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Revision History

The table below describes the revision history of this document.

Rev. Date Brief Description
B 1/27/97 ADR-1933
C 3/10/97 ADR-1994
D 10/15/99 ADR-002370
E 10/5/00 ADR-002452
F 8/17/01 ADR-002523
G 10/24/07 ADR-003059
H May 28, 2010 CPRR-GPD-059
J Nov 12, 2010 ADR-003433

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 1 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
Table of Contents
1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Referenced Documents ......................................................................................................................... 3
4 Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 3
5 Safety ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.1 Hazard.............................................................................................................................................. 3
5.2 Failures............................................................................................................................................. 3
5.3 Risk Mitigation .................................................................................................................................. 4
6 Process Flow.......................................................................................................................................... 4
7 Procedure............................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1 Operations prior to assembly ........................................................................................................... 5
7.1.1 Inspect ..................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1.2 Assemble plug to stem and pin per drawing number 010170001. .......................................... 5
7.1.3 Press bushing into bonnet. ...................................................................................................... 5
7.2 Valve Body Assembly....................................................................................................................... 5
7.2.1 Body Stud Assembly................................................................................................................ 5
7.2.2 Seat Ring Installation, Quick Change Trim ............................................................................. 6
7.2.3 Seat Ring Installation, Threaded Trim ..................................................................................... 6
7.2.4 Trim / Bonnet / Body Assembly ............................................................................................... 6
7.2.5 Body / Bonnet / Bolting ............................................................................................................ 6
7.2.6 Bellows Seal Version Plug Assembly ...................................................................................... 8
7.2.7 Bellows Seal Version Trim / Bonnet / Body Assembly............................................................. 9
7.3 Packing Box ................................................................................................................................... 10
7.4 Body Module................................................................................................................................... 12
7.4.1 Operations prior to assembly................................................................................................. 12
7.4.2 Assembly ............................................................................................................................... 12
7.4.3 Required Inspection and Testing........................................................................................... 12
7.5 Actuator to Valve Assembly ........................................................................................................... 12
7.6 Paint ............................................................................................................................................... 12
7.7 Final Inspection .............................................................................................................................. 13
7.7.1 Hydrostatic Test..................................................................................................................... 13
7.7.2 Seat Leakage Test ................................................................................................................ 13
7.7.3 For valves which will require Cryogenic Testing.................................................................... 13
7.7.4 Final Inspection and Performance......................................................................................... 13
7.7.5 Dead-Band ............................................................................................................................ 13
7.8 Module Completion ........................................................................................................................ 13
7.8.1 Serialization ........................................................................................................................... 13
7.8.2 Marking.................................................................................................................................. 13
7.8.3 Boxing.................................................................................................................................... 13

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 2 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
1 Purpose
Provide the information required by an experienced valve technician to properly assemble a 21,000 series
body subassembly or module
2 Scope
Assembly and test of 21,000 series body subassemblies as listed in Figure 1.
For 21,000 Series Product Scope and Construction Rules see CES-317 & CES-239 respectively.
3 Referenced Documents
CES-1001 Hydrostatic Testing
CES-1002 Seat Leakage Testing
CES-1007 Packing Leakage Testing
CES-1008 Performance Testing and Final Product Inspection
CES-1036 Paint
CES-164 Assembly and Test Procedure for 87/88 Actuator
010170001 Plug Stem Pinning Instructions
CAP-107 Rules for Establishing a Standard Global Serial Number Format
Valve Assembly Drawing
Drawing 010170001
4 Definitions
Body Subassembly – A fully tested assembly consisting of all the parts required by this procedure fully
tested as required by this procedure.
Body Module – A hydrostatically tested body, bonnet bolting assembly which may also contain other parts
including soft goods, packing box parts and other items listed in the parts list.
Trim Module – Plug, Plug Stem, Seat Ring and other parts called by the parts list with the plug stem
assembled to the plug per drawing number 010170001 and the parts packaged for shipment.
5 Safety
Any organization performing testing under this procedure shall have written safety instructions detailing
how to perform the work safely. The information presented in this procedure is an aid to creating a safe
work environment.
5.1 Hazard
There are no major or unusual hazards associated with valve assembly and performance testing, however
there are possibilities of pinch or crush points and leakage during hydrotest.
5.2 Failures
The credible risks associated with the use of compressed air include; loose airlines, pinching (blunt
trauma) and eye injuries.

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 3 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
5.3 Risk Mitigation
Test Conditions
Provide written instructions.

