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Parenting Cooking
Cooking Movies
Parenting Cooking
Movies Movies
‘Supersizing’ A hot
When across
students Getout
Get outfamily’s
A Hasidic ‘Hammer’
‘Hammer’ details
Grilled to
not required. the topic.
parental borders.
come back home. the grill!
ups and downs. are down.
See Page
SeePage 911
11 See
See Page
See 11
Page 12 See
See Page
See 1514
Page 18

Take it Slow
Steven “Kip” Kolow, founder of the orig-
inal Boston Chicken chain, has opened a
new establishment in Burlington called
SlowBones Modern BBQ. Established 1902
See Page 3
Vol. 204 No. 52 ■ 24 Tevet 5774 — December 27, 2013 ■ ■ $1.50

A big crush
Columnist Ben Cohen writes that the
only way to defeat the Boycott, Divest- ADL, CJP Newton reaction
ment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is
for Jews to rise up and crush it. raises questions of integrity
See Page 6
Conflicting statements and lack of
Hot stuff transparency undermine public trust
Tired of the New England winter? Ben G.
Frank says that there are locations in the By Alexandra Lapkin
Advocate Staff the details
Caribbean that are of particular interest of their re-
to Jews.

ontroversy continues to swirl view with
See Page 12 over a statement released by the public,
the Anti-Defamation League prompting
Rockin’ Eve (ADL), Combined Jewish Philanthro- some in the
pies (CJP) and Jewish Community Rela- community
“Jewmongous,” a Christmas Eve event
tions Council of Greater Boston (JCRC) – including
for Jews created by Sean Altman, will
claiming that charges by Americans for an instructor
be held again this year at Club Passim in Peace and Tolerance (APT) President at Brandeis
Cambridge. Charles Jacobs of anti-Israel material in the University in Waltham – to raise
See Page 15 Newton Public Schools were groundless. the question of transparency in lo-
Following that statement and cal Jewish organizations.
Major players ambiguity over whether a referenced Neither ADL nor JCRC has agreed
Jewish composers such as Irving Berlin, ADL report even existed, the JCRC to release its findings in order to support
George Gershwin, Jerome Kern and stated that it has also conducted an in- their joint statement in a Letter to the
Benny Goodman had a major impact on quiry into alleged anti-Israel materials Editor in the Nov. 15 issue of The Ad-
20th-century American music. taught in 9th- and 10th-grade history vocate, where the organizations’ leaders
classes in the Newton Public Schools wrote that they have done a “careful re-
See Page 15
that is separate from that of the Anti- view of the materials at issue,” conclud-
Defamation League (ADL). ing, “We trust that this is reassuring to
So batty Jeremy Goldberg is the owner and Amit Ram is a brewer at
However, the JCRC – like the members of our community.”
Israeli researchers believe bats use vision ADL before it – declined to share Continued on Page 5
Cape Ann Brewing Co. in Gloucester.
to keep track of where they’re going and
echolocation to hunt insects that most
nocturnal predators can’t see. Jewish-owned brewery is JCCNS gets a facelift
See Page 16
passionate about its craft
Gloucester’s Cape Ann Brewing Co. for $50,000 price tag
has been going strong since 2004 Membership spike prompted renovations
By Nicole Levy By Nicole Levy
Special to The Advocate (primarily) barley into malt. Special to The Advocate structural changes totaled around
The malt is added to water and $50,000; all funds were taken from

