Bus Transit Project Draft Summary

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3 g WASHINGTON AREA BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT A better way to get there Executive sm Summary + April 2019 b tionproject.com NOT FOR CIRCULATION Prosperity in Peril Without transforming the bus system, the region’s competitiveness and livability are at risk. The National Capital Region is adding 40,000-60,000 jobs and households each year, but its transportation system is struggling to keep pace, leading to some of the longest commutes and worst traffi¢ congestion in the nation. THE CHALLENGE Growing congestion resulf3 in poor access to jobs, higher costs of living, and decreased economic growth, which is degrading the the national capital region's competitiveness, Time spent in congestion takes eway from region deliver over 600,000 trips ‘amily friends, fan, and fitness, suppresses income potential, acids each weekday - almost the same 4o stress and frustration, and lowers the overall quality of if. numberof trips each day as Because the vast majority of the region's 20 million dai trips occur in eet reas personal vehicles on already-qridlocked roads, environmental There aro 9 trent providers across the region, ea dearadation continues, accelerating climate change. sero Hip oon th In the DC region, ral transit emerged as a highl-fective too! to Collection. ‘combat these forces, But in an expansive region, its effectiveness has — WMATA delivers about 80% of the limits. Metrorai's high-speed, high-capacity network only reaches region's bus trips each day about a quartet ofthe region's land area, and ary rail system = 70% ofall trips on local buses are expansion is mary billons of dollars and decades away. Technology’ taken by frequent customers— ven mobiity options threaten to make congestion worse, not Urose wha thle 12 Ur ute days better, as they add even more low-capacity vehicles to already each month. gridlocked street. = 15% of daily bus trips occur between different jurisdictions, Meanwhile, the world of transportation is innovating at a rapid clip, and over 27% of Metrobus and our bus system has not kept pace, Ridership is declining and ‘transfers are from connecting operators are feeling the pinch, making buses less able to combat jurisdictional systems. roadway congestion, provide time-competiive access to jobs, and = Bus trips are strong during remedy the region's economic divide. off-peak times: 34% of dally bus ‘rips occur mid-day, more than the There is a better way to get there. PM peak period. (Other regions nationally and globally have transformed their bus systems to solve congestion, promote inclusive mobilty, generate ridership gains, and operate efficient. Its past time for this region to do the same, as the alternative incremental pragress is not only Unaffordable, but also harms regional competitiveness and livability, 2 BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Executive Summary bustransformationproject.com NOT FOR CIRCULATION A better way to GET THERE Bus will be the mode of choice on the region's roads by 2030, serving as the backbone of a strong and inclusive regional mobility system that will support a growing and sustainable economy. A BETTER WAY TO GET THERE Buses are the key to our region's mobilty and prosperity, but they are currently, not being used to their potential. The recommendetionsinthis strategy wil give the region the surface transit network it deserves, with fast and frequent bus service that gets people where they want o go, quickly, reiably, and efficient, By transforming the bus system, as the most space anid cost-efficient Means to move large numbers of people, this strategy leads to: = The billy to serve more customers at lower costs {Moro trips.on tho bus network and fowor trips contributing to congostions = Shorter wait$ and faster trios for customers, giving them the speed and convenience they deserve; — Regional responsibilities that can stand the test of tims; ~ Inclusive mobility and access to opportunity for our region's most vulnerable populations: and = Intuitive information, maps, and fares that are easy to understand for visitors and locals alike. TRANSFORMATION THROUGH COLLABORATION ‘This metroportan area spans the District of Columbia, State of Maryland, an Commonwealth of Virginia—the interconnected bus service comes with myriad routes and schedules that can be complicated for bus riders. Therefore, succeeding in a regional effort will require joint actions that span political boundaries. The solutions for creating a sustainable surface transportation future are owned equally by not only bus operators Dut also and the cities, counties, and states that own the roads. This strategy calls on these actors to work together to: = Faciitate fast, frequent, desirable, affordable and seamless travel connections for customers; Align the high-frequency and nigh-capacity regional bus network with roadways where buses are given priority; = Clearly delineate and effectively coordinate regionally provided services and locally managed bus systems; and ~ Empower organizations to coordinate functions, leverage transformative twctnologles, ang transparently track progress. BUS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT Executive Summary bustransformatonproject com NOT FOR CIRCULATION VITAL STATISTICS ~ Bus means people can ear frae: BRGh af Matenhiis ‘customers live in households that don’t own a car. ~ Bus reaches people who need it the most: More than 85% of Metrobus trips don't, involve a connection to Metrorail, ~ Bus speeds have slowed: Bus speeds have decreased bby 9% over the last decade due to increased regional road congestion, costing the region $30 million annually. = On some of our most congested mph—about the speed of a pede

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