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Ezrre 1

Ana P. Ezrre

Mr. Nichols

US government 2

August 20, 2018

Arizona Primary election: Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Throughout the years the government has expanded in number of ways, this can vary into

different reason. Government either grows, stablishes, or tries to better its self out and it's all due

to law following. The purpose of the government is to keep peace with in citizens and have

everything run smooth. Primary elections are a political party of members that are running for a

certain position, this means that because elections are being conducted certain parties have the

right to association to attaches. Primary elections can also be direct or not direct, voter will

decide their candidates for their parties and they elect which candidate to nominate for the


Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a current 2018 Arizona candidate, he’s currently running for state

senate, he claims to know he’s ways to success and believe he has the answer to many situations.

Not many know but Arpaio became famous due to his controversial stance on immigrants. “I

don't talk about it anymore, until I become a U.S senator.” Responded Mr. Arpaio to all the

controversy. Joe Arpaio is on the republican party, which can also be referred as GOP is one of

the US major political parties. Joe Arpaio is only seeking for one term as the U.S senate, his not

worried about raising money for a next election since he's not looking forward to having one but

he’s willing to make a different on the Mexican border and continue to expand he’s job without

dealing with unnecessary business that’s not benefiting U.S.

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Arizona primary system is not similar but not out of the ordinary. Primary election come

with state-level and local-level which take prior place in general elections. Arizona way of

utilizing the election is by using hybrid primary system, voters have the right to choose which

party is primary as they vote in. Only registered voters are allowed to participate during this

election since time was taken to sing-up for the US election. Also, the rule of having to be

eighteen-years or older are applied to Arizona elections due to following of general law.

As an Arizona individual and by the fact that I'm almost eighteen and soon will be voting,

election is not a joke it’s something that has to be taken seriously. Taking the time to review

candidates and learning about them to look into what they’re trying to improve in the U.S is very

important. Election have an impact on everyone or a certain amount of years, that’s why I

believe Mr. Arpaio will not be winning the position for US senate. Like he’s states his only

running for a one-year terms, if he truly wanted to make changes he would want to stick around

but it doesn’t seem likes he’s very interest for that. In conclusion, Arizona elections are

something that people take seriously. There're many steps to the become a participant but its due

to the fact that it’s a serious decision so investing time on it concludes on it being a successful

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Works Cited

The two-way breaking news from NPR. Senate Candidate Joe Arpaio Vows to keep pushing

Birtherism . March 28, 2018. “I don’t talk about it anymore, until I become a U.S


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