Land Suitability Assessment For Wind Power Plant Site Selection Using ANP-DEMATEL in A GIS Environment: Case Study of Ardabil Province, Iran

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Land suitability assessment for wind power plant site selection using ANP-
DEMATEL in a GIS environment: case study of Ardabil province, Iran

Article  in  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment · August 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s10661-014-3883-6 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Ali Azizi Bahram Malekmohammadi

University of Tehran University of Tehran


Hamid Jafari Hossein Nasiri

University of Tehran University of Tehran


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Environ Monit Assess
DOI 10.1007/s10661-014-3883-6

Land suitability assessment for wind power plant site selection

using ANP-DEMATEL in a GIS environment: case study
of Ardabil province, Iran
Ali Azizi & Bahram Malekmohammadi &
Hamid Reza Jafari & Hossein Nasiri &
Vahid Amini Parsa

Received: 25 January 2014 / Accepted: 11 June 2014

# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

Abstract Wind energy is a renewable energy resource hybrid model (ANP-DEMATEL) was evaluated and the
that has increased in usage in most countries. Site selection results were compared to the ANP model. The sensitivity
for the establishment of large wind turbines, called wind analysis, map classification, and factor weights for the two
farms, like any other engineering project, requires basic methods showed satisfactory results for the ANP-
information and careful planning. This study assessed the DEMATEL model in wind power plant site selection.
possibility of establishing wind farms in Ardabil province
in northwestern Iran by using a combination of analytic Keywords Wind power plants (WPPs) . Geographical
network process (ANP) and decision making trial and information system (GIS) . Site selection . ANP-
evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) methods in a geo- DEMATEL . Iran–Ardabil province
graphical information system (GIS) environment.
DEMATEL was used to determine the criteria relation-
ships. The weights of the criteria were determined using Introduction
ANP and the overlaying process was done on GIS. Using
13 information layers in three main criteria including en- Energy is a critical factor in the sustainable development
vironmental, technical and economical, the land suitability of human societies. Growing demand for energy, in-
map was produced and reclassified into 5 equally scored creasing standards of living, the danger of global
divisions from least suitable to most suitable areas. The warming, and the shortage of fossil fuel energy re-
results showed that about 6.68 % of the area of Ardabil sources require that global attention be focused on the
province is most suitable for establishment of wind tur- use of renewable energy. One main advantage of new
bines. Sensitivity analysis shows that significant portions energy sources is the reduction in CO2 emissions (Aydin
of these most suitable zones coincide with suitable divi- et al. 2010). One kilowatt hour of electricity produced
sions of the input layers. The efficiency and accuracy of the by wind power plants (WPPs) decreases emission of
about 1 kg of CO2 over that of fossil power plants
(Sana 2010). The use of wind as a renewable energy
A. Azizi : B. Malekmohammadi (*) : H. R. Jafari :
supply has increased globally in comparison with other
V. Amini Parsa
Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, renewable resources of energy (Alamolhoda 2010).
Tehran, Iran The first fundamental step in the development of new
e-mail: energy is the careful study of potentials (Dutra and
Szklo 2008). Next is selection of an appropriate site
H. Nasiri
Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, for the establishment of equipment and facilities to make
Tehran, Iran use of the potentials. Site selection for the establishment
Environ Monit Assess

