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Specialized Training Course On Modelling For River Engineering

Applications On : SSIIM Program

25th -29th
29th September, 2011),
2011), Egypt

By : Dr: Ahmed Musa Siyam

Eng: Elnazir Saad Ali
Layout of Presentation

¾ Background
¾ SSIIM Versions
¾ Motivation and Strength
¾ SSIIM Interface
¾ Input / Output files
¾ Important files
ƒ Control
C t l fil
ƒ Koordina file
ƒ Boogie file
ƒ Result file
SSIIM is an abbreviation for sediment simulation in intakes
with multi-block option. It is developed by Dr. Nils Reider
B. Olsen, Professor at Norwegian University of Science and
Technology in Norway and complete software is freely
available over net with user manual. The program is a
stepping stone in the field of Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD).

The program is made for use in hydraulic and

sedimentation engineering. It is based on the control
l approachh with
ith 3D structured
t t d non-orthogonal
th l grid.
The Navier-Stokes equations are solved, and also the
convection-diffusion equation for sediment transport.
The program has been used in a number of studies relating to the
water flow and sediment transport in river and hydropower
engineering. This includes trap efficiency of sand traps and
hydropower reservoirs,
reservoirs turbidity currents,
currents erosion and local scour,
flood waves, head loss and spillways.

The program solves the Navier-Stokes2 equations using the control

volume method with the SIMPLE algorithm and the k-epsilon
tu bu e ce model.
ode . Itt aalso
so so
ves tthee co
vect o d us o equat
for sediment transport, using Van Rijn's formula for the bed
boundary. Also, a water quality module is included.

The Navier-Stokes Equations describe how the velocity,

pressure, temperature,
t t andd density
d it off a moving
i fluid
fl id are related
l t d
The program is not made for the marine environment,
environment and
it can not compute any effects of stratification due to
salinity gradients. The program has an interactive
graphical grid editor creating structured grid.

The postprocessor includes vector graphics, contour

plots, profiles etc. which can run simultaneously with the
solver, enabling viewing of intermediate result. A post-
processor viewing coloured surfaces in 3D is also made,
as a separate program.
Lay out of Presentation
¾ Background
¾ SSIIM Versions
V i
¾ Motivation and Strength
¾ SSIIM Interface
¾ Input / Output files
¾ Important files
ƒ Control file
ƒ Koordina file
ƒ Boogie file
ƒ Result file
Ssiim Versions
™ The original version of ssiim program was developed in
1991 using Os/2 operating system.

™ In summer 1997 SSIIM 2.0 was made using unstructured

and nested grid.

™ 1999 both versions of SSIIM were ported to windows.

™ The program has two main versions, the version

SSIIM1.0 uses a structured grid while SSIIM 2 uses an
unstructured grid.

™ Since then many development has been added. The

og iss a free
ee sosoftware
w e andd accessed
ccessed at
Lay out of Presentation
¾ Background
¾ Motivation and Strength
¾ SSIIM Interface
¾ Input / Output files
¾ Important files
ƒ Control file
ƒ Koordina file
ƒ Boogie file
ƒ Result file
Motivation and Strength
The main motivation for creating the program was to simulate the
sediment movements in general river/channel geometries. This has
shown to be difficult to do in physical model studies for fine
sediments. Later, the use of the program has been extended to other
hydraulic engineering topics, for example spillway modelling, head
loss in tunnels, stage-discharge relation-ships in rivers and turbidity

The main strength of SSIIIM compared to other CFD program is

the capability of modelling sediment transport with movable bed in
a complex geometry. This includes multiple sediment sizes, sorting,
bed load and suspended load, bed forms and effects of slopping
The fine sediments, often under 0.2 mm, are important for wear on
turbines. It was also an advantage to be able to simulate other
problems as for example sediment filling of reservoirs and
Lay out of Presentation
¾ Background
¾ Motivation and Strength
¾ SSIIM Interface
¾ Input / Output files
¾ Important files
ƒ Control file
ƒ Koordina file
ƒ Boogie file
ƒ Result file
User Interface
Normally SSIIM run start by reading input files,
files or generating
the grid using the Grid Editor. After generating the grid, the
inflow and outflow should be given before the computation
are started and the results are viewed.
viewed As an input for model
four main things are needed as follow:

