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Ana P. Ezrre



Period 3

December 19,2016

Profile piece: Who is Randy Camacho?

For starters, Randy camacho also know as Mr.Camacho is a Westview history teacher.

Most people don’t know about him but there's a whole history behind him, he not only seen as a

history teacher. A little background history would start with Mr. Camacho working and attending

business school after high school. After that he returned to school and earned his B.A. in 1992.

Camacho became a social studies teacher and then received his M.A. in administration and

supervision in 1995.

Randy Camacho was a 2014 democratic candidate who sought election to the U.S. House

to represent the 7TH Congressional District of Arizona. The candidate listed the following issues;

immigration, education and economic development were the main ideas of all the reasoning

behind it. The issue with immigration was that it was a painful problem because Politicals lack

the change a introducing a way to change things for the better. Mr. Camacho introduced a plan

that had to do with being able to qualify undocumented immigrants to become Arizona residents

this plan was introduce as the "Arizona residency for immigrants act". Another stated issues that

he also talked about was a problem with education, camacho now being a teacher takes education

serious not just that he also cares about the way its distribute to others. Critical thinking and

solving skills was an essential in the listed issues, he wanted staff to always be prepared and for

the technology and teaching skills to be at its best. Last but not least, the mention of economic
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development was a slightly more complicated but still important. This issues involved with the

canals of the valley breathing life into the valley, and still continued to flow. It was important to

worry about the economic development especially if areas were going to see the development

around the canals valley.

Other than that Mr.Camacho also has a personal life that he enjoy and doesn't mind to

talk about , he really likes to learn about people to also other people learning about him.

When I was talking to Mr. Camacho the first question I asked was "Who do you see

yourself as?" And he sat and stared at the desk and thought for minute. His response was " I see

myself as part of the conversation" then he explained to me how everything is a conversation,

and you're able to add to it, he also sees himself as someone that's not done with work, he feels

like he was plenty of tasks he needs to complete. For someone to think like that really catches

and grabs the attention of the person that’s listening, you learn something new just by listening.

On Mr.Camachos free time he enjoys to learn about philosophy, he also does yoga to

calm and relieve the stress. He just doesn’t see himself as a teacher but also as a student."Once in

a while we need to be a student not a teacher." He also really enjoys to cook on his smoker,

making food, skate etc. He also mention how writing is a big part of him, he wrote a book called

"From the Routes up" which was focused on three-main things; Family, life and faith. Then he

continued on with a story that he experience a couple weeks ago, someone was doing

mr.camchos lawn and the guy that was doing it brought up the book and seem really interested

about it. Mr.Camacho gave him a copy of the book but he didn’t think he actually would take the

time to read it, this guy been on drug use before so he was very surprised by the fact that

someone like him was interested in something like that. Then he mention how a couple weeks

went by and the same guy stopped by his house and talked about the book with him, he was very
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happy that someone with that kind of past took the time to read something that can encourage the

person to do better. "Something like that can impact on him."

Throughout the interview I asked Mr.Camacho one last question which was "What do

you consider sad/or a struggling moment?"

He answer with "I think about all the losses in life."Loosing someone special hits him in

a different part of him, he thinks seeing people struggling with different situation is not a good

experience, specially if it hits you mentally.

My following question was "How do you get through-it?" Mr.Camacho not really a

religious guys but in that situation he takes the "The Buddhism approach"He process things and

lets them go. There's situation that it can hit him again but he just process things and then lets

them go one more time, it happens over and over that's the only way he can get through the day.

Not letting himself down is his main focus, even if he sad he's the one that get to pick himself

back up.

In conclusion, learning from someone that you didn’t know about is very interesting. You

get to know who they are professionally and personally, you get to learn their flaws and the

things they enjoy to do. Writing this profile pieces really taught me a lot about someone that I

knew very little about and that’s the beauty of journalism, you get to experience things that

others don’t know about and write about it so you can inform others; it’s a really creative


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