of large wind turbines, called wind farms, like any other criteria weights to establish their relative impor-
engineering project, requires basic information and care- tance for site evaluation.
ful planning. The selection of multiple factors results in Al-Yahyai et al. (2012) applied MCDM using AHP
the multiplicity of information layers and efforts to find with an Ordered Weigh Averaging (OWA) aggregation
an appropriate solution for the analysis of the informa- function to derive a wind farm land suitability index and
tion layers. Finding a suitable analysis system can en- classification under a GIS environment in Oman. The
courages decision makers to adopt this system, which is selection criteria considered were economic (distance to
very fast, easily applicable, and highly precise. road, terrain, slope), social (urban area), environmental
Recently, geographic information systems (GIS) in- (historical sites, wildlife, natural reserves) and technical
tegrated with Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) (wind power density, energy demand, percentage of
models have been widely applied to environmental sustainable wind, turbulence intensity, sand dunes).
planning and engineering issues. Analytic network pro- GIS with/without MCDM has been successfully ap-
cess (ANP) is one MCDM method that is a generaliza- plied to wind farm site selection. Janke (2010) and van
tion of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). These two Haaren and Fthenakis (2011) studied wind farm site
models were proposed by Saaty (Saaty 1996, 2001). selection using GIS. Kaya and Kahraman (2010) and
The decision making trial and evaluation laboratory Tegou et al. (2010) studied wind farm site selection
(DEMATEL) was developed by Gabus and Fontela using GIS and AHP. Bennui et al. (2007) applied GIS
(1972) to solve complicated global problems. In recent integrated with MCDM for effective site selection for
years, there has been an increase in the use of ANP for a large wind turbines in Thailand. Wind speed informa-
variety of issues, such as municipal solid waste tion, elevation, slope, highways and railways, built-up
(Aragonés-Beltrán et al. 2010), investment (Lee et al. areas, forest zones, and scenic areas were used as criteria
2011), and technology (Lee et al. 2009). ANP that uses for site selection.
DEMATEL techniques has been used in several studies Moiloa (2009) used GIS for strategic wind energy
for municipal solid waste management (Tseng 2009), site selection. Three case studies for GIS-based models
the healthcare sector (Taghizadeh Herat et al. 2012), for wind energy facility site selection were used in the
management (Tsai and Chou 2009; Vujanović et al. USA, England, and South Africa. These countries were
2012), education (Chen and Chen 2010) and brand selected to illustrate how GIS has been applied by
marketing (Wang and Tzeng 2012). planners and decision makers. Sliz-Szkliniarz and Vogt
Yang et al. (2008) used ANP and DEMATEL to (2011) evaluated wind energy potential using a GIS-
solve dependence and feedback problems to suit the based approach in Poland. They developed an approach
real world. They used ANP to overcome to support the decision-making process for site selection
interdependence and feedback between criteria and for wind energy projects using GIS.
alternatives in MCDM methods; also they adopted GIS with MCDM was used by Aydin et al. (2010) to
DEMATEL to determine the degree of influence of create a decision support system for site selection of
criteria. Their study provides a numerical example to wind turbines in western Turkey. Wind energy potential
illustrate the proposed method. and environmental fitness/acceptability were used as
GIS has been successfully applied to wind farms. decision criteria for site selection. OWA was used as a
Tegou et al. (2010) developed an integrated frame- multi-objective decision-making (MODM) tool to eval-
work to evaluate land suitability for wind farm site uate alternatives for fuzzy environmental objectives.
selection that combined multicriteria analysis Taghilo (2011) used GIS with MCDM for wind farm
(MCA) with GIS on the island of Lesvos in site selection. He used GIS and MCDM methods to
Greece. A set of environmental, economic, social, consider three groups of stockholders to optimize dif-
and technical constraints based on recent Greek ferent alternatives for wind farms in Zanjan province in
legislation identified potential sites for wind power Iran. He used five multicriteria methods (index overlay,
installation. The area under consideration was eval- AHP, fuzzy AHP, TOPSIS, fuzzy TOPSIS) to find op-
uated using a variety of criteria, such as wind timal alternatives for wind turbines and found that
power potential, land cover type, electricity de- TOPSIS results were most acceptable.
mand, visual impact, land value, and distance from A review of the literature indicates that the combined
the electrical grid. AHP was applied to estimate the use of ANP and DEMATEL has not been applied in the
Environ Monit Assess

