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The Illinois Junior Academy of Science

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CATEGORY Environmental Science STATE REGION # 6

SCHOOL Niles North High School IJAS SCHOOL # 6038
CITY/ZIP Skokie, IL 60077 SCHOOL PHONE # 8476262254


NAME OF SCIENTIST* Madeline Burroughs GRADE 10

Madeline Burroughs
* If this project is awarded a monetary prize, the check will be written in this scientist's name, and it will be his/her responsibility to distribute the
prize money equally among all participating scientists.

PROJECT TITLE The Effect of Anode Surface Area on MFC Voltage Output

Purpose: ​The purpose of my experiment is to test whether or not, in a microbial fuel cell, the surface area of the anode has an effect on
the electrical output from the device. If an effect is observed, this new correlation can be taken into consideration in the future when
designing fuel cells in order to make them more efficient.

Procedure: ​To test this hypothesis an MFC was constructed and three different sized sets of carbon cloth were used as
anodes/cathodes. Data was collected from each 12-hour trial and compared: the largest of the anode sets produced the greatest voltage,
consistently measuring over half a volt more than the smallest set.

Conclusion: ​The data recorded showed that there is a positive, natural exponential relationship between the area of anodes and the
device’s produced voltage.

Burroughs, M

The Illinois Junior Academy of Science

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-Bacteria (unisolated species, present and harnessed in -Wash hands with soap and water after handling dirt
generic potting soil)

-Dremel rotary tool -Handle with caution, wear safety glasses while in use

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Student Exhibitor(s)
Sponsor *
*As a sponsor, I assume all responsibilities related to this project.

Burroughs, M

The Effect of Anode Size 
on MFC Voltage Output  


By: Madeline Burroughs 
Niles North High School 

Burroughs, M

Table of Contents


Table of Contents 

Acknowledgments 4 

Purpose, Hypothesis, and Rationale 5 

Review of Literature 6 

Materials 10 

Procedure 11 

Variables  12 

Data  13 

Graphs  15 

Data Analysis 17 

Experimental Error 18 

Positive Impact 19 

Conclusion 20 

References 21 


Burroughs, M

I would like to sincerely thank my SIRs teacher, Mr. Thielsen, for helping to 
choose a project I was interested in, and for his assistance as I carried out my 
experiment. I would also like to thank my family, classmates, other teachers, and friends 
for encouraging and supporting me throughout this process. 
Additionally, I would like to thank my mentor Dr. Uwe S​chröder for providing 
ample resources and help during the process of designing my fuel cell and procedure. 

Burroughs, M

The purpose of my experiment is to test whether or not, in a microbial fuel cell, 

the surface area of the anode has an effect on the electrical output from the device. If 

an effect is observed, this new correlation can be taken into consideration in the future 

when designing fuel cells in order to make them more efficient.  

Hypothesis and Rationale 

Previous research shows that many factors affect the voltage output of a 

microbial fuel cell; the anodic chamber, in particular, has been shown to have a great 

effect. I believe that one of these factors is the surface area of the anode within the 

anodic chamber and, should it be altered, the resulting electrical output will be directly 


If the surface area of the anode in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) is increased, then 

there will be an increase in the amount of energy generated over the same period of 




Burroughs, M

Review of Literature 

For years, scientists have warned of our waning access to Earth’s natural 

resources, as well as the negative effects of the release of greenhouse gases. These 

warnings, however, have only recently received widespread acknowledgment from the 

public and public figures, alike. Presently, non-renewable sources account for nearly 

90% of America's annual energy consumption (see figure 1); exploiting these sources 

has caused them to become 

increasingly hard to come by, while also 

taking a heavy toll on the environment 

(U.S. EIA, 2018). The integration of 

alternative energy sources is important 

in reducing the severity of these 

consequences (Dincer, 2000). One such 

alternative energy source is a microbial 

fuel cell, a devic e that undergoes an oxidation process to directly convert chemical 

energy into electrical energy (Sharaf, et al., 2014).  

