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Sent by certified mail

Andrew Smith
4th. Avenue
San Diego, CA 92103 April 14, 2018
Re: Withholding Security deposit

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing this letter to inform you of the issue concerning my security deposit. I feel as if it is unfair for
you to withhold my security deposit. By you sending me the list of all the “damages” that needed
repairing makes me believe you claim that these conditions weren't there prior to my moving day.

I moved into the apartment at 248 Jones Street on March 31, 2017. When the apartment was first toured I
addressed the stains on the wall, and later asked to get them fixed through multiple phone calls, but you
failed to follow-up on that. After a week living in the apartment, the mold in the bathroom had gotten
worse. I addressed this issue on the phone, but again you failed to do something about it. As for the
carpet, I asked you if it would be a problem. I even offered to replace the carpet with my money, but you
refused. The carpet was however already worn out and had stains on it. Clearly, the carpet will look more
worn out if a person has lived there for a year. As for the screens and the bathroom rack, the screens were
already old, and the bathroom rack was already in a bad condition and on the verge of breaking. I did
email you about these two problems and asked if you could contact someone to fix these issues, but you
never got back to me.

California Civil code 1950.5 states that “a landlord cannot withhold money from a tenant’s security
deposit if the damages already existed before the tenant moved into the apartment”. It also states, that "a
landlord cannot withhold money from a tenant's security deposit if the damages result from ordinary wear
and tear.”

I have contacted you multiple times addressing these issues. But you took no further action. As a landlord,
it is your responsibility to repair any damages prior to my moving day. Under the California Law, you
cannot withhold my security deposit, for damages that have already existed. In order for you to withhold
the security deposit, the damages had to have been extreme and done by the tenant.

I ask that you reconsider your decision on withholding my security deposit, or further legal actions will be
done. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss this further.

Jessica Robles

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