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Tweet Me Assignment

Kortney Bridges

Azusa Pacific University

EDUC 546

Professor Kristi Hernandez


Tweet Me Assignment

The Twitter Chat that I joined was titles “#TeachWriting” (#TeachWriting Chat, 2019),

and it is a Chat that is held every other Tuesday night. This week’s topic centered around

teaching Argumentative Writing, which I found useful. I am starting my Unit on Argument in

couple of weeks, and I wanted to collaborate with others on the process. One of the main

highlights of this Twitter Chat was the resources I was directed to. Teachers as a whole are very

open to sharing what they have found, and it was useful to know that I was not going to have to

find all the materials on my own. I was also intrigued when the question about limiting topics

was introduced, I found it interesting to see how educators justified either limiting topics or

letting their students choose what they wanted to argue. Both sides had extremely valid points,

and helped me make my own decision on the matter.

Knowing about Educational Technology already, I was really excited to be able to use

Twitter as a Professional Development tool for this class assignment. While most people use

Twitter for their own personal enjoyment, the educational side of Twitter has a numerous amount

of potential for educators of any level. I now have a Twitter to find ideas on how I can

incorporate different Educational Technology techniques into my Curriculum, and connect with

educators who teach in my content level.

One thing that I will say about Twitter and the ways that it can be used daily for

education is the ease of finding ideas. Adding Hashtags (Messina, 2007) to anything I am

interested in gives me the opportunity to find ideas and share my own ideas or lessons with the

world. It makes Professional Development much simpler to have the resources in the palm of my



Hashtag. (2019, January 20). Retrieved from

#TeachWriting Chat [TeachWriting2]. (2019, January 29). Argumentative Writing [Twitter

Moment]. Retrieved From:

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