The use of alternative energy sources has become more popular over the last 

few decades as the negative environmental impact of non-renewable sources, such as 

coal and petroleum power, has become more apparent. The carbon dioxide .​​ these 

sources release while creating usable energy has been shown to cause damage to the 

ozone layer. This damage allows increasing amounts of solar radiation to enter the 

Burroughs, M

atmosphere, while at the same time preventing excess heat from escaping, leading to 

an increased atmospheric temperature (Hegerl, et al., 1996). According to a study 

conducted through the National Academy of Sciences, the average atmospheric 

temperature increases by approximately 0.2° C each decade. From this study it was 

also concluded that once a temperature change of 1° C is achieved, there will be 

detrimental and irreversible repercussions on the environment (Hansen, et al., 2006). In 

order to slow down this rise in temperature, it is vital that the world’s reliance on 

technologies that contribute to carbon gas emissions is reduced and that such 

technologies are replaced with renewable alternatives. 

Microbial fuel cells (MFC) are a prime example of viable energy alternatives. An 

MFC uses bacteria as a catalyst to oxidize material, often organic matter, in order to 

produce usable energy. MFC’s have two different designs: 

single and double chambered, as shown in figures 2 and 3, 

respectively. In a study conducted by Sun Yat-Sen 

University, a single chamber and a double chamber 

microbial fuel cell were created and tested under identical 

conditions for 110 and 90 hours, respectively, in order to 

determine which one yielded a higher electrical output (HP, 

et al., 2009). Despite being run for 20 more hours, the single 

chamber’s output was 50 megavolts less than the double 

chamber. To contextualize these figures, the average 

household appliance requires one five-hundredth of a megavolt to run for an hour. This 

Burroughs, M

experiment demonstrated that the double chamber MFC had a much larger output than 

its single chambered counterpart.  

Double chamber microbial fuel cell design has two main regions, a negative 

region (the anodic chamber) and a positive region (the cathodic chamber). The anodic 

chamber is where the bacteria substrate is contained; this chamber must be airtight in 

order to ensure that the electrons produced leave and are used as energy, rather than 

reacting with oxygen and forming H​2​O in the anode chamber. This area’s anaerobic 

characteristic is vital for the device to produce a usable electrical output. Historically, 

anodes have been made of a variety of materials, with varying degrees of success. 

During a study published in the journal ​Energy and Environmental Science​, seven 

typically unused metals were used to make anodes that were then tested against 

polycrystalline graphite, a commonly used material, to determine which functioned the 

best while still having no negative effects on the bacterial substrate (Baudler, et al., 

2015). Of those tested, copper was found to have the greatest resulting voltage, making 

it the most efficient anode. 

Conversely, the cathodic chamber is the positive, aerobic region of the device. 

This area allows for the device to be a complete circuit which is necessary for an 

electrical current to flow. The positive hydrogen ions travel to the cathode chamber 

where they react with oxygen, creating an H​2​O byproduct through the salt bridge. The 

purpose of the salt bridge is to allow the presence of a neutral charge in the fuel cell. As 

the bacteria oxidizes organic material and the resulting electrons flow through the wire, 

protons are left behind in the anode chamber. Without the salt bridge, this would create 

Burroughs, M

an imbalanced charge throughout the device as the protons would be trapped in the 

anodic chamber. With this addition, however, the cell is cyclically connected and 

therefore the overall charge remains balanced (Du, et al., 2007). 

In conclusion, microbial fuels cells are becoming an increasingly viable 

technology to address our growing need for renewable energy sources. Through 

oxidation reactions, they produce usable electricity, as well as water, using otherwise 

discarded substances that have an abundance of bacteria.    

Burroughs, M

- 2 airtight plastic containers 
- 3.81cm diameter PVC pipe 
- Cementing paste 
- Copper wires 
- Carbon cloth 
- Voltmeter 
- Agar powder 
- Potting soil 
- Tap water 
- Dremel 
- Sewing needle and thread 

Burroughs, M

1. Cut holes approximately the size of a 3.81cm diameter PVC pipe in 
corresponding places on one of the two larger faces of each plastic container. 
2. Drill a small hole in the center of each container’s lid. Insert one copper wire into 
3. Label one container “Anode” and the other “Cathode.” 
4. Using cementing paste, attach the PVC so that either end is flush with the wall of 
the respective container. Do not allow for any spaces around the containers’ 
5. Add 4.6g agar powder to 200mL of water in a beaker. 
6. On a hot plate, heat this until all the agar is dissolved; stir occasionally. 
7. Pour the agar mixture into a PVC mold to set. 
8. Remove the solid agar from the mold; insert it into the PVC pipe that is secured 
between the two containers. 
9. Mix 700g potting soil and 650mL tap water into the anode container. 
10. Add 3L tap water into the cathode container. 
11. Cut four pieces of carbon cloth per anode/cathode size being tested. 
12. Take two like-sized pieces of carbon cloth and, using a needle and thread, attach 
them flush to each other with the anode container wire in between. Repeat this 
with the remaining two pieces of that size with the cathode container wire. 
13. Seal the lids on respective containers. Ensure that the anode cloth is entirely 
covered by soil and the cathode cloth is submerged in water. 
14. Connect the device wires to the voltmeter. 
15. Record the voltage output of the device over 12 hours. 
16. Repeat steps 12-15 twice per anode/cathode size being tested. 

