Claytilebiomesfinal 1

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Clay Tile- Theme: Biomes ART 1

1. RESEARCH. Choose a biome. Read about the climate, vegetation, animals, and location. 
Research threats to the environment and conservation efforts  
Biomes: Deciduous Forest, Desert, Tropical Rainforest, Savanna, Tundra, or another of your 
2. WRITE. After researching 3 primary and/or secondary sources on a chosen Biome make a 
flip book that details the , specific plants and animals climate of your biome. You must include 
a definition of the word Biome. 
3. IMAGES. Find and print at least 4 image references for your biome theme tile design. Cut 
and paste your images into PowerPoint or Word. Images should be put into the last page of 
flip book  
4. SKETCH. Combine your images to create 2 different 4x4 designs. Your tile must have a 
foreground, middle-ground, and background. Choose the best or combine to make a best 
sketch- 7x7”. 
5. MAKE. Finished tile must: 
-Be a square 7’’ x 7’’ x ½ ” with additions no thicker than 2”  
-Include references to the biome (climate, vegetation, animals, and location)  
-Use relief and additive clay techniques  
-Include a variety of textures  
-Be a well constructed and balanced composition with fore-mid-and background 
- Show movement 
6. PAINT. Using acrylic paint, represent colors of Biome.  

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