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Campaign Approach

Description, Marketing
Objective, and KPI
Assigned Course (DMND) and Country
Landing Page:
Location: India
Campaign Budget: $50
Daily Budget: $10
Campaign Name: SusPohJul-18

Course: HTML5 Canvas

“Canvas is an HTML5 element which gives you drawable surface inside your web pages you can control with
JavaScript. Powerful enough to use for compositing images and even creating games.
In this course, through several sample projects, you’ll learn how to use the canvas; how to make
compositions using shapes, images, and text; how to create effects and filters on images and how to create

- Description taken from Udacity website

“We will assume a conversion value of $60 per new student. Assuming a conversion rate of 5%, a default bid
of $3.00 is a reasonable start.”

- Udacity Instructions
Approach Description

My first step was to clearly define my target audience. I chose a demographic of Indian women between 20 – 30
who are already working, are in a relationship, and have completed a university degree in Computer Sciences. They
need a competitive edge in the extremely fast-paced work environment of India.

The technology market is always changing and updating. People who have completed their degree might not have
learned all computer languages. They may want to learn new languages or a different skill that what they acquired
in their degree in order to stay up-to-date with current practices.

With this approach, I aim to engage a target audience that is already interested in technology and computers,
therefore would have a natural inclination to explore our product. I also am targeting a naturally competitive
market in which a surplus of skills is necessary. There should be high demand for the HTML5 Canvas class.

I also am targeting different stages of the customer journey with my two Ad Groups. In my first Ad Group I am
targeting awareness. In my second I am targeting conversions.

(See the following slide for more details on target persona)

Target Persona
Background and Target Persona
Demographics Name

1. An advantage over her peers

Age: 20 - 30
in the tech world
Income level: less than 30,000
2. A way to advance in her
USD (2,142,398 Rupees)
Gender: Female
3. Become more skilled and
Race: Indian Neha Patel
come out ahead of her peers
Education: Undergraduate degree
because of all the competition
in Computer Sciences
in India
4. Have more knowledge than
other people

Hobbies Goals Barriers

1. Wants to make a higher income

1. Chatting with friends 2. Wants to be able to find a quality
1. Not enough time
2. Spending time with program that is easy to research
2. Not enough money
boyfriend and is able to be completed in a
3. Working in order to make
3. Cooking timely manner
enough money to get by
4. Dancing (Traditional Kathak 3. Wants to be able to become a
4. Busy life - needs time to
dance) managerial level in company
balance it
5. Watching Bollywood, movies 4. Wants to expand skill set beyond
and English TV shows degree and stay up to date in an ever
advancing market
Marketing Objective & KPI

1. What marketing objective do you aim to achieve with your campaign?

- Creating 10 leads in 5 days

- Increase website traffic by 10% for females in India ages 20 – 30.

- Budget is $50 total, $10 per day

1. What primary KPI are you going to track in your campaign?

- The number of leads created, conversions

Ad Groups
Ads and Keywords
Keywords Ad Group 1 – Awareness Stage
Ad Group 1 - Ad #1
Ad Group 1 - Ad #2
Ad Group 1 Overview

Keyword List: Udacity, Udemy, online, course, education, update,

advance your career, improve your skills, advance, career,
improve, take advantage, advantage, free learning tools, free
learning online, learning, learn, new, skills, skill, technology,
computers, code, coding, html, html5, [html5 canvas], [html5],
compete, win, additional, canvas, manager, above and beyond,
own pace, flexible
Keywords Ad Group 2 – Conversion Stage
Ad Group 1 - Ad #1
Ad Group 1 - Ad #2
Ad Group 2 Overview

Keyword List: take a free course, "take a course", free course,

"sign up", sign up for Udacity course, best online course, take
html5 course, flexible learning schedule, best online school,
extra computer skills, [Udacity course], Udacity courses, Udacity
learning, Udacity home page, Udacity html5, Udacity canvas,
Udacity html5 canvas, online school computers, online courses
html5, student registration, register for online course, register
for Udacity, become a student in an online course, "become a
student“, enroll
Campaign Evaluation
Results, Analysis and
Key Campaign Results (Campaign & Ad Groups)

Max. Avg. Cost Cost per

Ad Group Impr. Clicks CTR Conv. CR Cost
CPC Bid per Click Conv.

Female 20 -30
Awareness $3.00 897 26 2.9% $0.61 2 7.69% $7.96 $15.92

Female 20 -30
Conversion $3.00 2 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0 0

Total 899 26 2.89% $0.61 2 7.69% $7.96 $15.92

Key Campaign Results

Avg. Cost Cost per

Ad Clicks CTR Conv. CR Cost
per Click Conv.

