Understanding by Design: Lesson Plan

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Understanding by Design: Lesson Plan

Plan for Instruction

TEACHER: Ms. Christine Matera DATE(s):

CLASS: Biology (Sheltered) UNIT/KEY STANDARDS:

• HS-LS3 Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits
TITLE (if applicable): DNA Replication

Brief Overview (Summary) of the Unit:

• Students will learn that DNA structure is the same in all organisms.
• Students will understand DNA replication copies the genetic information of a cell.
• Students will describe the role of enzymes in DNA replication.

Information from UbD Stage 1: Desired Results

Competency (Key knowledge, • Identify that DNA is composed of four types of nucleotides, and these
skill and/or misconceptions nucleotides always pair in the same way.
will be addressed): • Model how replication copies the genetic information, including that
proteins carry out the process of replication.
• Determine how the structure of DNA and the mechanisms of
replication decrease the frequency of mutations.
Enduring Understanding(s): • Students will learn DNA is the basis of life because of three qualities:
it holds information, it copies itself, and it changes.
• DNA sequences are the blueprints of life. Cells must maintain this
information, yet also access it to manufacture proteins.
Essential Question(s) – could • How does the structure of DNA enable efficient replication?
be used as an Academic • What are the causes and types of mutations?
Prompt): • How do mutations contribute to genetic variations?

Differentiated Instruction needed to ensure all learners have access to this learning
(including Special Education and Gifted)
Partner discussions/work will be heterogeneously mixed and support will be provided for ELLs
when deemed necessary. i.e. Students may be paired with native speakers.

Plans for after this learning/competency is complete: What will the students do if they finish
If students finish early, they will begin reflecting upon how their group functioned as a whole,
and what role they played into the production of their video.

Information from UbD Stage 3 - Learning Plan, Experiences, Instruction and Learning
Consider the “WHERETO” elements
The Teacher will… The Student will…
W We are going to explore DNA replication, including the enzymes responsible for
Where are we going? making a semiconservative copy of the genetic material. Students will learn the
What is expected? structure of a DNA molecule and how it is unwound and duplicated during the
Synthesis phase of the Cell Cycle. Following a breakdown of the process of
replication and a short mapping to review what they know about DNA, student
will be asked to reflect in their own notebooks how these items could be shown
within a video representation using materials within the classroom. Students will
then be grouped into three’s and will be tasked with recording a video
representation of DNA replication using K’Nex pieces and any other materials
available within the classroom. Prior to beginning their group work, each group
will be asked to elect a leader. Once a leader has been selected, students will be
instructed that the leader is not allowed to speak for the first 15 minutes of the
project. Ultimately, students will collaboratively produce a video accurately
depicting each step of DNA replication with ample representation of DNA
molecular structure, pertinent enzymes, and proper descriptions of the process.
Students will submit their video via email and will hand in a short written
reflection of how their group functioned and what role they were able to play in
the production of the video.

H Ask students what material is Ponder how traits and characteristics are
How will we hook used to pass traits down from a passed down from parents to offspring and
(Introduce this to) the parent to offspring in order to what role DNA plays into this.
students? establish DNA as the genetic

E Introduce the structure of DNA Follow along and complete notes regarding
How will we equip and the process of replication. DNA and DNA replication.
students for expected Show a video animation of DNA Map to review what they know about DNA.
performances? replication. Reflect in their own notebooks how these
items could be represented within a video
representation using materials within the

R Circulate the room and ask Check in with the instructor periodically
How will we rethink or groups about their progress. regarding their work. Students will produce
revise? their videos in groups and be allowed to check
in with the instructor as they see fit.

E Students will complete an evaluation of how

How will students self- their group functioned and what role they
evaluate and reflect were able to play in the production of the
their learning? video.

T Partner discussions/work will be

How will we tailor heterogeneously mixed and
learning to varied support will be provided for
needs, interests, and ELLs when deemed necessary.
learning styles? i.e. Students may be paired
with native speakers.

O 1. Students will be ponder how traits and characteristics are passed down from
How will we organize parents to offspring and what role DNA plays into this.
the sequence of 2. Students will be introduced to the structure of DNA and the process of
learning during the replication. They will be shown a video animation of DNA replication.
lesson? 3. Students will complete a short mapping review of what they know about DNA
and reflect in their own notebooks how these items could be shown within a
video representation using materials within the classroom
4. Students will then be grouped into three’s and will be tasked with recording a
video representation of DNA replication using K’Nex pieces and any other
materials available within the classroom.
5. Prior to beginning their group work, each group will be asked to elect a leader.
Once a leader has been selected, students will be instructed that the leader is
not allowed to speak for the first 15 minutes of the project.
6. Students will collaboratively produce a video accurately depicting each step of
DNA replication with ample representation of DNA molecular structure,
pertinent enzymes, and proper descriptions of the process.
7. Students will submit their video via email and will hand in a short written
reflection of how their group functioned and what role they were able to play
in the production of the video.

Information from Stage 2: Evidence

Sufficient and Revealing Evidence of Understanding: Briefly explain if and how it will be used.
Informal Check (formative • I will check in with groups as they are working: Are they speaking/
evidence such as listening to one another equally
• Students will hand in a short written reflection of how their group
conferencing, group Q/A, functioned and what role they were able to play in the production of
Observation, Dialogue (Kid the video.
Talk and or Kid-Teacher
happening during the
Performance Task/Project: • Students will collaboratively produce a video accurately depicting
(attach rubric) each step of DNA replication with ample representation of DNA
molecular structure, pertinent enzymes, and proper descriptions of
the process.

Resources Used/Materials Needed: Websites, books, video, etc.

Type of Resource(s): Name of Resource(s):
Materials for procedures, observations, and Notebook, Pencils/Markers, K’Nex, Any Items in
calculations. the Classroom
Technology Phones

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