = pseudo-reduced pressure

TR’ = pseudo-reduced temperature

P = current pressure

Pc’= pseudo-critical pressure

T = current temperature

Tc’ = pseudo-critical temperature

Pseudo-critical Temperature and Pressure can be calculated by a summation

of weighted average of critical temperature and pressure of each component
(Kay’s Rules).

Pc’ = y1Pc1 + y2Pc2 + y3Pc3 + y4Pc4 +…

Tc’ = y1Tc1 + y2Tc2 + y3Tc3 + y4PTc4 +…

Reservoir Performance Prediction

Reservoir performance prediction is a key aspect of the oil and gas field
development planning and reserves estimation which depicts the
behaviour of the reservoir in the future; its success is dependent on
accurate description of the reservoir rock properties, fluid properties,
rock-fluid properties and flow performance. It therefore implies that
engineers must have sound knowledge of the reservoir characteristics
and production operations optimization and more importantly, to
develop a mathematical model that will adequately depict the physical
processes occurring in the reservoir such that the outcome of any action
can be predicted within reasonable engineering tolerance of errors.
Several Authors such as Muskat, Tarner’s, Tracy’s and Schilthuis
developed a method of reservoir performance prediction based on
material balance equation (MBE) by combining the appropriate MBE with
the instantaneous GOR. These techniques are iterative and the
calculations are repeated at a series of assumed reservoir pressure drops.
These calculations are usually based on stock-tank barrel of oil-in-place at
bubble point pressure and above the bubble point pressure, the
cumulative oil produced is calculated directly from he material balance

Most reservoir engineering calculations involve the use of the material

balance equation. Some of the most useful applications of the MBE
require the concurrent use of fluid flow equations, e.g., Darcy’s equation.
Combining the two concepts would enable the engineer to predict the
reservoir future production performance as a function of time. Without
the fluid flow concepts, the MBE simply provides performance as a
function of the average reservoir pressure. Prediction of the reservoir
future performance is ordinarily performed in the following two phases:
Prediction of Reservoir Perfomance by MBE
The material balance equation in its various mathematical forms as
presented is designed to provide with estimates of the initial oil in place
N, size of the gas cap m, and water influx We. To use the MBE to predict
the reservoir future performance, it requires two additional relations:

• Equation of producing gas-oil ratio

• Equation for relating saturations to cumulative oil production

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