GIS environment. Thus far, a comprehensive research coastal regions of the Oman Sea and Khuzestan prov-
has not been done using a combination of these models ince, eastern regions, Persian Gulf islands, Manjil,
for WPP site selection. Although ANP has been used to Rafsanjan, Ardabil, and Bijar (Ghandomkar 2009).
overcome interdependence and feedback problems be- The total capacity of established wind power plants at
tween criteria or alternatives, it could not determine the present is less than 2 % of the total estimated wind
strength of relationships between criteria. DEMATEL potential in the country. The nominal capacity of all
was used to address this inadequacy. power plants in Iran in 2009 was 34,000 MW
The present study applied ANP and DEMATEL in (Alamolhoda 2010). It is clear that the country needs
GIS to determine suitable sites for WPPs. ANP was used to diligently develop its wind energy potential for dif-
to consider the relationship between criteria and ferent applications.
DEMATEL to determine the degree of influence of Ardabil province is located in northwestern Iran,
criteria for WPP site selection. ANP-DEMATEL in bordering the Republic of Azerbaijan and the prov-
GIS was used for WPP site selection in Ardabil province inces of East Azarbaijan, Zanjan, and Gilan.
in northwestern Iran. Ardabil province is located at 37°12′ to 39°47′
north latitude and 47°13′ to 48°55′ east longitude
(Fig. 1). The total area of the province is
Study area 17,953 km2 (1.1 % of the area of Iran). The prov-
ince has 10 counties, 24 cities, 27 districts, 69 sub-
A 10-year study of wind in Iran shows that many re- districts, and 2,210 villages. The city of Ardabil is
gions are windswept and suitable for the production of the provincial capital and is located about 70 km
electricity, especially in summer. These areas include the from the Caspian Sea.

Fig. 1 Location and specification of Ardabil Province in Iran

Environ Monit Assess

Ardabil province encompasses two thirds of the Materials and methods

Azerbaijan mountain range, which strongly influences
local wind strength. Its average elevation is about Methodology
1,400 m. The lowest elevation is 100 m in Parsabad
and Bilesavar and the highest elevation is 4,811 m at The process of WPP site selection is shown in Fig. 2.
Sabalan. The maximum temperature is 35 °C in summer First (in step 1), all WPP criteria for the province was
and the minimum is -25 °C in winter. The variation in gathered; if some information for site selection was not
elevation and air pressure in different seasons, especially available, an attempt was made to consider the most
during the summer months, provides excellent condi- influential technical, economic, and environmental pa-
tions for wind. rameters. In step 2, using local conditions, a literature


1-Identifying of criteria

Accessibility Local conditions Opinions of experts Literature review

2- Review and criteria selection

Environmental Technical Economical

Slope D.F. City

Wind average

Elevation D.F. Rural

Wind continuity

D.F. Fault D.F. Airport

Wind density

D.F. River Land cover/use

D.F. Protected area D.F. Road

GIS Database

3- Identifying exclusionary areas

4- Determining strength of relationships between criteria's obtained from DEMATEL model

5- Criteria and subcriteria weights obtained from ANP using the Supper decisions software

6- Overlaying the layers in GIS

7- Reclassification in scored classes

8-Removing exclusionary areas


9- Extracting final Land suitability map

10- Sensitivity analyses


Fig. 2 The overall process of the WPPs site selection in ANP-DEMATEL method (D.F. distance from)
Table 1 List and description of criteria for WPPs site selection
Environ Monit Assess