1.Geometry off the
h hhydraulic
d li structure

2. Water inflow/outflow data

3. sediment data

4. different controlling parameters

1. Geometry:
The main
Th i data
d t off the
th geometryt off the
th hydraulic
h d li structure
t t
Hydraulic system is modeled by means of x, y and z co-
ordinates with a structured grid(SSIIM1).
The geometry have six surfaces. The water surface or the
roof of the basin define the sixth surface of the three
dimensional water body.
The Main Interface

The windows version consists of only one window with

one menu.
menu At start up, up the window shows text with
information about convergence and the run. The content of
the window can be changed by choosing different sub-
options in the view option of the menu.
Information about convergence
Changing the view, will also change the main menu. Example
of the different views such as:

1- Map graphics with contour plots or vectors

22- Longitudinal/ cross
sectional profiles

3- Grid Editor
4- Discharge
i h Editor
di (SSIIM2)
( )
Grid Editor view window
2. Water inflow/outflow:

The water inflow/outflow have to be specified for all

boundaries where water is flowingg into or out of the water

3. sediment data:
Sediment grainrain size
si e distribution,
distrib tion inflow
inflo sedinent
concentration and fall velocities should be written in the
control file.
Lay out of Presentation
¾ Background
¾ SSIIM Versions
¾ Motivation and Strength
¾ SSIIM Interface
¾ Input / Output files
¾ IImportant fil
ƒ Control file
ƒ Koordina file
ƒ Boogie file
ƒ Result file
Input/ Output Files

¾ Most of the files are only used for special purposes and they
are normallyy not required.
q Some of the files are output
p files.

¾ The program can produces many of the input files. For

i l cases all
ll the
th necessary input
i t files
fil can be
b generatedt d by
the program.

¾ The two main input files are the control file and the koordina

¾ All the files are ASCII files, and can be created using a
standard editor.
4. Input/ Output Files
SSIIM files Operations
Lay out of Presentation
¾ Background
¾ SSIIM Versions
¾ Motivation and Strength
¾ SSIIM Interface
¾ Input / Output files
¾ IImportant fil
ƒ Control file
ƒ Koordina file
ƒ Boogie file
ƒ Result file
Important Files
1. Control File:
control the model and it contain most of the parameters model
needs The main parameters are the size of the array used for
the program. Program read each parameter one by one.
Different data set contain different parameter.
Control File Example:
2. Koordina file

Koordina file describes the bed of

the geometry with a structured
grid (SSIIM 1).
The grid can be made using a
map, a spread sheet or the grid
3. Boogei File
b i ’ is
i generatedd which
hi h shows
h print-out
i off intermediate
i di results
l from
the calculation. It also shows parameters as average water velocity,
shear stress and water depth ,Trap efficiency and sediment grain size
distribution is also written in this file.
file If any error occur during the run
of program, it is written here with explanation before the program
terminates. With the help of D and F 1 options in control file additional
details can be written in this file.

4. Result
2.3.4 Co
o g Parameters
aa ees

The program used some letters to indicate some

meaning as follows:

(1) F : Factors Coefficients

(2) W : Wall

(3) G : Grid

(4) S : S
di t
(1) F : Factors Coefficients
letter F use to run sub-programs to initiates calculation of parameters as flow:
(2) W : Wall
The letter W is use to explain wall and water parameters
as follow:
(3) G : Grid
(4) S : Sediment
The koordina file
The necessary input data is the x , y and z coordinates of
the points where the grid lines meet.
meet. The format of the
data is given below:

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