Personal Protective Equipment

Eye protection is mandatory during test when valves and / or actuators are pressurized. Conform to local
regulation when they are more stringent i.e. eye protection is mandatory all the time.

All test equipment should be examined regularly under a preventive maintenance program and any worn
or unsafe equipment must be replaced. When needed use appropriate electrical connection, correctly
Open end and adjustable open end wrenches are not to be used for valve assembly or torquing.
6 Process Flow


Assemble Plug &


Press Bushing into


Assemble Studs to


Hydrostatic Test
Assemble Trim Disassemble
per CES-1002 Assemble trim or
and Gaskets to remove fixtures &
Seat Leakage Test fixtures to Body
Body reassemble
per CES-1002

Assemble Bonnet Assemble Bonnet

Paint if required Paint if required
To Body & Torque To Body & Torque
per CES-1036 per CES-1036
Joint Joint

Assemble Packing
Assemble Packing
Mount Accessories Box (fixture can be Serialize & Tag

Performance Hydrostatic Test

Assemble Actuator
Testing & Final per CES-1002 Package for
to Valve per CES-
Product Inspection Visual Inspection shipment
per CES-1008 per CES-1008

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 4 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
7 Procedure
7.1 Operations prior to assembly

7.1.1 Inspect
Check parts/materials for conformity to bill of material call-out.
Check pressure containing parts for clear and legible heat numbers.
Inspect inside of body, bonnet, cage and plug for cleanliness. Remove any foreign matter and clean the
gasketed surfaces.
Inspect body, bonnet, seat ring, seal rings, seat ring retainer, plug, plug stems, and bushings for nicks,
scratches, burrs, sharp corners, etc., on sealing and sliding surfaces. These parts must be protected prior
to assembly. During assembly care must be exercised to prevent damage to these parts.
7.1.2 Assemble plug to stem and pin per drawing number 010170001.
a. Check that stem, plug and pin meet appropriate drawing dimensional requirements.
b. Screw the stem into plug solidly and fully engaged.
c. Drill and ream plug/stem assembly per drawing
d. Using the appropriate pin; press fit into hole.
e. After pinning check plug/stem run-out is ≤ 0.13mm[.005 in]
7.1.3 Press bushing into bonnet.
7.2 Valve Body Assembly
See specified valve assembly drawing
NOTE: For Cryogenic construction, the use of grease/sealants must be kept to a minimum. Only thin films
of these materials are allowed, excess shall be removed.
7.2.1 Body Stud Assembly
With the application of a small amount of Never-Seez or equivalent, install the body studs with a stud
driver. For reference data see Figure 1.




+0.1[2.5] / -
+/- 0.06[1.5] 0.12[3.0]
3/4 150/300 4 1/2 2.13[54.0] 1.50[38.0] BODY
and 1 600 4 1/2 2.13[54.0] 1.50[38.0]
900/1500 4 1 4.75[120.7] 3.65[92.7]
2500 4 1 4.75[120.7] 3.65[92.7]
1-1/2 150/300 8 1/2 2.13[54.0] 1.50[38.0]
and 2 600 8 1/2 2.13[54.0] 1.50[38.0]
900/1500 8 7/8 4.37[111.0] 3.37[85.6]
1-1/2 2500 8 7/8 4.37[111.0] 3.37[85.6]
2 2500 8 1-1/8 5.50[139.7] 4.25[108.0]
3 150/300 6 5/8 2.64[67.0] 1.89[48.0]
600 8 3/4 3.15[80.0] 2.28[58.0]
900/1500 8 1-1/8 5.06[128.5] 3.81[96.5]
4 150/300 8 5/8 2.75[69.8] 2.0[50.8]
600 8 1 4[101.6] 2.90[73.6]
900/1500 8 1-1/2 6.38[162.0] 4.77[121.0]
6 150/300 12 5/8 3.00[76.0] 2.25[57.0]
600 12 1 4.33[110.0] 3.23[82]
Stud Projection 8 150 - 600 12 1-1/4 5.39[137.0] 4.02[102.0]

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J
Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 5 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
7.2.2 Seat Ring Installation, Quick Change Trim
Place seat ring gasket in position in the body.
Place seat ring on seat ring gasket.
Install seat ring retainer on to seat ring making sure the flow ports are at the bottom.
7.2.3 Seat Ring Installation, Threaded Trim
Lubricate seat ring threads with Never-Seez (or equivalent). Install seat ring into the body finger tight.
Tighten seat ring in body to assure metal to metal seat ring / body contact force to prevent leakage.
Use the torques shown in figure 2 as a guide:

Seat Ring Torque

(INCHES) meter-decaNewton

20-25 (3/4 & 1") 1.25/1.75 60/75 8/10

40 (1-1/2") 2.125 200 27
50 (2") 2.125 200 27
80 (3") 3.250 720 98
100 (4") 4.250 1080 146
150 (6") 5.750 2750 373
200 (8") 8.000 4800 651
Figure 2

7.2.4 Trim / Bonnet / Body Assembly

Place body gasket in position on body. Note see section 7.2.6 for the bellows seal version.
With the plug stem assembly held up in the bonnet, lower the bonnet down onto the body. The bonnet
or extension bonnet should fit closely to the top of the seat ring retainer for the quick change version.
Prior to tightening the body/bonnet (or bonnet extension) bolting, assure that bonnet (or extension)/
trim assembly is centered in the body for best plug to seat ring alignment.
NOTE: Correctly assembled valves with in specification components should pass leakage testing with no
lapping of the plug to seat-ring. In the rare instance that a valve does not shut off, light lapping of the plug
to seat is allowed as a repair.
7.2.5 Body / Bonnet / Bolting
Lubricate stud threads and bearing surfaces of the body stud nuts with Molykote G, Graphikote No.
143, or equivalent.
Tighten bonnet stud nuts in torque steps (see note below) and sequence (shown in Figure 2), to the
limits that are shown in the table below. Torque bonnet down until metal to metal contact exists
between the bonnet and body. After metal to metal contact between the bonnet and body is achieved,
torque nuts the additional preload torque value given in the table. DO NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM
Example: If a ½-13 stud requires 50 ft-lbs to achieve metal to metal, an additional 5 ft-lbs pre-load
should be added. However if it requires 62 ft-lbs to achieve metal to metal the stated pre-load torque
can not be used because the total torque of 67 ft-lbs will compromise the maximum allowed of 66 ft-

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 6 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
If metal to metal contact is not achieved at maximum torque this is cause for rejection. After each
torquing interval the stem shall be stroked to ensure proper alignment of trim parts. The bonnet must
contact the body around the entire 360 degrees of contact area. Also insure that the minimum torque
value listed below is obtained.



1/2 – 13 25 66 5 3.4 8.9 .7
5/8 – 11 45 132 10 6.1 17.9 2.7
3/4 – 10 80 230 20 10.8 31.2 2.7
7/8 – 9 100 300 30 13.6 40.7 4.1
1 - 8 125 560 45 17 75.9 6.1
1-1/8 – 7 160 640 60 21.7 86.8 8.1
1-1/8 – 8 225 830 75 30.5 112.5 10.2
1-1/4 – 8 235 1200 100 31.9 162.7 13.6
1-1/2 – 8 400 2100 115 54.2 284.8 15.6
Figure 3

Tighten the bonnet stud nuts using small increments of torque. First tighten nuts to 10 ft-lbs in
sequence shown in Figure 4. Tighten nuts once again to 20 ft-lbs using same sequence stated above.
Repeat tightening of nuts using torque values of 40, 75, 140, 225, 400, and 650 ft-lbs until the required
torque is reached. If more than 650 ft-lbs of torque is required use increments of 250 ft-lbs until
required torque is reached.
Verify proper stud and nut installation by visual inspection. Fewer than one stud thread or more than
2-1/2 threads exposed above the nut after final torquing is cause for rejection.
NOTE: With the correct studs and body machining this inspection assures that proper engagement
between stud and body has been achieved.

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 7 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.


7.2.6 Bellows Seal Version Plug Assembly

Assemble the plug to the plug stem.


21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 8 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
Lock two nuts against each other on the end of the plug stem and use a flat spanner on the upper nut
to prevent rotation of the stem-bellows S/A. Screw the plug onto the lower part of the stem while
inserting the plug shank into the guide bushing (12) in the bonnet extension (29).
Pull and hold the plug (1) out of the bonnet extension (2) to allow access to the plug pin (4).
Assemble the plug and stem per drawing 010170001.
7.2.7 Bellows Seal Version Trim / Bonnet / Body Assembly