Criteria Description

Wind potential Calculating wind potential in a geographical region is the first and the most fundamental issue to make use of wind energy, its assessment and its
other specifications. Annual wind speed average, wind power density and percentage of windy days are very important features for choosing a
site for wind power plants (Zahedi et al. 2005). It should be noted that a wind potential map plays an important role in the selection of the
candidate sites for the wind farm and this is the most important document supporting the financial evaluations of the installations (Lee et al. 2010)
Landuse/cover Two kinds of land use should be considered in site selection for the establishment of wind turbines: the first use relates to the lands that cannot be
used as wind farms like forests, ponds, protected areas, animal habitats and military sites. The second kind of use relates to the lands that can be
used as wind farms, although they should be selected in a way that they do not damage the environment and require the lowest costs for the
establishment of wind turbines (Taghilo 2011)
Elevation Depending on the topography of the region, wind speed and wind direction changes very much (Talinli et al. 2011). The general principle that an
increase in height makes difficult the possibility of making facilities, is correct again (Farajisabokbar et al. 2010). Therefore in selecting the
appropriate site, we should avoid the high lands, because they increase the investment costs (Bennui et al. 2007)
Slope One of the natural factors, which have great impacts on the selection of suitable sites for making facilities and infrastructures is the land slope.
Because considering the direction and percentage of the slope, the land use can affect the constructional expenses (surface water drainage, land
leveling, etc.) (Farajisabokbar et al. 2010)
Distance from residential area (cities Perhaps the most important factor in limitation of installing wind turbines in residential areas is their loud noises (Moiloa 2009). Regarding the
and villages) distance from the residential areas, it should be mentioned that the physical development of the city is a dynamic and continuous process.
Therefore, the surrounding lands should be considered for the future developments in residential areas
Distance from airport Wind turbines can interfere with signals of aviation radars. So, they would require a significant buffer around areas such as airports (Moiloa 2009).
Wind turbines also interfere with electromagnetic waves in a way that they reflect, scatter or break electromagnetic waves and interfere with the
telecommunication networks
Distance from water extent The turbine towers, roads and related constructions destroy the vegetations and the natural habitats. Wind turbines also present a collision risk to
birds and may have negative effects on the bird populations, especially migratory birds (Moiloa 2009). Finally, since the river routes are dynamic
ever-changing and there is also risk of flood, the wind farms’ being away from the river-beds will increase the safety of the facilities
Distance from main road network Transportation network has special importance from two viewpoints: 1- Closeness of the turbines to the roads on the one hand affects the road
transportation, because of the turbines’ loud noises and on the other hand the roads will be shadowed, because of the turbine blades. Moreover,
there will be some changes in the visual landscape. 2- Because of the immense weight of the equipment, the wind farms’ closeness to the roads is
of great importance because the transportation costs for the establishment of wind turbines are too high (Moiloa 2009; Taghilo 2011)
Distance from protected area Protected areas play a critical role in the protection and conservation of the world's natural and cultural resources
Distance from Fault Wind farm sites like other constructional projects should be away from the fault lines in order to avoid dangerous hazards caused by these lines
Environ Monit Assess

review and the opinions of experts, different criteria Where V is wind speed at height H (desired) and Vr is
were reviewed and 13 criteria were selected in three wind speed at height Hr (baseline) and a is ground
main groups. These were the most important criteria roughness coefficient.
for selecting suitable sites and establishing WPPs
and are shown in Fig. 2 and explained in Table 1. An overview of ANP and DEMATEL
Thirteen information layers were prepared and con-
verted to a raster format. Preliminary spatial analyses In ANP procedures, the first step is to construct a con-
were performed on them to implement ANP in the ceptual model and to determine relationships between/
GIS and to establish a database. among clusters and nodes. Determining relationships
In step 3, exclusionary areas were identified and between/among criteria is very important in ANP be-
an exclusionary map was prepared. In step 4, cause pairwise comparisons depend on this phase.
DEMATEL was used to determine the relation- Because there are different degrees of influence and
ships between criteria and in step 5; ANP was relationship between the criteria in the real world, as-
used to weight the criteria. Overlaying was done sumptions of equal influence and relationship seem to
using GIS in step 6 and the land suitability map be irrational. Thus, in order to solve this problem, in this
was reclassified into five equally scored zones study DEMATEL method is used. In the following,
from least suitable to most suitable in step 7. In descriptions of these two methods are presented.
step 8, the exclusionary areas were removed using
the exclusionary map and final land suitability ANP
map was extracted in step 9. Finally, in step 10,
a sensitivity analysis was carried out. ANP is an extension of the AHP; indeed, it is the general
The GIS datasets of the 13 criteria were collected form of the AHP. These two models are proposed by
from sources shown in Table 2. Since wind speed was Saaty (Saaty 1996, 2001). AHP is a well-known tech-
measured at a height of 10 m and the height of the wind nique that breaks down a decision-making problem into
turbines is 40 m, the speed of the wind at a height of several levels in such a way that they form a hierarchy
40 m was calculated by Eq. (1): with unidirectional hierarchical relationships between
 a levels (Aragonés-Beltrán et al. 2010) but ANP is a
V H nonlinear structure with bilateral relationships (Fig. 3).
¼ ð1Þ
Vr Hr So the main innovation of the ANP is its network

Table 2 Data sources for input layers in land suitability assessment for Ardabil Province

