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Harker House Notice Board

Ice House Business Guide

St Michaels Notice Board (at top next to St Michaels Rd)

Beverley House (opposite ice house precinct) – The black/white outbuilding with the door was once the home of the
village fire engine
Old Maltings building, on the street

Old Court House, opposite Queens Head. Grade II listed. Fun fact – the roof turret is a bellcote, used for sheltering

Griffin House (next to St Marys Church). Grade II listed. Estimated at least 100 years older than the 1719 date on the
plaque above the door
Flint House (opposite St Marys Church). Bears the date 1850 on the porch gable. Grade II listed. Was the old church
school in the 1900s.

Jubilee House (the estate agents). Fun fact, has the head of Queen Victoria and the date of her Jubilee in 1877 at the
top in terracotta, and an elaborate central chimney.

Mile Marker, over the road from car wash

Guild House (opposite Chip Inn, set back). Dating back to 14th Century when it was used at the Guildhall for Stratton
St Mary and Thomas and St John the Baptist. It has a 18th century medieval undercroft used as a winecellar.

Plaque against tree, opposite scout hut. Not sure if this is something important.

Noticeboard at entrance to playing field

Noticeboard near Primary School

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