q3 End of Unit Blind Ambition in Society

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Genesis Pacheco

Ms. Figueroa

10, April 2019

Blind Ambition in Society

Blind ambition is a big problem because it makes people do things that they will regret.

In most cases it also makes people hurt others. People act with blind ambition in a lot of

situations in their lives. Most of the time they do not realize that they are acting in a bad way, but

they show it when they actin their benefit, and they do not care if they hurt others. People do

whatever it takes to achieve their goals. In Macbeth shows a lot of blind ambition. First on Lady

Macbeth when she tried to convince her husband to kill Duncan and then to become King. Then

it shows that Macbeth starts having blind ambition, his ambition make him do more things to

hide what he has done. Even at the very moment of his life, he was blind with ambition when he

thinks that nobody can kill him. Macbeth’s universal theme of blind ambition is seen in politics

and it goes hand with hand with corruption of power

The system attracts ruthless power seekers. Politicians just want power, and money. Their

goal is not to help people. It is always for their benefit and not people. The determination of

politicians is pathologically ambitious, for them is more easily to manipulate because they have

the necessary tools. “Examination of Clinton’s past shows a long, arduous, and single minded

struggle to rise in politics, From serving on WalMart’s board to tolerating her husband infidelity,

to trading government favors for Clinton Foundations, her rise has been marked by

Machiavellian Maneuvers” (Daily Kos Community Member). It shows that politicians do not
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care for what happens, the only thing that politicians care is to have power and all what they


A president started to increase taxes in many ways and then a lot of people lost their jobs,

and the business economy started to decay. “Mr. O’Malley passed massive tax increases on retail

sales and income. He signed the first ever “Millionaires Tax”, which forced thousands of

affluent residents to flee Maryland and take their assets with them. He created the “Tech tax” on

information-technology companies, proposed a “Fitness tax” on local gyms and has sought to

index the gas tax. The combination of this tax increases has driven 2,500 Maryland business to

close their doors and lay off more than 200,000 workers”( Dave Schwarts. The Washington

Times). He did not fight for hard working taxpayers. He only fought for his own interests. Blind

ambition impacts politicians behaviour because they already have set a goal and they do not care

about others opinion, they want to do whatever they want to.

In today’s society some athletes do not care if they hurt someone of the other team. In

their eyes they just have the prize, and victory. Baseball pitchers throw balls to the batters even

that the balls are fast, just to defeat their team. “Throwing a baseball at 90 miles per hour or

more at another human being qualifies as assault with a deadly weapon”. Pitchers desire is bigger

than their lives values, they want to win, they do think about consequences. Baseball players hit

others in their head to win the game, is a strategy that work for them. “Morbid human aside,

baseball has a long history of beanballs with some ugly chapters involving both intentional and

unintentional beanballs”. Beanball ( a ball pitched, intentionally, at the batters head), this a

method has been used before and even in today’s society which shows pitchers strong desire to

win the game. The ambition has made players do things to win, even when it is not okay to do

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Students want good grades and they also want to graduate, they do not care what it cost,

they have their goal. A student think that he is normal cheating because his intentions are to have

good grades. “Why did you cheated in high school? the answer from a student was; I wanted

good grades and I did not want to work” (Andrew Simmons). He does not mind not working

hard and cheat because the only thing he cares for is having good grades.

A boy did not cheat but he helped others to cheat. “Michael, a former student, explained

that while he did not need to help classmates cheat, he felt unable to say no, once he started, he

could not stop”. Probably he wanted everybody to pass the class so that is the reason he helped

others, and he let them copy his work. Usually students see cheating like something normal, they

do it for different reasons but they still do it.

Blind ambition is dangerous because usually people do not see that this is happening, It

can hurt others and they do not care because they have their goal. Ambition is theorized to

motivate many types of behavior. People think that ambition does not affects human behavior,

and that is the main reason why blind ambition is unnoticed. If we pay attention, there is a lot of

blind ambition in many situations in life. It is almost in everything we see. It occurs more in

cases of people who want power, respect or conventitive people. That is why it is seen in politics,

sports, and in schools. People need to be careful around with a goal, and be aware.

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