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THY WRATH IS COME – Revelation 11:18

“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead,
that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy
servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small
and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.”

Isaiah 30:27; “Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his
anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire (Jeremiah 23:29, 30/James 3:6/Revelation 11:5):”
WHAT BURDEN? Zechariah 12:3/Matthew 20:10-16. This burden is what
Jeremiah 23:29 is saying is a counterfeit rock, not Jesus as that rock. Something
in our present day worship has become that burden and Jesus never gives us
that burden: Matthew 11:30. Nahum 1:13, 14 tells us he’s going to break that
burden which we have made a graven image to today. Acts 19:35 and Acts 7:43
tells us this is the same worship of that same image.

Judgment for this does not start till Revelation 11:18. God gives us this outline
of events in the first part of Revelation. This is the same outline of events we
see in Genesis 1 and the building of it in Genesis 2. God does not change. How
interesting that at the beginning he shows us events and at the end he shows it.

Revelation 11:18; “…time of the dead,…” Revelation 8:8; these were those who
had life, died. They were creatures that were in the sea. What came out of that
sea? (Jeremiah 51:42/Revelation 13:1). This would be the beast and the false
prophet. Jesus referred them to as serpents and scorpions in Luke 10:19. These
are the creatures that are in the sea and God’s going to destroy them. Even
though Revelation 13:11, 12 tells us this second beast comes from earth, both
are together as one in that he ‘causeth’ them to worship that first beast.

Revelation 18:4 (Jeremiah 51:7, 8); the cry is made to ‘come out of her, my
people.’ 1 Peter 5:13 tells us this is our modern day church called Babylon. She
had been a golden cup for the LORD. Revelation 17:4.

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