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Video Incorporation

Subject: Library Science

Grade: 8th
Title: Library of Congress

Lesson Description: Through this week’s lesson, my hope is to impart knowledge on my

students about the Library of Congress and its significance in our government. I want them to
take away the understanding that there are a plethora of important documents and information
housed in the building that can help others learn about various topics. By growing in knowledge
of the Library of Congress and the documents housed there, I will have my students complete an
activity in groups where they research about a specific topic or theme. For example, one group
may choose to focus on WWII while another group learns about the process for becoming the
Librarian of Congress, and another group learns about classical music. After researching a topic,
my hope is that the students will present their information to the class and get comfortable with
public speaking and teaching their peers.

AASL Standards:
Collaborate: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common
goals. Think: Learners identify collaborative opportunities by: 1. Demonstrating their desire to
broaden and deepen understandings. 2. Developing new understandings through engagement in a
learning group. 3. Deciding to solve problems informed by group interaction.

Explore: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and
reflection. Share: Learners engage with the learning community by: 1. Expressing curiosity about
a topic of personal interest or curricular relevance. 2. Co-constructing innovative means of
investigation. 3. Collaboratively identifying innovative solutions to a challenge of problem.

The students will be able to:
Take notes and discuss collectively about the importance of the Library of Congress.
Research information regarding a specific topic after learning the lesson associated with it.
Present information in a digital format to their peers.

Laura Conaway LLT 321 Sunday, April 22, 2018

Video Incorporation

Video Selection One:

Title: Secrets of the Founding Fathers - Segment 28 (1:27:55 - end)

Database: Films on Demand

Overview: This video gives a brief overview of the Library of Congress. Mark Dimunation,
the chief of rare books and special collections division, speaks throughout the segment. He
explains how it is the largest library in the world and houses over 140 million items. As a
result of Thomas Jefferson selling his 6,000+ collection of books, the Library of Congress was
founded. This is the building that has everything from the beginnings of the country including
personal and presidential papers. There are a plethora of other resources and it is suggested that
the Library of Congress, itself, may be a book of secrets because of everything that can be
discovered there.

How: This video segment will help provide the students with a brief overview of the Library
of Congress. By seeing how many documents are housed in this building, I hope to create a
sense of excitement so that the students start to consider what topic they may want to research
that is housed in the Library of Congress. Overall, this video will set the stage for taking notes
about this week’s lesson and provide a structure for their research later on.

Laura Conaway LLT 321 Sunday, April 22, 2018

Video Incorporation

Video Selection Two:

Title: The New Librarian of Congress on the Value of ‘Free Information’ - (full video)

Database: Discovery Education

Overview: This video is an interview with Carla Hayden, the current Librarian of Congress.
During the first portion of the video, the audience learns what exactly the Library of Congress
is and the types of books and historical and cultural artifacts that are held there. An interviewer
speaks with Carla Hayden about various topics including why she wanted to take on the job
and what the library, in a general and specific sense, symbolizes. Hayden further responds to
how her role has impacted the changes in the Library of Congress, specifically with technology
and digitizing information. Throughout the video, the camera shows different areas of the
library and the documents there and the audience learns about the importance of defending a
library and why they are critical to communities.

How: This video will further provide the class with information on the Library of Congress.
By watching this video, the students will take notes about what they are learning and then
contribute to the class discussion. Specifically watching this segment, they will get an
understanding of Carla Hayden’s position and the importance of certain topics that she
responds to throughout the interview. My goal for students to take away from this video is a
desire to know more about Carla Hayden and her role as the Librarian of Congress, especially
as the first woman and African American to fill this position. By grasping an understanding of
her and what libraries are, I hope that the students will continue to process what topic they
want to research for the remainder of this week’s lesson in addition to taking away important
information about libraries in their communities.

Laura Conaway LLT 321 Sunday, April 22, 2018

Video Incorporation

Video Selection Three:

Title: There’s Something For Everyone at the World’s Largest Library - (full video)

Database: YouTube (Verified Account – Discussed using this source with you in class)

Overview: This video introduces some of the staff that works at the Library of Congress and
the division they oversee or assist in. The people introduced in this segment are Helena
Zinkman, Director of Collections and Chief of Prints and Photographs, Paulette Haiser, Chief
of Geography and Maps, Sue Vita, Chief of Music, Michael North, Head of Reference and
Reader Services in the Rare Books and Special Collections, and Malea Walker, Reference
Librarian in the Serial and Government Publications. Carla Hayden also explains why
collections are important. The video further introduces each department and shows examples
of various works that someone could find housed in the Library of Congress.

How: I hope to provide my students with a solid context for the specific content areas that the
Library of Congress has. This video does a great job of providing examples of music,
geography, special collections and more which I want to help encourage the students to think
outside of the box with the topic they will research. After showing this video, I will have my
students choose and refine what topic they want to present on at the end of the week.

Laura Conaway LLT 321 Sunday, April 22, 2018

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