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Amara Bowman Career Essay Period 1

The career that I had the most interest is to be an attorney. According to

Naviance for my personality types I chose artistic, enterprising, and social. Also,
for my career clusters my top ranked clusters were as follows: Hospitality and
Tourism, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security, and Marketing. I feel this
career suits me, because I think I would be good at solving problems safety for
others also I have a lot of aggression, so that’s why I think I should be an attorney.
It is a career that I would do for my foreseeable future.

Next, for the job details attorneys advise and represent clients in courts.
They go before government agencies, with private and legal matters. According
to Occupational Outlook Handbook, my pay each hour would be $57.33, and then
I would make $119,250 per year. This pay would be enough to support my
lifestyle, because I would have enough to pay for every need to live. The
expected growth would be 8% (As fast as average). To become an attorney, it
usually takes 7 year of full-time study after high school—4 years of undergraduate
study followed by 3 years of law school. Then you would need a doctoral or
professional degree.

A typical day for an attorney would to file papers for court, and talk with
people over the phone about hearings in court. Also, to make certain
appointments for attorneys to visit places like homes, hospitals, or prisons.
Others travel to appear before courts. The work environment for attorneys
would to work mostly in offices. Most, but not all lawyers work alone.

My plan to get to be an attorney is to at least have a good amount of full-

time study after high school. The classes I would take would be sociology,
political science, psychology and history. Also, science and math classes improve
analytical thinking. Yes, because if I could work in that type of program, then that
could expand my knowledge about certain things that go around and come
around. Yes, I would want to be an actress to shadow my past career, because
that is another one of my favorite things to do. I also like to impersonate people
and things I really think that it is humorous. Yes, I need to go to college, because
Amara Bowman Career Essay Period 1

for one it is a way from home and exploring new things and meeting new people.
I would need a scholarship to do different things with my career, and for certain
cases in the legal field. No, I don’t want to go to a trade school, because it is just
like another prison or a hostage, plus that would be overrated for me personally.

This would be a career I would want to pursue, because I really think that I
will be able to do this attorney job, I would really love for this to be my future
career to achieve. My perspective on this career would be very vivid in my mind
and something to study over the years and also to be really good at. I hope this
career takes me far as well as other things.

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