Row Layers Source

1 Wind speed average Synoptic station data from Ardabil Province

2 Percentage of windy days
3 Wind power density
4 Distance from urban areas 1:25,000 topographic maps prepared by the (National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC))
5 Distance from rural areas
6 Distance from rivers
7 Distance from protected areas
8 Distance from main roads
9 Distance from the airport
10 Slope
11 Elevation
12 Land cover/use Images taken from the TM sensor in 2010
13 Distance from fault lines 1:100,000 geological map prepared by the (National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC))
Environ Monit Assess

Fig. 3 Structural difference

between a hierarchy (a) and a
network (b)

structure, which enables interactions between elements Step 2: Criteria are compared, using Super Decisions
situated in different clusters and dependencies between software (Fig. 5), in the whole network in
the elements in the same cluster to be taken into account order to form an unweighted supermatrix by
(Nekhay et al. 2009; Tseng 2009). In this paper, ANP is pairwise comparisons (the same as the AHP).
used to obtain the weight of the criteria. The application In this phase, decision makers compare two
steps of ANP can be described in the following steps. elements. Pairwise comparisons are made with
the grades ranging from 1–9 (Vasiljević et al.
Step 1: As mentioned above, the first step is to con- 2012). A reciprocal value of each number is
struct a conceptual model and to determine used to express the inverse comparison. The
relationships between/among clusters and values of pairwise comparisons are allocated
nodes. The conceptual model (Fig. 4) is con- in the comparison matrix and local priority
structed and the relationships (shown by ar- ve cto r i s de r i v ed fr om e i ge nv ec t o r.
rows in the conceptual model) between/among Consistency of pairwise matrix like the AHP
clusters, and nodes are determined. must be less than 0.1 (Sener et al. 2011).

Fig. 4 An example for designing conceptual model in ANP

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Fig. 5 Pairwise comparisons in supper decisions software

Step 3: The weights obtained from the previous steps Wij is a local priority vector obtained from the
are introduced into the supermatrix that in- corresponding pairwise comparison, representing
cludes the entire network components and rep- the importance of the elements in the ith cluster
resents their inter relationships. In this step, on an element in the jth cluster (Lee et al. 2009).
supermatrix is called the initial supermatrix. Step 4: The cluster weights should be calculated in this
Equation (2) shows the general form of the step in order to weigh the initial supermatrix.
supermatrix. When the cluster weight matrix has been ob-
tained, the initial supermatrix can be weighted
C1 C2 Cn
e1 1 e1 m1 e2 1 e 2 m 2 e n 1 e nm n by multiplying the cluster weights matrix by an
e1 1
e1 2 W11 W12 W 1n initial supermatrix (Nekhay et al. 2009). The
e1 m1
new obtained matrix is known as the weighted
e2 1 supermatrix.
C 2 e2 2 W12 W 22 W2n
W = Step 5: The final step consists of multiplying the
e2 m 2
weighted supermatrix n times by itself until
e n1 the limit supermatrix is reached. Some super
C n en 2
matrices may have a cyclicity effect. As a
en m n W n1 Wn2 W nn
result, two or more final limit super matrixes
may be obtained. The main property of the
limit supermatrix is that its columns are equal
Ck is the kth cluster (k =1, 2,…, N) which has
and represent the global priority vectors
nk elements denoted as ek1, ek2, …, eknk. A matrix
(Nekhay et al. 2009).
segment, Wij, represents a relationship between
the ith cluster and the jth cluster. Each column of

Table 3 Exclusionary zones in WPPs site selection In order to solve complicated global problems,
Row Zones Pixel value
DEMATEL method had been applied at the end of
1971 by Gabus and Fontela (Gabus and Fontela 1972).
1 Buffer zones within 0.5 km from main road 0 The DEMATEL technique constructs the interrelations
2 Buffer zones within 0.4 km from river 0 between factors/criteria to build a network relations map
3 Reservation areas 0 (NRM) (Tzeng et al. 2007; Yang et al. 2008; Liou et al.
4 Buffer zones within 2 km from urban areas 0 2007). In this paper, DEMATEL is prepared in the six
5 Buffer zones within 0.5 km of rural areas 0 following steps:
6 Buffer zones within 3 km from airport 0
7 Others 1 Step 1: In order to pairwise comparisons, the five-
point scale regarding the level of impacts
Environ Monit Assess

