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Navatara nomenclature: The nine stars are called (1) Janma (2) Sampat (3) Vipata (4)

Ksema (5) Pratyari

(6) Sadhaka (7) Vadha (8) Mitra and (9) Atimitra.
(1) Janma means birth and refers to the self, well being, life and everything that the
mind must
experience at a personal level or intelligence must act on.
(2) Sampat means wealth and is derived from sampad, a samskrta word meaning to
possess, enjoy, benefit, advantage, grow and be a blessing. It gives excellence, glory,
beauty and
splendor. It brings good fortune, prosperity and riches.
(3) Vipata means misfortune and calamity. It indicates all kind of troubles, obstacles and
that lead to sorrow and suffering at the material level.
(4) Ksema means residing, restoring and being at ease, comfortable, shows an overall
disposition, free from disease (it is opposite of being at ease). It brings in spiritual bliss
and final
emancipation (moksa). It refers to the perfume of sandal. It shows something/ someone
very secure and
safe and being protected by Durga.
6/4/2017 Navatara Chakra | Varāhamihira
safe and being protected by Durga.
(5) Pratyari is derived from ‘ari’ meaning enemy and pratyari refers to the well matched
enemy equal
to the native in all respects and capable of inflicting terrible pain and suffering.
(6) Sadhaka refers to efficiency and skill introducing accomplishments and abilities. It
indicates the
productive and fruitive side of everything and brings supporters/ assistants. A Sadhaka
is one who does
sadhana to a𰀡ain siddhi.
(7) Vadha means vanquisher or destroyer. It is killer nakshatra and is also called
naidhana Tara. It
refers to capital or corporeal punishment and includes slaughter, murder, destruction
and death. It
causes someone/ thing to disappear. It causes heat and shows defects and
imperfections. It is a raksasa
(demonical being).
(8) Mitra means friend and refers to close companions like spouse or an associate. Mitra
is an aditya
who solemnizes agreements and marriage vows or ties of any kind, including treaties. It
brings about
blood relationships and refers to all those who stand strong during ba𰀡le and protect.
(9) Atimitra shows a superlative form of ‘mitra’ where a spiritual bonding is expressed.
It goes beyond
normal human ties and is super human in its expression of love indicating something
divine. For
example if mitra brings glory then atimitra is crowning glory.

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