ccording to Jeremy hops, which gives beer its bit- he Jewish Community operational revenue, which includ-
SHABBAT CANDLE Goldberg, owner of ter flavor and stabilizes it. Af- Center of the North Shore ed an influx of funds from new
LIGHTING TIMES Cape Ann Brewing ter the mixture is heated, yeast ( JCCNS) in Marblehead membership, as well as the JCCNS
PARSHAT VA’EIRAH Co. in Gloucester, there’s more is introduced to ferment the has undergone an expensive face- camp programs and preschool.
to craft brewing than meets product using the sugars of the lift made necessary by a growing “We have gained credibility as a
FALL RIVER 4:02 the eye. malt. Beer color depends on the membership base. result of the renovations and the fact
LOWELL 4:00 “Making beer is like cook- length and temperature of the The introduction of the DancEn- that the books are balanced for the
SPRINGFIELD 4:07 ing. It incorporates hands-on cooking process. Yeast activity is ergy exercise program six months first time in years,” Schneer said.
WORCESTER 4:03 work. It’s artisanal … and in- monitored by brewers to regu- ago brought in 174 new members. The arrival of DancEnergy put
PORTLAND, MAINE 3:52 volves science,” Goldberg said. late the sweetness of the liquid. That recent surge in membership the renovations into motion.
MANCHESTER, N.H. 3:59 Cape Ann Brewing produces At Cape Ann Brewery, the en- brings the total up to 1,800 units, or Developed by Joyce Colahan,
30 to 40 styles of beer a year tire process can take from two 3,500 or 4,000 people, an increase of DancEnergy provides a dynamic
in a facility adjacent to its pub. to six weeks. 50 percent from 2009-10, according workout to highly choreographed
ERUV STATUS: The business has its own label, Goldberg said there’s a lot of to JCCNS Public Relations Director dance routines. Lisa Gillis, a Dan-
BOSTON 781-446-9797
“Fisherman’s Brew,” with the debate over what constitutes a Leigh Blander. At that time, JCCNS cEnergy instructor, said the class
MALDEN 781-322-5686
SHARON 781-695-0505 image of the iconic Gloucester craft beer. For him, craft brew- membership had decreased 20 percent required high mirrors installed
Fisherman’s Memorial on it. ing results in “non-compromis- due to the lackluster economy and the along the perimeter of the Group
Already available in the United ing flavor.” He said many mass- 2009 opening of the state-of-the-art Exercise Studio for the 35 to 40
States, Cape Ann Brewing will distributed commercial beers Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA just a participants each time to check
begin distributing the beer in include rice and corn – making mile down the road. their form. The JCCNS also put in
Sweden this summer. it lighter and sweeter – plus a There have also been extensive new lighting and improved shades
Goldberg explained that number of preservatives and ad- renovations. JCCNS Executive in the room.
brewing starts with converting Continued on Page 4 Director Martin Schneer said the Continued on Page 20

