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Ali Eeds, Principal  James Buescher, Dean of Learning Support  Annaly Sandoval, Head Counselor

November 20, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write the following letter of recommendation for Najae Reynolds who is a senior at
Buckingham Charter Magnet High School where I am her guidance counselor. Although I am new to Buckingham this
school year, I am not new to counseling. During the short time I have known Najae it is easy to see that she is a
passionate, unique, driven young woman with a clear path for her future that she is focused on achieving.

Najae plans to obtain a degree in music technology and sound production with the ultimate goal of relocating to
South Korea to work in their music industry. She is extremely interested in Korean Pop music, which uses a blend of
audiovisual elements that she feels confident her degree will support. Music has been a central focus in Najae’s life for
as long as she can remember. She started playing the violin in the 4th grade and piano in high school and has always
loved to sing and dance. With a song constantly in the back of her mind, a career in the music industry is the only thing
that has ever made sense when Najae considers her future career path.

Najae and her mother relocated from New York to California right before she started high school and
Buckingham Charter Magnet High School has proven to be the perfect fit with its reputation of excellence in music and
technology. Najae has thrived during her high school career maintaining an overall grade point average of 3.70. She has
taken challenging coursework in high school as well as our local community college and established herself as an active,
contributing member at school and in our community, participating in various sports and clubs, as well as volunteering
for a variety of community events.

Najae is intelligent, energetic and focused on obtaining the goals she has set for herself. Growing up in a single
parent household scholarships will be an extremely helpful component to funding Najae’s education. Please strongly
consider her scholarship application, as she is a most worthy applicant. If you have other questions or need further
information please do not hesitate to contact me at (707) 453-7300 ext. 1104. Thank you for your time and


Heidi Garcia

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