Mpi Lab: Handling Individual Bits On Atmega 32

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Handling individual bits on Atmega 32

Name : Burhan Ahmed Satti

Enrollment No. : 01-134172-065
Class : BSCS 4-A
Subject : MPI Lab
Lab Assistant : Muhammad Atif

•Learning basics of Proteus
•Introduction to Atmega 32 processor
•Learning basics of Atmel studio

Tools Used
•Proteus 8.0
•Atmel Studio 7.0
BSCS 4-A Burhan Ahmed Satti 01-134172-065

Task No. 2.1

Program the Atmega 32 processor on Proteus, such that Port B takes door input on pin 1 and
lights up the LED connected to the 7th pin.
* \file
* \brief Empty user application template

* \mainpage User Application template doxygen documentation
* \par Empty user application template
* Bare minimum empty user application template
* \par Content
* -# Include the ASF header files (through asf.h)
* -# "Insert system clock initialization code here" comment
* -# Minimal main function that starts with a call to board_init()
* -# "Insert application code here" comment

* Include header files for all drivers that have been imported from
* Atmel Software Framework (ASF).
* Support and FAQ: visit <a href="">Microchip Support</a>
#include <asf.h>

int main (void)

/* Insert system clock initialization code here (sysclk_init()). */


/* Insert application code here, after the board has been initialized. */

DDRB &= (0<<1);

DDRC |= (1<<7);
PORTC = 0x00;

while (1)
if(PINB == 0x02)
PORTC = 0x80;
PORTC = 0x00;
return 1;

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BSCS 4-A Burhan Ahmed Satti 01-134172-065


The 7th pin lights up whenever there is input on 2nd port.

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