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Portfolio 2018-19

Academic Artifact
Future career interests (if known):

Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1.​Be Engaged


Description of artifact/assignment:
My paper is my debate speech for English and Government which is about free college
tuition in other countries and why we should make it happen in the United States. It’s
important because this will be the future of the next generation and future generations to

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts/assignments?

I chose this assignment because it is a debate speech that I worked very hard on and put in
a lot of research into. I believe that it is really important to think about how much college
costs because there is a lot of student debt that not a lot of people are talking about or know
about. Creatine a awareness will get people interested in taking action towards it.

What academic skills did you use that are specific to this artifact/assignment?
Researching, problem solving and engaged are academic skills that I used in this

What general academic skills did you use (skills that would be used in any academic class)?
Academic skills aren’t that different in a outside setting as in a classroom setting.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this
Artifact/Assignment? Explain.
I saw growth in being engaged and having self-management while writing my debate
speech. I learn more about college debts and how they usually start to happen that college
students fail to realize. I gave me a self-awareness to be more careful when I go to college.

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