For the bellows seal version, the plug/stem bellows S/A should be fitted into the bonnet extension
which is lowered down onto the body. Note that a gasket is required between the bellows upper
flange and bonnet extension. The bonnet or extension bonnet should fit closely to the top of the seat
ring retainer for the quick change version. Prior to tightening the body/bonnet (or bonnet extension)
bolting, assure that bonnet (or extension)/ trim assembly is centered in the body for best plug to seat
ring alignment.
After the bonnet extension to body bolting is complete (or just prior to the final tightening operation),
lower the bonnet onto the bonnet extension making sure all gaskets are installed. The bonnet
should fit closely to the bellows upper flange piece.
Lubricate threads and bearing areas of flange studs and nuts with Molykote G, Graphikote No. 143 or
equivalent, and install into the upper bellows extension to bonnet joint.
Tighten stud nuts in torque intervals and sequence (Figure 2) as shown in the table below. Torque
stud nuts until metal to metal contact is achieved between the upper and lower flange surfaces and
the bellows flange. Then torque an additional preload torque value given in the table. Do not
exceed maximum torque levels listed below. If metal to metal contact is not achieved at maximum
torque, this is cause for rejection. After each torquing interval, the stem shall be stroked to ensure
proper assembly alignment. Also insure that the maximum torque values are obtained.
Bonnet/Bellows Bonnet Extension
Stud Size Min. Torque Max. Torque Preload
Torque Intervals Torque
Inches mdaN mdaN mdaN
1/2 - 13 2.7 4.1 .7 .7
5/8 – 11 3.4 7.5 1.4 .7

Stud Size Min. Torque Max. Torque Preload

Torque Intervals Torque
Inches Ft-Lbs Ft-Lbs Ft-Lbs
1/2 - 13 20 30 5 5
5/8 – 11 25 55 10 5

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 9 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
7.3 Packing Box
Standard Packing
Visually inspect stem & packing box for cleanliness and proper surface finish. Lubricate the I.D. of the
packing box with Never-Seez or equivalent. Consult Figure 6 for the proper number of packing rings and
their arrangement. Assemble the packing box parts (packing rings, packing follower/flange, and nuts).
The skive cuts should be staggered between consecutive pieces of packing (approx. 120 degrees). The
packing nuts should only be finger tight at this time.



Low Emissions (LE) Packing

Inspect stem finish in the packing area. The stem finish requirement is 3-7 AARH. Ensure there are no
nicks or scratches on the stem in the packing area. Violation of any of these requirements is cause for
stem rejection.
Note: A properly Electro Chemical etched part number on the stem in the packing area will have no
adverse effect on the performance of the packing.
Inspect the packing box for cleanliness. Remove any foreign matter, parts can be cleaned with a suitable
Inspect packing box I.D. surface finish. A finish greater than 125 AARH is cause for rejection.
Inspect KALREZ/VESPEL CR-6100 packing set; do not use packing if any nicks or scratches are
Check packing to assure that the proper arrangement is provided, see Figure 7. KALREZ material can be
identified by the gloss black molded finish. VESPEL CR-6100 material has a dull black machined finish.
21000 Series Assembly & Revision J
Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 10 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.








VESPEL CR 6100 Female Adapter Qty - 1 Upper Follower Qty - 1

KALREZ V-Ring Qty - 2 Disc Spring Qty - 8
VESPEL CR 6100_ V-Ring Qty - 1 Lower Follower Qty - 1
VESPAL CR 6100 Male Adapter Qty - 1

Lubricate the packing with fluorinated grease. KRYTOX GPL206 or equivalent. Lubricate the packing
as a set (NOT INDIVIDUAL PIECES), this minimizes the possibility of getting lubricant into the V’s
(pressure spaces) of the packing. Ensure all exposed surfaces of the packing set are covered with
Install KALREZ/VESPAL CR-6100 packing set in the valve by sliding the packing set (NOT
INDIVIDUAL PIECES) down the stem. If the packing separates while on the stem DO NOT
REMOVE. To put the set back together, continue installing the remaining pieces. Gently press the
packing into the packing box, do not tamp (by impact) the packing down.
Install 8 disc springs in the lower follower in alternating directions. The O.D. of the bottom most spring
must contact the lower follower as shown in Figure 7. Install the upper follower into the lower
follower as shown.
Install the spring loaded follower assembly down over the stem on top of the packing set. Install the
packing flange on to the packing follower. Install the packing nuts onto the packing studs with a

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 11 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
thread locking compound (LOCTITE 262 or equivalent). Tighten down on the packing flange evenly
until the alignment groove inscribed on the O.D. of the upper follower is even with top of the lower
follower, see Figure 7.
NOTE: This is the optimum loading for this packing, further tightening will result in shorter life

Teflon V-Ring Packing

Inspect stem finish in packing area. The stem finish requirement is 3-7 AARH. Ensure there are no
nicks or scratches on the stem in the packing area. Violation of any of these requirements is cause
for stem rejection.

