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e ‘De Gastn Hussain PIMS Hospital Unit FCPS Il Orthopedics Jan 2017 ‘A fisherman got non haling ulcer on dorsum index finger since 6 months. Biopsy shows granulomatous inflammation, most likely due to, ‘Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium Marinum Mycobacterium Ulcerans Mycobacterium Kansasil Mycobacterium Avium eansp Post Traumatic severe Osteoarthritis hip joint in a 35 years old labor, which option is best for him to continue his near normal life? a. Hipresurfacing ve. arthnclesis b. Cementless THR ©. Cemented THR d. Bipolar arthroplasty 45 year old male office worker has right hip joint severe arthritis and has difficulty in sitting due to decreased hip joint motion. Best treatment option? a. Cemented THR ©) Cementiess THR . Hip resurfacing 4. Bipolar arthroplasty ‘A 35 year old man is diagnosed case of ankylosing spondylosis involving lower spine and painful both hip joints. Right side hip is more painful and flexion contracture with ROM 70 degree while ROM left hip is 30 to 100 degree. Best treatment for hip is? ‘a. Left side THR ©) Right side THR ¢, Bilateral THR 4. Arthrodesis . A40 year old patient since 3 years on hemodialysis got fracture neck of femur, He is declared very high risk for surgery. Treatment option? ‘a, Mobilize with fracture b. Hemiarthroplasty c. Resection arthroplasty d. Cemented THR While doing TKR, found 2 cm defects which are 2.5cm wide, Manage defect with? a, Bone cement b. Metal augments -. Bone graft d. Wide tibia tray Most of orthopedic implants are, a. Alloy b. Chromium <<. Slainless steel 316L d. Cobalt Dr Qasim Hussain PIMS Hospital Unit I ainful right hip. He had DDH which was operated in childhood. X rays . thows ‘oma road's partially incovered. Osteoarthritis noted in hip joint. Best option? ‘a. Acetabular rotational oteotomy and later THR b, Acetabular rotational osteotomy and pelvic redirectional osteotomy, later THR c. Femur varus osteotomy d. Early THR 9. Investigation of DDH in 9 month old child? Ultrasound . Xray MRI |. Barlow and Ortolani CT scan » b. ©. 4. e. 10. Most common post op complication of SCFE is? ‘a. Chondrolysis b. AVN ¢. Pain d. Painful arthritis, 11. Which of the following is correct about SCFE? ‘a. Occurs through hypertrophic zone b 2 3? a7? 42. Camera port for knee arthroscopy? a. Lateral b. Medial c. Anterior d, Posteriomedial 1. Medial epicondy! fracture in 8 year old child must be fixed to avid in future? a, Cubits varus b. Tardy unlar nerve palsy c. Decrease range of motion d. Decreased growth 14.3 year old boy has painful hip movements, fever 40, pulse 120/min, since 48 hours. Best ir ation is? 16, Most common site for cervical spine disc prolapsed? a. Anterior b. Posterior ©. Posterolateral ‘Dr Qasim Hussain PIMS Hospital Unit d. Anterolateral 16. 53 year old female has got humerus fracture after trivial injury. She has mastectomy 10 years ago. Treatment option? a. Closed interlocking nail b. Open interlocking nail ¢. Dynamic compression plate 4. Uslab 17. A patient has lateral winging scapula. Strengthening exercise of which muscle you will advise him? Deltoid Serratus anterior Trapezius Latessimus Dorsi nese 18. Most common nail bed tumor? a. Angiosarcoma b. Malignant melanoma ¢. Squamous cell carcinoma 4. Osteoid osteoma 19. A young female got femur fracture. She has also renal stones. X rays showing thinning of bone cortex. Diagnosis? a. Osteomalascia b. Primary hyperparathyroidism c. Secondary hyperparathyroidism d. Osteoporosis, 20. 50 years female who has 4 children has developed myalgias, bony aches. Serum calcium and phosphate normal. But raised hydroxyprolene in urine. Diagnosis? a. Osteomalascia b. Post-menopausal osteoporosis ¢. Multiple Myeloma d. Metastatic tumor 21. X ray of proximal tibia of young man shows large cystic lesion with thinning of cortexes. ‘Serum Calcium is normal, alkaline phosphatase is raised. Biopsy shows GCT. Diagnosis? a, Brown tumor b. GCT ©. Unicameral bone cyst 4. ABC 22, Most common tumor of old age? a. GCT b. Chondrosarcoma °c. 2? d. 22 23. A wrestler's shoulder was dislocated 7 times in year. X ray and MRI are normal. Best Rx? a. Capsulorraphy b. Laterjet procedure

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