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ord unescorchet Ore oc 2 0S He ISS May 2019 przez Pesrap A070 co Pastor's Musings | would lke to takea second to talk about my upcoming sabbatical. The word sabbatical sounds a lot like vacation doesn’t it? Ihave written, and deleted, about 10 separate paragraphs ‘trying to explain how a sabbatical is different from a vacation, Each time | write a paragraph no ‘matter how | try to explainthe two they both sound lke being longer than the other. So, suppose I'l have to accept that some people will consider this sabbatical an ‘extended vacation..and that may notbe fa of Why take a sabbatical? Because I can of course. On a serious note my “contract” with the church says | am offered a 3-month sabbatical every 5 years of ministry. In December we'll bbe entering our 15th year together in ministry and this will be my ist sabbatical. Tracy and the ‘boys would miss me too much for me to be gone for 3 months, and d probably miss them too! ‘This summer I'm going to take a4 to S-week sabbatical from July 27 through August 25 will ‘return on September 1. My plan now i to take each family member on a long weekend ‘somewhere and simply spend time recharging and reconnecting with me, my family and most importantly with God. Other times Ill probably be around Minden working on a couple house projects, reading a few books, and simply allowing the Spirit to refresh and recharge my soul ‘As for the nuts and bolts Bonnie Dallen will over Sunday worship for most Sundays. ‘We will ave a leadership team that will take care of pastoral care issues if they should arse. | already have a wedding to officiate in August and limagine if there was a funeral, 'd be around to take care of that too. ‘The reason for asanbatical? The fancy answer i this: to proactively protect and care for ‘my spiritual and emotional well-being in hopes of increasing my longevity in ministry at our church. According to statistics from Barna Research, Focus en the Family, and Fuller Seminary, almost 1500 pastors leave their ministry postions each month due to spiritual burnout, moral failures, or issues within the church. 80% of pastors feel discouraged in their roles. 50% of pastors say they would leave the ministry if they could but have no other way of making 2 living, 80% of seminary and Bible school graduates leave the ministry within the first 5 years. ‘70% of pastors constantly ight depression, Only 1 out of 10 pastors rete asa pastor Please hear my heart. 'm not sharing those statistics with you to whine or complain, ‘about how tough it isto be a pastor. can't imagine doing anything else with my life, and your ‘encouragement and suppert make it ajoy and blessing to serve as your pastor. However, it’s stillimportant to me to proactively care for my personal, spiritual, and emotional heath so that | an lead and shepherd ina way that honors God and helps our church family Ifyou have questions or concerns about this upcoming sabbatical pleas, please, please talk to me ora board member. My hope isto help our ministry continue to flourish and last another 15 years. A Proverbs $1 Woman In memory of Ehise Bile Haight ‘Bom Alugust25, 1926 lly, Jon Eneredn Rost March 5, 2019 Count Bl own Coleration of fe Sree Minden Une church of Christ “Minden Fowa Officiating Re, Brian Wohlaer Me Hay Chris Tomlin Well one by The Aes ‘tha Gandon by Lora Lym ‘When 9 Get To Where 9 Going by Brad Pasay E's daughters the fees ‘iste you oon ha fore and cafe i: th chur ball ‘Memoriasggestions Minden Cte Church of Christ Senne Edrmnon Pepa

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