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Insetting Objects in Graphics

"Redrawing and Combining Plots" describes how you can make regular arrays of plots using GraphicsGrid . Using the Inset graphics primitive,
however, you can combine and superimpose plots in any way.

Inset obj, pos specifies that the inset should be placed at position pos
in the graphic
Inset obj, pos, opos, size render an object with a given size so that point opos in
obj is positioned at point pos in the containing graphic
Inset obj, pos, opos, size, dirs specifies that the axes of the inset should be oriented in
directions dirs

Creating an inset.

Here is a plot:

In[1]:= p1 Plot Sin x , Sin 2 x , x, 0, 2 Π , ImageSize 200, Frame True, Background LightYellow
repre seno seno tamaño de imagen marco verd fondo de imagen amarillo claro


This creates a plot within a parametric plot:

In[2]:= ParametricPlot Sin x , Sin 2 x , x, 0, 4 Π , Epilog Inset p1, .3, .5

gráfico paramétrico seno seno epílogo encarte


1988–2019 Wolfram Research, Inc. All rights reserved.

Printed from the Complete Wolfram Language Documentation 2

Here is a three-dimensional plot:

In[3]:= p3 Plot3D Sin x Exp y , x, 5, 5 , y, 2, 2

represe seno exponencial


This creates a two-dimensional graphics object that contains two differently sized copies of the three-dimensional plot:

In[4]:= Graphics Inset p3, 1, 1 , Center, 2, 2 , Inset p3, .5, .5 , Center, 3, 3 , PlotRange 2
gráfico encarte centro encarte centro rango de representación


Here are rotated and skewed plots inset in a graphic:

In[5]:= Graphics
Inset p1, 1, 0 , Center, 1, 1 , 1, 1 ,
encarte centro
Inset p1, 2, 0 , Center, 1, 1 , 1, 0 , 1, 1
encarte centro


The Wolfram Language can render plots, arbitrary 2D or 3D graphics, cells, and text within an Inset . Notice that in general the display area for

graphics objects will be sized so as to touch at least one pair of edges of the Inset .

1988–2019 Wolfram Research, Inc. All rights reserved.

Printed from the Complete Wolfram Language Documentation 3

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1988–2019 Wolfram Research, Inc. All rights reserved.

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