Burroughs, M

The independent variable is the surface area of the anode (cm​2​).  
The dependent variable is the voltage output produced by the device (volts). 
Controlled variables: 
- Volume of the anode and cathode containers 
- Ratio between anode and cathode (1:1) 
- Amount of soil and tap water in both containers 
- Laboratory temperature (~69.7° Celsius) 

Burroughs, M

Data Collected 
5.08 cm x 5.08 cm     7.62 cm x 15.24 cm 

Area- 25.81cm​2    Area- 115.82cm​2 

Trial 1    Trial 2    Trial 1    Trial 2 

Hour  Voltage    Hour  Voltage    Hou Voltage    Hour  Voltage 

(mV)  (mV)  r  (mV)  (mV) 

0  1.953    0  1.92    0  2.128    0  2.114 

1  1.943    1  1.927    1  2.096    1  2.094 

2  1.938    2  1.924    2  2.107    2  2.089 

3  1.935    3  1.927    3  2.096    3  2.071 

4  1.917    4  1.931    4  2.099    4  2.067 

5  1.906    5  1.927    5  2.099    5  2.067 

6  1.895    6  1.924    6  2.096    6  2.071 

7  1.892    7  1.913    7  2.096    7  2.067 

8  1.888    8  1.919    8  2.096    8  2.078 

9  1.888    9  1.913    9  2.099    9  2.078 

10  1.892    10  1.916    10  2.096    10  2.085 

11  1.895    11  1.917    11  2.099    11  2.092 

12  1.888    12  1.921    12  2.099    12  2.096 


Burroughs, M

12.70 cm x 12.70 cm    2” x 2” 

Area- 161.29cm​2     

Trial 1    Trial 2    Trial 1    Trial 2 

Hour  Voltage    Hour  Voltage    Hou Voltage    Hour  Voltage 

(mV)  (mV)  r  (mV)  (mV) 

0  2.644    0  2.646    0      0   

1  2.648    1  2.647    1      1   

2  2.644    2  2.649    2      2   

3  2.645    3  2.651    3      3   

4  2.649    4  2.649    4      4   

5  2.647    5  2.652    5      5   

6  2.644    6  2.650    6      6   

7  2.645    7  2.647    7      7   

8  2.647    8  2.647    8      8   

9  2.646    9  2.648    9      9   

10  2.646    10  2.646    10      10   

11  2.643    11  2.648    11      11   

12  2.646    12  2.649    12      12   


Burroughs, M


Burroughs, M


Burroughs, M

Data Analysis 
Three different sizes of anodes were used in the microbial fuel cell and the 
voltages were recorded over the course of 12 hours; two trials were run for each size.  
The small anode, a 5.08 cm square, had an area of 25.81cm​2​. Trials 1 and 2 of 
this size had averages of 1.910 and 1.921 volts, respectively. The medium anode was a 
7.62 x 15.24 cm rectangle, measuring a surface area of 115.82 cm​2​; this set had trial 
averages of 2.100 and 2.082 volts, respectively. The large anode was a 12.70 cm 
square, had an area of 161.29 cm​2​. Trials 1 and 2 of this set had averages of 2.646 and 
2.649 volts, respectively.  


Burroughs, M

Experimental Error 
One potential source of error was in calculating the surface area of each anode 
and cathode. The carbon cloth used was cut by hand so the measurements were not as 
exact as they could have been; however, deviations in size would only minimally affect 
the calculated surface area. The thickness of the fabric was also deemed negligible and 
not taken into account when making calculations. These aberrations, if applicable, likely 
would have had roughly the same effect on all of the trials, thus not impairing any 
relative correlations made about the data. 