Fig. 6 Exclusionary map for wind power plants site selection in Ardabil Province

of particular dimensions is used. The mea- Step 2: The direct-influence matrix is constructed
surement criteria of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are based upon the degrees of relative impacts
used to illustrate no influence, very low derived from the pair comparisons in
influence, low influence, high influence Eq. (3). An n×n direct-influence matrix A
and very high influence, respectively with the directly observed relations is obtain-
(Tseng and Lin 2009). ed where aij denotes the degree of impacts of
Environ Monit Assess

the i factor on the j factor (Taghizadeh Herat Step 5: Summing each column and row to obtain D
et al. 2012). and R Eqs. (7) and (8):
2 3 !
a11 ⋯ a1 j ⋯ a1n X n
6⋮ ⋮ ⋮7 D¼ T ij ¼ ½d i Šn x 1 ð7Þ
6 7
A¼6 a
6 i1 ⋯ a ij ⋯ a 7
in 7 ð3Þ j¼1
4⋮ ⋮ ⋮5
an1 ⋯ anj ⋯ ann
Step 3: The normalized matrix obtains from Eqs. (4) Xn
R¼ T ij ¼ rj 1 x n ð8Þ
and (5): i¼1

X ¼ s⋅A ð4Þ
2 3 Here, di is the sum of each row in T and the
6 7 rows show the degrees of direct and indirect
6 1 1 7
s ¼ min6 ; 7 ð5Þ impacts over the other criteria, and rj is the sum
4 max
aij max j aij 5
of each column in T where columns indicates
j¼1 i¼1 the degrees of influences from other criteria.
Numeric algorithm variable di, therefore, repre-
sents the factors that influence others, rj repre-
Where the all matrix diagonals are equal to sents factors that are influenced by others, di +rj
zero and the sum of each row and column does represents the strength of relationships between
not exceed 1. factors, di −rj represents the strength of influ-
Step 4: Deriving the full relationship matrix T from the ences among factors (Lee et al. 2011).
Eq. (6): Step 6: Determining a threshold value in order to
ignore the minor effects is necessary to isolate
T ¼ X þ X 2 þ … þ X k ¼ T ¼ X ð1−X Þ−1
the relationship structure of the factors and
ð6Þ finally obtain NRM (Yang and Tzeng 2011).

Table 4 The final weights for criteria land suitability assessment for Ardabil Province


Criteria Weight Rank Criteria Weight Rank

Wind speed average 0.228 1 Wind speed average 0.375 1

Wind power density 0.153 2 Land cover/use 0.155 2
Percentage of windy days 0.144 3 Wind power density 0.135 3
Distance from the airport 0.088 4 Slope 0.088 4
Distance from urban areas 0.080 5 Percentage of windy days 0.059 5
Distance from fault lines 0.059 6 Distance from urban areas 0.050 6
Slope 0.052 7 Elevation 0.037 7
Distance from rivers 0.039 8 Distance from the airport 0.031 8
Distance from rural areas 0.038 9 Distance from rural areas 0.027 9
Land cover/use 0.036 10 Distance from main roads 0.025 10
Distance from main roads 0.032 11 Distance from protected areas 0.011 11
Distance from protected areas 0.030 12 Distance from rivers 0.006 12
Elevation 0.021 13 Distance from fault lines 0.000 13
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Fig. 7 Input data layers in wind power plants site selection for Ardabil Province
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Fig. 8 Land suitability maps in ANP and ANP-DEMATEL for Ardabil Province

