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According to ​under30ceo.

com,​ Thomas Edison failed to create the light bulb 9,999

times before he was able to get it correct by the 10,000th one. Like Thomas Edison,
failure is apart of our lives and is required in order for us to learn and grow as
individuals. Learning from our mistakes is important because you never know what's
right and what's wrong until it's been done.

As it goes ever New Year, at some point in your life you tell yourself these exact
words, "New year, new me". . . I was off to a rough start. On January 1, 2017 , I left my
home and headed out for the day. For some reason on this morning however, the fog
was heavier than usual. With it being in the middle of winter in Utah, everything was
frosted over. At the time I was a young teenager who didn't have much experience with
cold weather driving, but of course I was cocky and thought I was more than ready.

With my visibility already slim, I went right under the bumper of a large truck that had
pulled out moments before and I hadn’t seen, causing a large ruckus. I had demolished
the front right side of my car, and had ripped a small part off his steel bumper. After all
this was said and done, this mistake on my part, became a very important life lesson.

With this all being said and done, I think I’ve grown most as an individual from the
mistakes I have made more than anything else. You may not always know what's about
to hit you, or in this case what you’re about to ram into, but being willing to accept it and
not make that mistake the same way again, well, you’re already on the right path for

In my opinion, I feel like this was more difficult to do than coming up with ideas to add to
my writing. I had to cut out what I thought were good adds to the easy which later just
became explanations not needed when it came down to cutting parts out. I was worried
with cutting out a lot of these because I thought they added a lot of detail that would
help make sense of how I was feeling and parts of my personality which is an important
part to a personal essay. Looking back it though, the 300 words version could be
considered stronger due to it being pretty much straight to the point without the added

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