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Ana P. Ezrre

Ms. Torrez

Period 6

October 5th, 2017

The crucible: Reputation is extremely important in towns

When starting to read the crucible you'll notice different situations that'll come together

as a whole. In the story the town is being affected by witchcraft, social standing is tied to one's

ability to follow religious acts. The plot twist is related to the theme which is slowly being

explained in the story in a way that the audience will feel different type of emotions towards it.

Parris, Abigail and other characters try to protect their reputations, they’ll do everything to keep

their name clean. Parris builds up his position within the village, even if it's just temporary. He's

doing this by shaping scapegoats or people like Proctor who doubted his authority.

The crucible uses statements and strong language that'll have grab the reader's attention in

a way that they're able to feel the story and grasp a better image of it. During the crucible there's

a suspenseful theme, meaning the story is based on a certain fear. The fear contained in the

crucible created an unreasonable panic that drove people insane that ended up them committing

actions that aren't logical. There's several reasons why the town feels afraid but the one that

stands out the most is the people being terrified resides within the forests surroundings their

village and is looking for an opportunity to prey on the town citizens. An example of that would

be when Ruth gets ill and people assumed the devil possessed her, Parris sends for an expert into

the town to get rid of the presence but people continue to be scared.

When reading the Crucible, the author includes a certain number of quotes that give you

the feeling of fear, you're able to understand how the characters feel when reading the story. "If
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so he is, then let us go to god for the cause of it. There is prodigious danger seeking of loose

spirits. I fear it, I fear it. Let us rather blame ourselves." (180) That quote illustrates how the

citizens of Salem fear witchcraft.

If the story was hard for the audience to understand is summarizing how fear comes in

when a young girl Abigail and other girls in the town are being accused of dancing and speaking

with the devil. The city council members believe any accusation, they’ll not take the slightest

doubt and automatically accuse the characters of being a witch. In the story the characters are

very religious so being accused of something like that is a major sin. Townsmen's and town

citizens are going insane because the girls are accusing each other of witchcraft and devil talk. In

other words, everyone is scared that everyone has some sort of connection with the devil. It's not

only fearing the town but also driving the town crazy.

In conclusion anyone has the ability to become powerful through fear and intimidation,

it's just a matter of knowing how to use your words. However, there are always those who

choose to resist unfair authority.

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Works Cited

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible, 1953. "If so he is, then let us go to god for the cause of it. There is

prodigious danger seeking of loose spirits. I fear it, I fear it. Let us rather blame


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