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Interview Guidelines for 5G Testing Equipment Market Assessment

We are currently conducting a study with regards to the 5G telecommunication landscape. The
idea is to better understand how telecommunication operators choose 5G testing brands and
testing equipment suppliers/distributors and the decision-making process that goes into it.
More specifically, we would like to understand what type of information is important in your
choice of 5G testing equipment brands and suppliers.

*For the purpose of this discussion, by testing equipment brands we mean manufacturers like
Rohde Schwarz, Keysight, Ixia, Anritsu, Anite, Spirent
And by testing equipment suppliers/distributors, we mean local companies distributing
products for Rohde Schwarz, Keysight, Ixia, Anritsu, Anite, Spirent etc.


1. What is your company’s local 5G deployment strategy in the next 5 years? Please explain
some of the milestones the company is expected to hit in the next years (e.g. 2019: test
use cases, 2020: deploy commercially in four cities, 2021: expand to rural areas)

2. Are there specific use cases the company is planning in testing in the next years? Please
list and explain at least three of them

3. Could you list some of the testing equipment your company is planning on using for 5G
deployment in the next years? Please remember that we are considering testing
equipment similar to the ones from Rohde Schwarz, Ixia, Anritsu, Keysight or Spirent
(see the end of the document for a list of examples in red). If you don’t know the
answer, what type and brands of testing equipment has your company been using for 4G
deployment? This includes equipment for base station testing as well.

4. Which brands of testing equipment do you use, directly or indirectly? Do you purchase
this equipment directly from testing equipment manufacturers or do you purchase from
a testing equipment distributor or are they supplied to you by your 4G/5G vendor? And
who are the local distributors or vendors you are working with?

5. What recommendations (top 3) do you have for testing equipment manufacturers who
would like to work with you?
6. Operational cost , On-Site support, Quality Assurance

7. Who would you consider as the top 3 local distributors for testing equipment in your
market? (Even if your company does not work with them). Before you answer, please
refer to the definition of the testing equipment distributor above.

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