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cmd hotspot: create wifi router without using software firstly run cmd(as administrator not
as user. for this go to go to
start>all prog>asseccories>cmd>right click>run as administrator.)

2. in cmd type:'netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=name of ntwk (like

myHotspot) key=password(adonistushar)'.

3.then go to network sharing centre>change adaptor setting>now identify ur default

LAN adaptor and go to its properties>sharing>allow(vitual mini adaptor)>ok .

4. now in cmd type: 'netsh wlan start hostednetwork'.

5. to end the session type:'netsh wlan stop hostednetwork'.

Wi-fi hotspot connected successfully but no Internet Connection :

It seems like there was some problem with this blog, may be you couldn't open it,
you can follow the steps below to troubleshoot this problem.

1. Try to use network troubleshooter to identify and fix this problem.

2. Reinstall wireless adapter driver for test.

3. Try resetting TCP/IP.

Reset TCPIP and check if it works.

Follow the steps

a) Boot to the desktop view.

b) Open command prompt, right click in the left corner when the Start window appear
and select command prompt (admin).

c) At the command prompt, copy and paste (or type) the following command and then
press ENTER:
netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

Note: If you do not want to specify a directory path for the log file, use the
following command:
netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

d) Reboot the computer.

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