ADL, CJP response to Newton Schools situation raises integrity questions

Continued from Page 1 the report was he said ‘about eight,’ so
In a subsequent interview reported of course I am saddened by this whole
in this newspaper, ADL New England sordid pack of lies.
Regional Director Robert Trestan only “What is really alarming here is to
reiterated that “the [APT] ad is mis- see Boston’s most powerful and well-
leading. It is taken out of context.”While funded Jewish communal organizations
Trestan said a report of their investiga- train their firepower on one courageous
tion does not exist,ADL’s New England man, Charles Jacobs, who has time and
Regional Board Chair, Jeffrey Robbins, again come to the aid of Jewish high
said there is indeed such a written analy- school and college students facing ha-
sis but it is not available to the media.“It’s rassment, while these groups often did
an internal report,” he said. “People do nothing and, worse yet, even tried to
this stuff internally all the time. ... It in- undercut him. That they jointly, almost
volves all kinds of proprietary research.” conspiratorially, joined forces to try and
JCRC Executive Director Jeremy take him down is worse than disgrace-
Burton said the point of the joint state- ful. You have to question their fitness to
ment was only to respond to APTs ad- retain these positions of trust.”
vertisement. “The letter is very specific.” “The Arab World Studies Notebook” and “A Muslim Primer” are two controversial texts that have been Another prominent community fig-
Joshua Katzen, an adjunct pro- used in the Newton Public Schools. The former, which claims that Israeli soldiers “killed hundreds of ure, who spoke on the condition of ano-
fessor of real estate development at Palestinian nurses,” was rejected by numerous school systems nationwide but Newton included it in its nymity, expressed what he said was on
Brandeis and a Newton resident, has high school curriculum until parent anger forced its removal. the minds of many in the community:
been working with the Committee for “Instead of releasing any report or de-
Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and ADL) reaching out to Jacobs to Implicitly acknowledging that While in a previous interview with tailed findings on which their statement
in America (CAMERA), a media- ask him for the materials that formed there were in fact such materials in the the Jewish News Service (JNS), Shrage is based, these organizations are asking
monitoring organization, with regard the basis of his investigation. In a Newton schools, Shrage said, “In my was quoted as saying that he had in fact us to blindly trust them and their gen-
to the issues raised in the Newton prior interview, which was included view the question of existence [of ma- seen reports by ADL and JCRC on the eral conclusion on faith. And yet, how
public school curriculum. He has also in the Nov. 29 issue of The Advo- terials listed on APT’s advertisement] Newton curriculum, he said in the inter- can we do that when they are saying two
reached out to Robbins and asked for cate, Jacobs said, “I wish we could is not the issue, but rather how these view withThe Advocate for this story,“All inconsistent and contradictory things, at
the organization to disclose its find- share our data with them. But sadly materials were used.” the information that I got was verbal.” least one of which is therefore a lie? This
ings, which were not provided to him. our prior experiences show that we But others in the community When asked about how the situa- is no longer just a story about the New-
In response to the Jewish leader- cannot trust them with information question why impressionable high tion reflects on transparency of the Jew- ton schools,but about accountability and
ship’s unwillingness to provide the before we take it public.” school students should be exposed to ish community organizations, Shrage how our communal organizations and
Jewish community with detailed in- Burton said that despite conduct- such anti-Israel materials at all, par- turned the attention on Jacobs’ group, leadership operates.”
ing a thorough review of the Newton ticularly if they are biased and factually saying, “What about APT? Where is Jacobs observed,“It seems to me that
curriculum, JCRC has not completed incorrect. their transparency?” He went on to say ADL has done a disservice to the Jew-
“The failure of both a “written report or briefing memo” of Regarding the ADL’s responsibil- that APT still has not answered ques- ish community and Jewish leadership
its analysis. He said that “we verbally ity to the Jewish community to share tions to ADL and JCRC’s inquiries. in Boston, by claiming to have done a
organizations to re- walked our leadership” over the ma- their findings, Shrage said, “It’s up to In response to the question about thorough, quality investigation – which
lease the reports that terials that were taught at the schools. them to share their documents. It’s not his organization’s transparency, Jacobs they refuse to disclose, but which CJP,
they claim to have un- He said JCRC has “no pretention of my job to pass judgment on other or- said in an e-mail, “Our ads and our JCRC, AJC and leading Rabbis in the
a report” which he could present for ganizations. … Some of the informa- many op-eds have disclosed the basis Boston area have relied on.
dertaken, by nameless publication, but added that there are tion is pertinent and some stuff is not of our concerns.” “We do not believe ADL has any
non-experts, indicates no other documents that he could shareable; that is a question for them. “I really doubted any report exist- credible basis for its continuing claim
that no such reports share with the Jewish community that … There’s no need to share anything.” ed,” said Russel Pergament, long active that there is nothing for Boston’s Jew-
reveal the details of the review. He added that he stands by JCRC. in local media and publisher of JNS. ish community to worry about. This is
were ever prepared.” Burton added that he has not in- “The answer – what I see is totally Pergament, who has known Shrage very unfortunate for a community that
Joshua Katzen quired into the allegations of a more transparent. Whether there is a docu- for “almost 30 years”called Shrage after desperately needs strong leadership at
recent ad taken out by APT in No- ment [ADL report] or not, and there hearing he had seen a so-called report. a time when Israel and its support-
vember, which compared a handout is no evidence that there is, [is not the “I pushed hard on the phone. I wanted ers are under attack in universities, in
formation from their reviews, Katzen of maps given to Newton students, issue],” he added. facts. When I asked how many pages K-12, and in the media.”
said in an e-mail, “The failure of both similar to those that were featured in a
organizations to release the reports recent MBTA ad that depict a shrink-
that they claim to have undertaken, by ing Palestine and growing Israel in the
nameless non-experts, indicates that years since 1948.
no such reports were ever prepared.” Burton said that he has no specific
“While CAMERA has an ex- response to APT’s second ad because
pert on the subject, [Senior Research he has not seen any “backup” of Jacobs’
Analyst] Steve Stotsky, who made se- claims. “I think this back-and-forth of
rious and professional findings, there Jacobs attacking and us responding is
doesn’t appear to be anyone at either a waste of energy.” He added that he THE SNOWBIRD’S FAVORITE SINCE 1980!
ADL or JCRC with the credentials would prefer to “respond to actual at-
to analyze the curricula,” he contin- tacks on the Jewish community.”
ued. “Why on earth would they be Combined Jewish Philanthropies
a re local
refusing to release the reports?” Kat- (CJP) President Barry Shrage, who
We e can
zen asked. “Only two explanations: was one of the signatories to the Nov. w
and e when
Either the reports are slipshod and 15 statement, said he does not believe
amateur, or [they] don’t exist.” the Jewish community would ben- be th eed us,
For the past 18 months, when
the concerns about the curriculum
efit from the release of the findings
by ADL and JCRC. He added that
you n wait?
first surfaced, Burton said, “We the issue is not whether Jewish lead- why
have been working directly with ers share their reviews, but “what’s
the [Newton] School Committee happened in the classrooms. Very
members,” which included conver- little materialized, and the system re-
sations and a review of materials sponded right away.” (Matt Hill, Vice
that were listed in an advertisement Chair of the Newton School Com-
taken out by Americans for Peace mittee, is married to Shrage’s cousin.)
and Tolerance (APT) in Boston- He added that instead of focusing on
area newspapers in October. the report of the review conducted by
Burton added that the only “joint the organizations, the “real issue” that
element” with the ADL’s review in- deserves attention is “what APT is
volved both organizations (JCRC trying to say.”

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