Free Online Learning,

Digital Skills from 19 3.14% $0.67 2 10.53% $6.32 $12.64

Advance Digital Skills,

Free Courses from 7 2.41% $0.47 0 0 0 $3.28

Sign Up for Udacity

Courses, Online, Free, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Advance Digital Skills

Now, Enroll in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Udacity Courses
Key Campaign Results
3 Most Successful Keywords

Avg. Cost Cost per

Keyword Clicks CTR Conv. CR Cost
per Click Conv.

Learning 3 13.64% $0.69 1 33.33% $2.06 $2.06

Udemy 5 4.85% $0.50 1 20.00% $2.49 $2.49

online 9 4.39% $0.80 0 0% $0.00 $0.00

Campaign Evaluation

● My first group of Ads, Female 20 – 30 Awareness group was the most successful. It lead to the most conversions, CTR,
and highest conversion rate. It did not have the lowest cost per click of the entire group, but the cost per click did not
reach the $3.00 bid that we initially set.

● The Ad from Group 1 that was extremely successful was Ad 1, “Free Online Learning, Digital Skills from Udacity”. It had 19
clicks, 3.14% CTR, 2 conversions, and conversion rate of 10.53%. The average cost per click was $0.67.

● On average, we spent $0.61 per click. The max CPC bid was $3.00 so we did not get very close. The instructions for
Udacity also said to assume a 5% conversion rate. We exceeded that and our conversion rate was 7.69% which exceeds
the anticipated conversion rate by almost 3%.

● Overall, the conversion number was lower than expected. We only had 2 conversions although I anticipated 10. I also
think that because my second Ad group was not very successful, we missed out on potential conversions with that Ad
group. If the second Ad group had been more active, we would have had a higher chance of meeting our goal.
Campaign Evaluation - ROI


○ ROI = (conversion value * leads)/total cost

○ ROI = ($60 *2)/ $15.92 = $7.53

○ ROI = $7.53

○ The ROI is positive and we have made a profit. This means that our campaign was successful. While it is not a large
profit, we have still made 2 conversions for a positive ROI.
Campaign Evaluation - Keywords

The keywords that were most successful were “Learning” “Udemy” and “online”. “Learning” and “Udemy” were most
successful because they had the highest conversion rates, highest CTR, and lowest CPC.

“Learning” was most successful. It had a very high CTR of 13.64%, a very high Conversion Rate of 33.33%, a fair CPC of
$0.69, and a low cost of $2.06 per conversion. $2.06 was also the overall cost. Although it had the lowest amount of clicks
compared to the other words, it had the most conversions and most effective conversion rate which are the most
important parts to reach our goal.

“Udemy” had a good CTR of 4.85%, high conversion rate of 20%, a low CPC of $0.50, and a fair cost of $2.49. It had more
clicks than “Learning”, but a lower conversation rate. It still had 1 conversion, but had a slightly higher cost. “Udemy” still
achieved 1 conversion and was successful because of this, although it was not as effective as “Learning” because of the
lower cost of “Learning” and the higher CTR and CR.

“Online” was the third most successful word. It did not achieve any conversions, but it had a CTR just below “Udemy”.
“Online” had a CTR of 4.39% and had 9 clicks. The CPC was $0.80 which was higher than “Learning” and “Udemy”. Because
there was no conversion, there is 0% CR, $0 Cost per conversion, and $0.00 Cost. While the cost looks like it is the lowest,
it is not ideal because there was no conversions. It was still a successful word overall for CTR and Clicks.
Key Campaign Results
3 Most Successful Keywords

Avg. Cost Cost per

Keyword Clicks CTR Conv. CR Cost
per Click Conv.

Learning 3 13.64% $0.69 1 33.33% $2.06 $2.06

Udemy 5 4.85% $0.50 1 20.00% $2.49 $2.49

online 9 4.39% $0.80 0 0% $0.00 $0.00

Campaign Evaluation – Keywords Continued

Looking at Moz, “Learning” has a difficulty rate of 58 which is a fairly high number. It’s priority score is 67, which is not the highest, but again fair.
It is surprising to me that this word performed so well based on it’s Moz evaluation.

I think that “Learning” is one of the most successful keywords because recently a lot of education has moved online. The internet has become a
giant resource to learn, research and execute new ideas.

Udemy is also a surprisingly successful word. Its Moz score for difficulty is 77 and its priority score is 65. The difficulty is very high. The Priority is
a fair score, yet a little low compared to how high the difficulty is.

I believe that “Udemy” is a successful keyword for Udacity because it is a well known company that also offers a lot of free online courses. It has
over 80,000 online courses that many people are familiar with. This is a site that many people are familiar with and trust to take courses. Since
an ad for Udacity appears there, people are more likely to explore the ad from a site that is trusted.

“Online” performed very well considering its Moz difficulty score is 59 and its priority score is 19. I initially used this word because I thought it
resonated highly with “learning” and the act of taking classes “online”. The words “online schools” had a much better performance rating on Moz
with a difficulty score of 46 and a Priority score of 72. It is interesting that “online” beat it and was one of the top achieving keywords.

