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1. Goverment is an organization that ha the power to apply laws and laertain areas
2. A policial party is a political organization that undergoes a particular ideulogy or is formed
with a specific purpose another definition is an organized group
3. Election once a five year indonesian citizen conducts presidential and vice presidensial
4. The executive is in charge of implementing or enacting the law the executive is the
president and the minister who assist him
5. The amanded 1945 law has been amanded four times
6. The militery is the armed forces of a certain country
7. President the country of indonesia is now led by
8. Democray is a from of govermant in with all citizen have equal rights in decision making that
can change their lives
9. Vice president is currently hamed M. JUSUF KALLA
10. Country elements of the fanding of thr country that is the community, region and
11. Leadership ability to infivence others to achieve goals
12. Taxpayer one of the stages in the right and abiligations of the taxpayer
13. Legislative the institusion responsible for defending the law
14. Indonesia consulative party struggly a party from indonesia
15. Grindra party a party indonesia
16. Corruption bad deeds like embezzlement
17. The central goverment is the highest and its subnational units only exercise power the
power chosen by the central goverment
18. Indonesia is the 42nd best country inthe world
19. Capital is everything that can be used to run a business
20. Chairman of the indonesian regional representative council time BAMBANG SOESATYO
21. The independence of the indonesian state was proclaimed on 17 august 1945
22. Constitution is the whole system of state goverment that froms the rules governing the
state goverment
23. Politick is the process of forming a party of power in society, among others, tangible decision
making process, especially in the country
24. Leadership is the process of influencing or modeling by leaders, to followers in an effort to
25. Process is a seguence of interrelated exetion
26. Soclety ia group of people who make up a system
27. Economy is one of the social sciences
28. National means national or national origin indudinga nation
29. Interaktion is as apposed to a directional relationship to cause ans effect
30. The judiciary is an institution which has the authority to prosecute violators of policles made
by the legislature

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