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Unit 3 - Week 1: Group Discussion on Research

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Read the passage below and answer the ques ons that follow:
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the portal Engineers and Scien sts:

Pre-requisite We live in a world that is filled with a wide range of technologies that we use and we take for
Assignment granted. The speed with which new technologies appear and disappear is constantly increasing.
These days many of the gadgets we buy get outdated in a me frame of two to three years. This
Week 1: Group is a short me frame since many of the technologies in use are robust enough to physically last
Discussion on
Research several years. However, in terms of features and u lity, they get outdated much sooner than
that. This is also a short me frame rela ve to how long technologies were used two or three
Part 1 decades ago. An example is the media used to store music. While gramophone records and
casse es lasted decades, DVDs have fast disappeared. Almost any mobile phone or computer
Part 2
purchased these days become obsolete in two to three years.
Part 3

Part 4
Behind this vast moving world of technologies, is a worldwide army of scien sts and engineers.
They are constantly on the prowl for making advances to exis ng technologies. Many industries,
Quiz : companies, and educa onal ins tu ons are filled with scien sts and engineers. While there
Assignment 1
may be some similari es in the tasks they are involved in, there are also some differences.
FEEDBACK - An engineer in an industry se ng usually faces several technical trouble shoo ng challenges.
Introduction to Such challenges, with s ff melines, require substan al familiarity with informa on databases,
and characteriza on techniques, to be successfully addressed. Addressing trouble shoo ng
Week 1: challenges are o en based on the selec on and use of the best available resources and
Overview of subs tutes. The types of ques ons the engineer is faced with include ques ons of the sort:
1) Is there a lighter material readily available which can replace the exis ng material in the
Week 2: product?
Literature 2) Why is a specific batch of the product not as good as another batch?
3) Will it be possible for this product to func on with lesser parts than it currently has?
Answers to such ques ons enable the industry meet the demands of their customers at lower
Week 3 costs and with greater reliability.

DOWNLOAD A scien st in a university or laboratory se ng faces a different kind of challenge. The ques ons
VIDEOS the scien st wishes to answer are:

TEXT 1) Why is the value of any specific property of a material what it is?
3/14/2019 Introduction to Research - - Unit 3 - Week 1: Group Discussion on Research
2) What is the fundamental science behind the property?
TEXT 3) What are the limits, if any, to this property?
Answers to such ques ons enable one to design new materials and to push the capabili es of
exis ng materials.

Based on the professional se ng a materials specialist ends up in, he/she will likely get pulled
into one of the above types of ac vi es. However having both - a good feel for the fundamental
sciences, as well as an understanding of the engineering approach to relate to the real world,
can greatly enhance the value of a materials scien st/engineer to his or her organiza on.

At the same me, it usually takes considerable experience to fully understand, appreciate, and
make use of the linkages between fundamental science and the world of engineering.
Experience and systema c studies provide us with the insight to make the connec ons between
the real world inven ons and the science behind them. Such insight helps us truly appreciate
the contribu ons of the scien st as well as the engineer in shaping our interac ons with the
world around us. Such insight, also enables us to take our technical pursuits to greater heights
and wider reaches, and hence is desirable.

1) Technologies in use today have life span of decades 1 point

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
2) Engineers aim to reduce the number of parts in a product 1 point

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
3) Industry aims to sa sfy its customers with respect to cost and reliability 1 point

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
4) Reproducibility of parts is an important target in industries 1 point

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
5) Scien sts try to determine the root cause of a property of a material 1 point 2/4
3/14/2019 Introduction to Research - - Unit 3 - Week 1: Group Discussion on Research

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
6) Engineers cannot do scien fic work 1 point

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
7) Scien sts cannot do engineering 1 point

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
8) It is useful to have both a good feel for the fundamental sciences, as well as an 1 point
understanding of the engineering approach

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
9) Typically, anyone can quickly and easily understand the rela onship between science 1 point
and engineering

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
10)Understanding the rela onship between fundamental science and applied engineering 1 point
is typically useless in most fields

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
False 3/4
3/14/2019 Introduction to Research - - Unit 3 - Week 1: Group Discussion on Research

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