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NUST Business School

Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Assignment: Team Processes Training

Submitted to:
Dr. Hussain Tariq
Submitted by:
Maham Rizwan

Date: 29th April, 2019 MBA 2K18(B)

Team-based organizations invest a significant amount of resources into training that’s intended
to improve team processes. They are as discussed below:

(i) Transportable teamwork competencies:

An approach to training teams is to help individual team members develop general

competencies related to teamwork activities. Taken together, such knowledge, skills, and
abilities are referred to as transportable teamwork competencies. This label reflects the fact
that trainees can transport what they learn about teamwork from one team context and apply
it in another.

(ii) Cross Training

It involves training members in the duties and responsibilities of their teammates.

The following types come under cross training:

Personal Clarification:

These types of training members simply receive information regarding the roles of other team

Positional modeling:

This involves team members observing how other members perform their roles.

Positional rotation:

This training gives members actually experience carrying out the responsibilities of their

Team process training:

This occurs in the context of a team experience that facilitates the team being able to function
and perform more effectively as an intact unit.

(iii) Team process training:

Action Learning:

A team is given a real problem that’s relevant to the organization and then held accountable for
analyzing the problem, developing an action plan b, and then carrying out that plan.
(iv) Team Building:

Normally is conducted by a consultant and intended to facilitate the development of team

processes related goal setting, interpersonal relationships, problem solving, and role

One Meta Analysis findings suggest that team building has no significant effect on team
performance if you define productivity in terms of performance. Nevertheless, researchers
have found that team building is most likely to have positive effects for smaller teams and when
the exercise emphasizes the importance of clarifying role responsibilities.

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