Results and discussion D E M AT E L w a s d e v e l o p e d i n M AT L A B

(MathWorks 2005) and relationships between the criteria
ANP-DEMATEL and ANP methods were used for and strongness of them were identified. The results of
WPP site selection. The ANP model was developed DEMATEL were applied to refine the ANP conceptual
and the results of the two methods were compared to model. Super Decisions software (Adams and Saaty
evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of the hybrid mod- 2003) was used for ANP to obtain the final weights;
el. Recognized experts were selected from different the final weights of the criteria for ANP-DEMATEL and
organizations in the study region. Overall, 35 expert ANP are shown in Table 4. In ANP-DEMATEL, wind
opinions were applied in this study. Opinions were speed was weighted highest and the fault was weighted
collected from 10 environmentalists, 10 urban and rural
planners, 5 alternative energy experts, 5 water resources
Table 5 The areas of classes of final land suitability map
experts, and 5 GIS experts by questionnaire and by
forums of experts. Classes ANP-DEMATEL ANP
After establishing a database, areas that were unsuit-
Area Area (%) Area Area (%)
able for site selection were identified as exclusionary
(km2) (km2)
areas based upon a literature review and knowledge of
local conditions. Table 3 shows the distance from roads, Exclusion zone 5,089 28.35 5,089 28.35
rivers, reserves (forests, lakes, ponds), protected areas, Less suitable 1,625 9.05 451 2.51
urban and rural areas, and airports. Seven layers were Suitable 4,643 25.83 4,447 24.77
developed to extract the exclusionary layer. Figure 6 Moderate suitable 3,901 21.73 4,856 27.05
shows the exclusionary map for the WPP site selection High suitable 1,496 8.33 2,099 11.69
in Ardabil province. About 28.4 % of the region was Extremely suitable 1,199 6.68 1,011 5.63
excluded and rest is considered to be areas with Total 17,953 100 17,953 100
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Fig. 9 Sensitivity analysis results for ANP and ANP-DEMATEL

lowest (no weight), having maximum and minimum Ardabil near the political boundaries of the town of
relationships, respectively, with the other parameters. Namin. Most of these areas are located in northeast
ANP established relationships regardless of strength, and southeast of Ardabil city (Fig. 8). This area has
thus criteria with weak relations were paired with others significant wind potential and is located in an area with
in the comparison process. This means that the overall relatively suitable slope. These areas are also primarily
weight is not distributed properly among the criteria, as dry land and pastures, which decreases the cost of land,
observed in Table 4. The weights and priorities of the but still excludes and preserves land suitable for farm-
criteria differ significantly between ANP and ANP- ing. In ANP, part of extremely suitable areas which are
DEMATEL. A comparison of priorities of the criteria located in northeast and southeast of Ardabil city are
from the questionnaires, used to identify the most influ- classified into high suitable class. According to local
ential criteria, and models' results in Table 4 emphasized conditions and input layers, these areas have the poten-
the better performance of the hybrid model. tial to be placed in the extremely suitable class, but due
Figure 7 is based on information from Tables 1 and 2 to improper weights distribution in ANP model, less
to prepare input layers and convert them to raster format. area are located in extremely suitable class in compare
By applying the weights in Table 4, overlaying was to ANP-DEMATEL model.
done in GIS and a land suitability map was obtained. Figure 9 shows the results of the sensitivity anal-
The final zoning maps of the ANP and hybrid models ysis for both models for the suitable zones (high and
were reclassified and are presented in Fig. 8. Table 5 extremely suitable) for each criterion (Fig. 7) and
shows the five zones derived from the hybrid and ANP the final map (Fig. 8). This figure shows the degree
models. A comparison of the models in Table 5 indicates to which each criterion coincides with the final map.
that the zones were different between models. The im- As seen, all input layers in both models coincide
proper distribution of weights in the ANP model well with the final map (+62 %) except for the
(Table 4) are oriented toward the center divisions (suit- elevation layer. Because the wind parameter (speed
able, moderately suitable, highly suitable), despite the and continuity) increases in suitability with height,
existence of high and low potential areas. The total area the suitability of the elevation layer decreased. A
of the three middle zones in the ANP model is 7.62 % comparison of the sensitivity analyses shows that
more than in the ANP-DEMATEL model. The amount the overlaps between suitable zones (high and ex-
of extremely suitable divisions in the ANP-DEMATEL tremely) of the final map and the input layers are
model (6.68 %) was greater than for ANP (5.63 %). more compatible with the ANP-DEMATEL model.
ANP-DEMATEL determined that about 1,199 km2 These results show that the ANP-DEMATEL model
of the total area of the province is very suitable for wind is more accurate and efficient than the ANP model
turbines. The most suitable areas are east of the city of for finding suitable areas for WPPs.
Environ Monit Assess

Conclusions References

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