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Student Writing Reflection Sheet

Name: Obed Salazar Period: 2 Date: 1/23/2019

Class: Senior English Teacher: Ms. Figueroa

Assignment Title: Q2 End of Unit Chaucer definition

Student Writing Goal: My writing goal is to get an 85% or higher on my assessments. I want to stay on topic my entire
paper and not have a lot of grammar mistakes.

1) Re-read the paper (and teacher feedback).
2) Complete this reflection sheet.

What was the purpose of this writing assignment?

The purpose of this writing assignment is how Chaucer views love, honor, and gender roles in the wife of
bath. Chaucer views love throughout the whole entire tale. He uses the knight and the old crone to create a
love story.

How did you perform in relation to the expectations of the writing rubric?
I feel that I did good on staying on topic my whole entire paper. I do need to work on improving on my
conclusion paragraph, it needs to be extended because it was missing information. I also needed to work on
introducing what the tale was about instead of just putting out information. I feel I did good on having little to
no mistakes for example there was minimal grammar mistakes,

What aspect of this piece did you do well? (give example/quotes to support claims)
I feel I did good on providing good evidence for example, Chaucer also defines loved by showing that the
couple end up living happily ever after. “The knight obeyed; and when he had drawn up the curtain and
turned eyes upon her in the full sunlight, behold she was young and charming… he kissed her a thousand
times and unto the last day of their lives they lived in peace and happiness”. I explained how Chaucer defined
love in the Wife of Bath with having good evidence.

Why have you/haven’t you chosen to revise this writing assignment?

I choose to revise this writing assignment because it needed to cleaned up. The conclusion paragraph needed
to be extended because it was too short and there was a lack of information.

What will you do better in your next writing assignment, and how will I do it?
I’m going to do better on my conclusion paragraph because I tend to run out of thoughts towards the end of
my writing assignments. I’m going to try my best to get better at coming up with ideas to write in my
conclusion paragraph. I’m going to proof read my essay before I turn it in so it won’t have a lot of mistakes.
To what degree of success did you achieve your previously stated goal(s)?
My goal was to get an 85% or higher with minimal grammar mistakes and I feel that I did accomplish my
goal. I just need to fix simple mistakes like having a short conclusion or using the same words constantly.

3) Revise the paper accordingly and highlight any changes.

4) Submit the revision and this reflection sheet.

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