Civics Eoc Review Guide

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SCPS - Civics EOC Review Guide

Name of Document How it Laid the Foundation for American Democracy

Magna Carta Limited Power of the monarchy, made its citizens have a trial by jury,
eliminated the power of the king to have unjust taxes.
Parliament Legislative branch of Great Britain- the idea of representative government
English Bill of Rights Limits the power of the monarchy (limited government) – Idea that people
have rights and they are recorded.
House of Burgesses Legislature in the New World – In Virginia, 1st colonial attempt at a
government system.
Mayflower Compact 1st written colonial constitution- social contract of the Pilgrims – direct

Event How this caused the American Revolution

French and Indian War War between France and Great Britain for supremacy of land. Caused
colonial heavy taxation-led to American Revolution.
Stamp Act British law placing a tax on printed colonial matter: Paper products
Quartering Act British 1760s law requiring colonists to supply the basic needs of British
soldiers – 3rd amendment protects Americans from this.
Declatory Act British act of Parliament declaring its right to tax and legislate over the
colonies without colonial representation. (“No taxation without
Tea Act Forced colonist to buy tea only from the British East Indian Company.
Boston Tea Party Protest by the Sons of Liberty against the British. Colonists dressed as
Indians and threw tea overboard.
Common Sense Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that called for independence from Great
Author of the Declaration Thomas Jefferson – John Locke’s ideas of: Life, Liberty and Property.
of Independence Signed: July 4, 1776
Main Ideas of the 1. Unalienable Rights- Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Declaration of 2. Grievances against the King of England. Listed the many abused the
Independence colonists suffered under the British king.
3. Rights to revolt because the treatment they had received under
British rule contradicted the purpose of Government.
People elect
leaders to write Direct
and manage Democracy:
Dictator: One laws for their People directly
leader who is county. control and are
forced into responsible for
power. Has total the laws that
control of the govern their
government. society.

Forms of Oligarchy:
Monarchy: Is
ruled by a king, Government Political rule
or monarchy, by a few
and power is familites or
usally gained by group
inherit power.

political power
Given by God
is controlled
the divine
by one
power to rule
Amendment that address the President: Amendments that Address Voting Rights:
20th: Inauguration date of the President 15th: Minority groups gain suffrage
22nd: Limit president to two terms 19th: Women gain suffrage
25th: Presidential succession Act 26th: Voting age changed from 21 to 18 (Vietnam

Post Civil War Amendments Amendments that Address Rights of the

13th: Abolish slavery Accused
14th: Citizenship and due process of law on state 4th: Privacy Amendment (Search Warrant)
level 5th: Eminent domain, grand jury, self-
15th: Minority groups gain suffrage incrimination, double jeopardy, due process
6th: Right to a speedy and public trail; Right to an
8th: Protection from cruel and unusual
punishment, excessive bail.
Three Branches
Branch Members of the Branch Role
Legislative Branch Congress Makes Laws
(House of Representatives and
Executive Branch President Enforce Laws
Executive Office of President
Judicial Branch Supreme Court and Federal Court Interpret Laws

Checks and Balances

Judicial Checks on Can declare presidential actions unconstitutional
Judicial Checks on Can declare acts of legislature unconstitutional
Executive Checks Can veto legislation
on Legislative
Executive Checks Can appoint Supreme Court Justices
on Judicial
Legislative Checks Impeachment process, can override veto, and reject appointments, can refuse to
on Executive approve treaties.
Legislative Checks Can impeach judges
on Judicial Can reject appointment of judges
Levels of Government Levels of the Court System

Federal Supreme Court

State Appeals Court

Local Distric Court

The 7 Roles
(Hats) of
the Leader of the
President of Military
the United

Commander-in- Chief

Handle Propose
foreign policy legislation to

Chief Diplomat Chief Legislator

the nation’s

Chief Executive Economic Leader

Represents the
Head of his or
U.S. with foreign
her political
leaders and
ceremonial leader

Head of State Party Leader

Supreme Court Cases
Name of Case Constitutional Why the Decision is Important
Marbury vs. Separation of powers Established Judicial Review
Madison in the Judicial Branch Demonstrates the power of the
Judicial Branch
Plessy vs. Equality rights of It is okay to separate the races
Ferguson minority groups “SEPARATE BUT EQUAL”
(14 Amendment)

Brown vs. Equality rights of Separate but equal is

Board of minority groups unconstitutional
Education (14 Amendment) Segregation ends in the public

school system
Gideon vs. Civil liberties and 6th Amendment right to an attorney
Wainwright rights of the Accused if you cannot afford one.
(6th Amendment)
Miranda vs Criminal Procedures; 5th Amendment: Self-Incrimination
Arizona Rights of the accused Miranda Rights: Right to remain
and civil liberties silent….
(5 Amendment)

Tinker vs Des Civil Liberties 1st Amendment: Freedom of speech

Moines School (1st Amendment) Symbols are considered freedom of
Distric speech
United States vs Separation of Powers President’s Executive Privilege can
Richard Nixon (Article 6 of the U.S. not be used to conceal a crime.
Constitution) Rule of law!
Hazelwood Rights of students, School publications can be censored
School District Freedom of press
vs Kuhlmeier (1st Amendment)
Bush vs Gore Electoral College The president is selected through
the electoral college and not the
popular vote
Constitutuional: laws
interpret using the
constitutuion. Ex:
searching a person's
home without a
search warrant is
violating a person's
4th Amendment

Military: The law

Civil: Cover
governing the
contracts and
armed forces. Does Types of relations between
not use the court
system, instead it is Law individuals.
Lawsuit over
done through a
court marshal.

Criminal: A system
of law concered
with those who
commit crimes.
Republicans Democrats
• Conservative • Liberal
• Red • Blue
• Elephant • Donkey
• Less Government Control • More Government Control
• Lower Taxes • Higher Taxes

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