NOTE: A properly Electro Chemical etched part number on the stem in the packing area will have
no adverse effect on the performance of the packing.

Inspect the packing box for cleanliness. Remove any foreign matter, parts can be cleaned with a
suitable solvent.
Inspect packing box I.D. surface finish. A finish greater than 125 AARH is cause for rejection.
Inspect PTFE-V-RING packing set; do not use packing if nicks or scratches are observed.
Lubricate the packing with fluorinated grease. KRYTOX GPL 206 or equivalent. Lubricate the packing
as a set (NOT INDIVIDUAL PIECES), this minimizes the possibility of getting lubricant into the V’s
(pressure spaces) of the packing. Ensure all exposed surfaces of the packing set are covered with
Install TEFLON V-RING packing set in the valve by sliding the packing set (NOT INDIVIDUAL
PIECES) down the stem. If the packing separates while on the stem DO NOT REMOVE. To put the
set back together, continue installing the remaining pieces. Gently press the packing into the
packing box, do not tamp (by impact) the packing down.
7.4 Body Module

7.4.1 Operations prior to assembly

Inspect per section 7.1.1
Press Bonnet Bushing per 7.1.3
7.4.2 Assembly
Stud per section 7.2.1
Assemble per section 7.2.2 or assemble a fixture that duplicates the quick change loading
Assemble standard packing per section 7.3 or assemble a fixture to seal the packing box.
7.4.3 Required Inspection and Testing
Hydrostatic Test per CES-1002
Visual inspection per CES-1008
7.5 Actuator to Valve Assembly
See CES 164
7.6 Paint
Paint the valve assembly per CES-1036.

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 12 of 13

Copyright 2010 as an unpublished trade secret; this document and all information therein is the property of Dresser, Inc. It is confidential and
must not be made public or copied and is subject to return on demand. This document and/or technology exported from the United States, or
the originating country of this export, must be in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and/or originating jurisdiction
Export Regulations. Diversion (export, re-export, transfer, sale, review, use, disclosure, or distribution) contrary to such law(s) is prohibited.
This prohibition includes no diversion to current U.S. sanctioned countries; plus any additional sanctioned country of the originating country
of this transaction if not the United States.
7.7 Final Inspection

7.7.1 Hydrostatic Test

Perform valve hydrostatic shell test per CES 1001 unless otherwise specified.
The same hydrostatic shell test shall be performed on the 21000 Series bellows seal valve except:
The packing should be loose or removed and any leakage up through the packing box area is cause for
rejection (bellows leakage). The bellows bonnet extension and bolted joints shall be exposed to the full
loads as a result of internal valve hydrostatic pressures during the test.
7.7.2 Seat Leakage Test
Perform valve seat leakage test per CES-1002 unless otherwise specified.
Add flow direction symbols. For standard and Lo-dB flow direction is under seat (flow to open). For anti-
cavitation flow direction is over seat (flow to close). Consult Work Order Specification.
7.7.3 For valves which will require Cryogenic Testing
The valve shall be completely disassembled, thoroughly cleaned and dried, and reassembled with new
packing and gaskets.
Upon re-assembly, the valve shall be subjected to a pneumatic pressure test to insure integrity of the
packing, and bonnet joint. This test shall be performed at 100 psi. unless suitable test facilities are
7.7.4 Final Inspection and Performance
Perform final inspection and operational test per CES-1008.
7.7.5 Dead-Band
Test to be run at approximately mid-stroke with the packing box nuts finger tight only. The valve must
reverse with a dead-band of less than:
0.036 psig with pneumatic positioner
0.6 psig without a positioner or with positioner on by-pass
0.5% of electronic signal span
7.8 Module Completion

7.8.1 Serialization
Body modules shall be assigned a serial number per CAP-107. Documentation
A documentation package must accompany each body module consisting of: CMTR’S for all pressure
containing components, Hydrostatic test certification & Certificate of Conformance to the item number.
A documentation package must accompany each trim module consisting of CMTR’s for the Plug,
Stem, and Seat-ring
7.8.2 Marking
Each body module shall be tagged with a bar coded label containing the part number and serial number of
the module. Attach the tag to the body using metallic wire.

7.8.3 Boxing
To be determined

21000 Series Assembly & Revision J

Title No. CES-
Test Specifications Date Nov 12, 2010

Author J. Bogumil Check Approve J. Stares Page 13 of 13

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