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It’s Electric: A Lesson about Ohm’s Worksheet  

Task 1: Do Now & Review 

What does a toaster, christmas lights, and the entire city of New York have in 

Task 2: PhET Simulation  

Instructions: Build the circuits and fill in the values that the ammeter and 
voltmeter would indicate.  
  Total Resistance  Current   Voltage 

Example Circuit       

Circuit 1       

Circuit 2       

Circuit 3        

Task 3: Graphing Ohm’s 

Instructions: Open Google Sheets and start inputting the data collected from your 

Task 4: Quizzi  
Instructions: Get into your groups based on the color on this 
Team Name: _______________________________________ 
Team Members 
1) ____________________________________ 
2) ____________________________________ 
3) ____________________________________ 
4) ____________________________________ 
5) ____________________________________ 

Ms M.’s Website: ​   
The Ultimate Ohm’s Cheat Sheet 
Ohm’s Law Equation  V=IR  

Voltage (V)  an electromotive force or potential 

difference expressed in volts. 
● measured in Volts(V) 

Current (I)  a flow of electricity which results from the 

ordered directional movement of electrically 
charged particles. 
● measured in amps (A) 

Resistance (R)  the hindrance to the flow of charge 

● measured in Ohm’s (Ω) 

Battery   creates an difference in voltage that powers 

a circuit  

Wire  metal that connects different components of 

the circuit 

Switch   a device for making and breaking the 

connection in an electric circuit 

Circuit   a path in which electrons from a voltage or 

current source flow 

Parallel Circuit   is a closed circuit in which the current 

divides into two or more paths before 
recombining to complete the circuit 

Series Circuit   is a closed circuit in which the current 

follows one path 
Task 2: Constructing Series Circuits  
Instructions: Build the circuits and fill in the values that the ammeter and voltmeter 
would indicate.  
Example Circuit Circuit 1 
Circuit 2 Circuit 3 

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