What Makes Kids Anti Social

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What Makes Kids Anti Social

Are you realize something dfferent when you come to the Playground?. The answer is
“yes, of course” the Park is very quiet today. Not like before, “kids jaman now” prefer to
play in the home with his gadget. I still remember, the children used to play hide and seek or
football in the village field. But why be different now?. There are two factors why “kids
jaman now” become anti social include internal and external factors.
The first factor kids become antisocial is from their personality. Many kids have a shy
and closed personality. And the biggest factor is from their parents. Many kids are keep away
from the society by their parents, it is because many parents worry that their children affected
by the bad environment. The next is because the lack of motivation from the child to play
outside. Many parents scare their children with words like “Beware of dogs beware” or
“beware of being arrested by police”. This words can cause children less confident. And
again, this is a parent’s job to motivate the child early on.
The second factor kids become passive is from external factors. You know,
technological progress is very fast these day. This reality affects kids who often play with
their gadget. They spend their time just to looking their phone, their laptop or their
Playstation. This makes them more concerned about their gadgets than others. if this
continues to happen, it will make passive generations in the future.
And the other factor kids become antisocial is because lack of playground around the
house. So much development that reduces the arena for kids play. The field that is usually
used to play now has become a building. This is the role of the goverment to make policy on
this issue. The Goverment should make regulations on building restrictions in public areas.
The Goverment must also provide a playground in the city or the village. With it, hopefully
kids interested to play out the house.
In conclusion, the two factors that makes kids anti social are from their personality
and the external factors. Therefore, if we want to have an active and caring generation, we
should encorage them to play outside. Parents can take their children to the park every week
so that children can love the environment more and more. Limit gadgets, let them play
outside. And for the goverment, they should provide good playground for kids. This all
purposes to save us from the passive generation in the future.

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