Love Project 2

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Yesenia Muñoz

English 305

Professor Sherman


Love Project

When we talk about love it comes with many definitions and many aspects to it. Each

person has a special way to see love for example some people like to be with someone who is

abusive, some like been in a happy place where they are respected and treated like a queen, I

can keep going because there is a lot of definitions to love. We have to patient, courage, and

learn how to make love last. Once we stat losing the reason why we love someone then the

love starts to disappear.

As a mom it is very hard to learn how to have patience, teachers also have to learn to

have patience with their students, employees, jobs, relationships, and everyone in this world. In

this first picture I am with a classroom I helped

out. You see that the students who are first

graders are making silly faces and although they

seem like they are hyper I find a way to have

patience with them. There is a lot of pressure put

upon patience because you love the children,

because like Armstrong says “patience is not thrilling. It is in fact, the capacity to do without

excitement” I see why he says this. Patience is love and love is patience, sometimes we lose

track of this that it can be vice versa. Armstrong believes that as well when he says, “It’s simply

that we really believe in the tumult of our daily lives.”

Often times we hear people talk about their relationships as if the love has expired. We

ask ourselves how can we avoid been in that position, how can we can make lost last? This is a

picture of the process of how a tree grows. You have to follow step by step and in order to grow

give it the food it needs. Which we can compare to

love in order for it to grow and to continue to last

we have to keep doing new things and making time

for love. Taking care of the love between two

people is like taking care of a seed. We want to see

it grow, blossom, and the harvest of the plants that

come from those seeds, the fruits in love can be happiness, patience, faithfulness, and even we

can see it is children. You reap what you sow. Once we have lost touch on keeping the spark

going we start getting into a routine. In the poem by Carver "What we talk about Love” Terri

said, “Some vassal would come along and spear the bastard in the name of love. Or whatever

the fuck it was they fought over in those days, Same things we fight over there days.”

When we talk about a break up the first thing we ask that person is “are you ok, do you

need anything” why because we know that person is in real pain inside and out. Although we

know that the person was also suffering while been in the relationship either because the love

did not last, it was an abusive relationship, no trust, or many other reasons. We have to give

them some type of courage, for example in “Art as Therapy” by Armstrong, in the story Love is

true he says “He leads us to a more accurate appreciation of courage-the journey is


magnificent, but the risks have to be recognized and the capacity to cope with them

honoured.” Inside the person can be feeling very vulnerable and in so much pain like if she/he

had cut themselves into pieces. Also staying in the relationship knowing that you are not happy

is painful. We have to learn go when we are feeling this way because not only does it affect

yourself but other people. In the poem

“Art as therapy” by Armstrong in the story

Love is true Terri says, “There isn’t a day

goes by that Mel doesn’t say he wishes

shed get married again. Or else die” when

she says that I think it means that she

rather be married to someone else or else shell be better off just been dead. There we do not

see courage in her, she rather just quit then keep fighting.

It is very important to understand that love can have different meanings to everyone.

Not everyone believes in the power of love, but some people do believe that love is the power

to everything. Love cannot be bought or forced, like we see in “Love and Myth” in Psyche and

Cupid by Gilligan. Jupiter and the Chief want to change the laws of arranging marriages. At the

end of the story it says, “The celebration of a just and lawful and democratic marriage and a

love not hedged by threats of leaving sets the stage for the birth of pleasure.”

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