Overall, I believe “online” is successful because it has to do with learning and free learning tools. I do still think that overall it a bit generic. It is
one of the top three keywords, but it could still be improved to a more specific idea related to Udacity and digital marketing. There are many
things “online”, and while the CTR was decent, this keyword could be improved to be more effective at leading to a conversion.
Campaign Evaluation - Improvements

A disappointing part of my campaign was that the second Ad group, Female 20 – 30 Conversions, got little to no interaction. It barely
received any clicks, impressions or CTR. In analyzing this set of adds, there are a lot of improvements to be made. I could try
changing the description of the text add. I currently made it very specific for HTML5 and Canvas, thinking that at a conversion stage
the customer would be looking for a specific class to purchase.

I could improve this by making the description less detailed. The specific codes “HTML5” and “Canvas” might have been too
technical. Also looking at the first group of ads, the ad that had the words “Free Online Learning” got the most interaction. I could
consider using these set of words instead of the current Text Ads that I used.

Thinking about choosing keywords, not every keyword that had high priority and low difficulty performed the way that I had hoped
it to. I think it’s important to evaluate keywords that are most related to your product because they can sometimes outweigh the
Moz scores. I saw this especially, with the word “Online”. It had a high difficulty score and low priority score, yet still was one of the
top three performing keywords.

One of the my goals was to increase website traffic by 10%. I can consider “increasing website traffic to be CTR”. I did not meet this
goal. When forming a goal for this in the future, I can create more effective ads for people to want to actually click through them. I
can look closer at my A/B testing methods and see which words resonate highly with my customers currently to discover how to
improve CTR. I can also look at successful keywords that I have found.
Recommendations for Future

For future campaigns, I would recommend focusing on keywords that are very specific to Udacity and common trends that
people are looking for. A consideration would be to use Google Analytics as well to look at words that are trending instead
of relying so heavily on Moz.

I would also consider using more competitor’s names as keywords. We found success with using “Udemy” which is a very
popular site. Knowing that reliable and popular sites’ brand names can gain traffic for us might be a good strategy to
increase our conversions and profit.

I would also focus on creating Ad Groups in which text is not too technical and still readable. I used too many technical
details such as “HTML5” in one of my text ad descriptions and I believe that prevented people from clicking on the link. It’s
important to realize that although people may interested in something specific, they are more likely to skim correctly
phrased words with grammar that is easy to understand. “HTML5” and “Canvas” may have been detrimental in that sense.
A/B Testing

Seeing the results from our Ad Groups, I would like to use the knowledge that “Learning”, “Udemy”, and “online” are the
most popular keywords we found. I would set up an A/B test with text ads utilizing the word “Learning” and “Online” in the
Titles, and I would be sure to include “Udemy” as a keyword.

For example, Ad 1’s title would read, “Learning Online|Udacity” and Ad 2’s title would read, “Online Learning|Udacity” to see
which word is more important when first read.

From that test, I would also want to make an A/B test with the word “Free” in the title. Although it did not come up as one of
the top three keywords, it was a part of our most successful ad from Group 1, Free Online Learning, Digital Skills from Udacity.
In this set, Ad 1’s title would read, “Free Learning Online|Udacity” and Ad 2’s title would read, “Free Online
Learning|Udacity” to see if the word “Free” makes a significant difference, and which order of words is the best performing
Landing Page

Any changes to the landing page would be to include similar text and concepts, related to the text of the ad presented in
the search engine. If the text ad reads “Learning Online|Udacity” then I would make sure to have a landing page with
pictures and descriptions of different accounts of real people learning online. Right now, the landing page has a picture of
a person learning online but it is very blue and not apparent that it is a person. A suggestion would be to provide a
testimonial of a person who has completed the course either at the top or bottom of the page that talks about what he or
she has learned. The testimonial should include a colorful and authentic picture of a person so that the customer can
picture themselves as a potential student.

If the text ad reads “Free Learning Online|Udacity”, then there is an emphasis on “Free”. The customer might be looking for
free demonstrations. In this case, I would want the landing page to include some type of free information where the
customer could “Learn More” by signing up for a newsletter with their e-mail, or pushing a button to download a free
syllabus/overview of the course.

These are two examples, but many more options exist depending on which word is most successful and meets the
customer’s needs the best. We find that from A/B testing and then try to make it apparent on the landing page so that
there is more chance of a conversion. We also consider keywords and their performance in conversions.
Screenshots for
Campaign Results
Ads Results Part 1
Ads Results Part 2
Keywords Part 1
Keywords Part 2
Keywords Part 3
Keywords Part 4
Keywords Part 5
Keywords Part 6
Keywords Part 7
3 Most Successful Keywords
Keywords Part 8 - Totals
Moz 3 Successful Keyword Scores

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