Certificate From Guide: This Is To Certify That Mr. ASHISH KUMAR of Department of MBA Government Post

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This is to certify that Mr. ASHISH KUMAR of Department of MBA Government Post
Graduate College Dharamshala has successfully completed the project work titled
AWARENESS ABOUT THE DERIVATIVE in partial fulfillment of requirement for the
completion of MBA course as prescribed by the Himachal Pradesh Technical University.
This project report is the record of authentic work carried out by him/her during the period
from 1st February to 25th April 2019. He has worked under my guidance.


Name -Miss Priyanka Sharma

Project Guide

To acknowledge is very great way to show your gratitude towards the persons who have
contributed in your success in one or other way. I find words inadequate to express my
gratitude to Miss Priyanka for providing me an opportunity to carry out my project.

I would also like to thanks for all helping me directly and indirectly to conclude this work. I
convey my thanks to my beloved parent, relatives and my friends for their constant in
encouragement, support help and valuable advice to make this project a success.



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