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One may be a big or small God, one may be a Son of God,

even then they will be punished, if they displease a true devotee of God.

Don't let your heart be a dustbin.

If you are a faultfinder your heart will turn into a dustbin
wherein all others will dump in such garbage.

A pinch of practice is better than a ton of preachings.

When you meet God-intoxicated saints, please believe you have met God.

You have God-Sakshat Shree Hari-manifested in human form,

who sits in His divine abode called Akshardham.

To see good virtues of each and everyone is my duty.

To speak about the good virtues of others is my seva.

Meditate for 24 hours upon the cardinal truth

that you are separate from this body, indriyas
and pranas, and you are the eternal atma-the knower and onlooker.
The body is perishable.
The ultimate God resides in you.

Everyone from any caste or creed or religion is Brahmaroop-Aksharroop.

The curtain of ignorance has covered this fact.
The moment this veil of ignorance is removed one can see his real self as
Brahmaroop, wherein the ultimate God Shree Hari resides.
Before leaving this body we have to
understand this simple fact and also tell others about it.

We have to carry out the worldly duties, but don't let them enter into your heart. Let your
heart be filled with Maharaj and Swami.

Blessed are the ones who are pure in heart for they shall see God.
Clean your heart from worldly thoughts, deeds, bad virtues
and make room for God who will rush into your heart seeing
its purity. God loves to reside forever in such pure hearts.

You see, God wants to reside in your heart,

but when HE sees the garbage scattered in your
heart, where will HE reside ?

Love the Satpurush immensely who has realized God.

Be one with Satpurush and download the virtues of God in its totality.
Meditate upon the fact that Satpurush is your atma: your true self.

Ours is the Upasana of two lotus feet and not of four lotus feet.
Be Aksharroop and worship Purushottam.

Today Akshar and Purushottam both are available in Satpurush

who is in front of our eyes.
Satpurush has become Akshar and is beholding Purushottam uninterruptedly.
So if we become one with Satpurush we too can automatically
realize Purushottam residing in us.

Try, try, and try at last you will succeed.

We will work in collaboration.

Pray + Work = Great Success.

We have to be outstanding. Whats the use of our Brain, Time & efforts
if we don't become Extra-Ordinary?


i. Clear Goal.
ii. Self-Confidence that I will succeed; I can do anything I take in hand.
iii. Intelligent Planning.
iv. Hard Work.
v. Hard Work.
vi. Hard Work.
vii. Hard Work.

The best contribution by parents to their children is teaching them

to get things by hard work and never free. Once you get anything free you become
dependent on someone. You become lazy, you become greedy
and then you begin to steal. Just for little free things you lose your
precious virtues and become fat and sturdy.
That's the reason you become unhappy.

Be not worried or feel alone.

You are not alone, Shriji Maharaj, Gunatitanand Swami, Bhagatji
Maharaj, Jaga Swami Maharaj, Shastriji Maharaj, Yogi Bapa and
Pramukh Swami Maharaj are always and everyone is with you.
You just need to remember them. Switch is on - you receive benefits.
All are there to help you, protect you, and even to prepare you for the after life.

Develop a Helping, Serving nature and be Loved by everyone.

Failure is a stepping stone to success.

You and everyone well know that life is no Bed of Roses.

This applies to even Kings and Rich persons. They have difficulties of their kind. But
difficulties are difficulties.
For maturity and steadiness in life one must be brought up in
Hardiness and Path with Obstacles.
Immature persons (not in age) break down and crumble in dust
never to rise again as before.
Hardy and tough persons break thru or jump over the difficulties.
On the contrary, such a life is a thrill to them. They challenge these barriers and scorn at
them. Boxers like Mohammed Ali don't only
learn to hit hard. But they learn to receive blows equally well.
While practicing they expose their chins unguarded to their sparing partners,
so much so that they get knocked out in practice.
In the same way invite cordially and warmly the difficulties. Treat them as your
competitors. Don't be afraid of them they will build you up into a He-man.
We have to enjoy all moments of our life, always think positively.
Always repeat to yourself "I am a Happy Man",
(Especially when you are to face some events, persons, objects throwing you off your

Always be at the Gate of knowledge.

Concentrate on the activity you are doing.
Don't get distracted by what is happening around,
who came and who has gone.
Try to learn to think about what you are doing.
It is difficult but it is possible.
Try to identify your own Evil Instincts.
Do something and concrete in your life.
When you write Mantras, always keep in mind the God and think
how possibly Best you can write.
In any action don't show off or show pride.
Don't make claims of any sort that you are the chosen one of
Shastriji Maharaj or you have the privilege of Yogi Bapa's
seva or that I need nothing. That is minute ego.

Laziness is like a cozy bed easy to get in, very hard to get out of it

You can, if you think You can.

The life's victories always don't go to the strong ones
but to those who think they can.

Success is when you two get in Love: Which two?


Have some AIM in Life and then SHOOT AT IT !

How ever intelligent you may be or however capable you may be
you must have AIM. Then only energy and talents flow out !

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