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*This is a rough draft, the roman transliteration & devanagari script is not 100% accurate*

*This document is for reference purposes only. The chandogya upanisad & the brihadaranyaka upanisad are rich sources of potent wisdom*
a study by: rudra vidya

ChhaandogyaUpanishad - [2.22.1] - The 7

Voices of Recitation

वनद सा
नो ।्ं ए पस ्अयमयनेीथो न । !जापतेन सोम$य % ्।द ु $ल(सऽ्ं म ् वायो ।
$लक्ं ऽम ् बलवद,-$य .ौ,चम ् 1अ$पते
् रप3या,तम ् वन ्ऽ$य ता,सवानेवोपसेवेत वाम ्ऽम ् वेव वजयेत ्॥
vinardi sāmno vr |e pasavyamityagnerudgītho niruktah| prajāpaterniruktah somasya mr|du
slaks 'm vāyoh| slak 'm balavadindrasya krauncam braspaterapadhyāntam varun'sya
tānsarvānevopaseveta vārum'm tveva varjayet || 1 ||
Presiding Deity - Voice

• Agni - Vinardi

• Prajaapati - anirukta

• soma - nirukta

• vaayu - s'

• indra - s'

• br.haspati - kraun~cam

• apadhvaanta - varun.a
"Pray for the Vinardi voice. Practice on all of them; except that of Varun.a, one should avoid."

vinardi = agni = Deep like that of a bull = For [singing] the Saama Veda
anirukta = prajaapati = not very distinct = the udgiitha
nirukta = soma = clear
s'loks.n.a = vaayu = soft and soothing
s'loks.n.a = indra = soothing yet powerlful
kraun~ca = br.haspati = like the kraun~cha bird
apadhvaanta = varun.a = like a broken metal pot

I have not yet mastered the Transliteration scheme so there will be errors in the devanagari script. The accented
syllables are represented as accurately as possible In the transliteration directly below but not with the internationally
accepted method of transliteration. I used aa to represent the long A ; the perdiod ( . ) follows the syllable/letter that
possesses a dot accent mark beneath it ; the apostrophe ( ' ) follows the sibilant s just as it would appear above the
syllable ; once the apostrophe is used prior to the letter n ( 'n) as it appears in the text ; the tilda ~ follows the letter n
when it appears above the syllable in the text ; and finally a colon ( : ) follow the M to represent the anusvara or the H to
represent the visarga.

vinardi saamno vr.n.e pas'avyamityagnerudgiitho 'niruktah. prajaapaterniruktah: somasya mr.du

s' vaayoh. s' balavadindrasya kraun~cam: br.haspaterapadhyaantam:
varun.asya taansarvaanevopaseveta tveva varjayet || 1 ||

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