Burroughs, M

Positive Impact 
Through the development of cleaner energy sources, such as fuel cells, a 
profound impact can be made upon many aspects contributing to overall quality of life 
Air pollution heavily contributes to the development of lung cancer, asthma, and 
other respiratory diseases. Each year over 2 million people are admitted to the 
emergency room as a result of asthma and over 150,000 die from lung cancer (CDC, et 
al., 2001 & American Lung Association, 2018). The number of people diagnosed with 
these diseases has increased in recent years and has been widely linked to worsening 
air quality. Be it a strenuous transition, opting for alternative energy sources has the 
potential to greatly decrease air pollution by eliminating the release of greenhouse 
gases, in turn reducing both the number of cases and the number of fatalities from lung 
cancer, asthma, and other diseases.  
Expanding energy resource options also paves the way for economic growth and 
prosperity by creating a wide range of jobs, from development and research to 
manufacturing and installation of such systems. Additionally, variegating energy 
options can deconcentrate dependence on resources that may, over time, become 
scarce, causing increased difficulty in obtaining energy and leading to eventual decline. 
Being able to recognize a relationship between electrodes (anodes and 
cathodes) and voltage production additionally aids in furthering the development of 
electrical devices beyond the realm of alternative energy sources. Anodes and cathodes 
are present anywhere there is an electric circuit. Being able to manipulate the design of 
these small electrical “gateways”, rather than alter the design of the device as a whole, 
allows for easier modification of everyday devices, such as phone chargers, to become 
more efficient.   


Burroughs, M

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate whether or not there is a 
relationship between the surface area of the anode in a microbial fuel cell and the 
resulting voltage produced over a certain period of time. It was hypothesized that if the 
surface area of the anode were increased, while maintaining a 1:1 ratio, that there would 
also be a recorded increase in the device’s produced voltage. 
To test this hypothesis an MFC was constructed and three carbon cloth sets of 
varying sizes were used as anodes/cathodes. Data was collected for each 12-hour trial 
and compared: the largest of the anode sets produced the greatest voltage, consistently 
measuring over half a volt more than the smallest set. The data recorded supported the 
hypothesis of the experiment; it was concluded that the relationship between the area 
of anodes and the device’s produced voltage is best represented by a natural 
exponential function.  
The establishment of this relationship is significant to designing future fuel cells 
in order to maximize efficiency. A formula made from the data collected in this 
experiment is not as accurate as possible and assumes many characteristics specific 
to this design, such as an anode to cathode ratio of 1:1. Further testing surrounding this 
hypothesis may generate a more complex and accurate algorithm that is able to take 
into account more design characteristics, thus maximizing fuel cell efficiency. 


Burroughs, M


American Lung Association. (2018). Lung cancer [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from


Baudler, A., Schmidt, I., Langner, M., Greiner, A., & Schröder, U. (2015). Does it have to be 

carbon? Metal anodes in microbial fuel cells and related bioelectrochemical 

systems. ​Energy & Environmental Science​, (7). doi:10.1039/C5EE00866B 

CDC, & NCHS. (2001). ​New asthma estimates: Tracking prevalence, health care and 

​mortality​ [Press release]. Retrieved from 


Dincer, I. (2000). Renewable energy and sustainable development: A crucial review. 

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews​, 4

​ ​(2), 157-175. 


Du, Z., Li, H., & Gu, T. (2007). A state of the art review on microbial fuel cells: A 

promising technology for wastewater treatment and bioenergy. B

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advances, 25 5​, 464-82.  

Hansen, J., Sato, M., Ruedy, R., Lo, K., Lea, D., Medina-Elizade, M. (2006). Global 

temperature change. G
​ lobal temperature change​, ​103​(39). 


Hegerl, G. C., & Cubasch, U. (1996). Greenhouse gas induced climate change. 

Environmental Science and Pollution Research​, 3

​ ​(2), 99-102. 


Burroughs, M

HP, L., GL, L., RD, Z., & S, J. (n.d.). Comparison of power generation in microbial fuel 

cells of two different structures. In U

​ S national library of medicine​. Retrieved from 

Pant D, Van Bogaert G, Diels L, Vanbroekhoven K (2010) A review of the substrates used 

in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for sustainable energy production. Bioresour 

Technol 101: 1533-1543 

Parkash, A. (2015). Impact of salt bridge on electricity generation from hostel sewage 

sludge using double chamber microbial fuel cell  

Sharaf, O. Z., & Orhan, M. F. (2014). An overview of fuel cell technology: Fundamentals 

and applications. ​Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews​, 3

​ 2​, 810-853. 


U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2018, April). U.S. energy consumption 

by energy source, 2017 [Chart]. Retrieved from 



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