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PHYS 110B - HW #5

Fall 2005, Solutions by David Pace

Equations referenced equations are from Griffiths
Problem statements are paraphrased

[1.] Imagine a prism made of lucite (n = 1.5) whose cross-section is a quarter circle of radius a. As
shown below, one flat side of the prism rests on a table, while light is incident normal to the other
flat side. There is a region, between point P and point Q, on the table that is not illuminated by light
from the prism. Find the distance betwen O and Q (note: O is the lower left corner of the prism, you
are not being asked for the distance P Q).


We are concerned with the light rays that exit the prism. Be-
gin by noting that since the original rays are incident per-
pendicular to the left surface (i.e. normal incidence where
θI = 0), the transmission angle of the light into the prism
will also be θT = 0. This means that the light rays inside the
prism will be parallel to the tabletop, as shown in the figure
to the right. This says nothing about the amplitude of these
rays inside the prism; for the moment we have only deter-
mined their orientation within it.
To solve this problem we will need to know the transmission angle of the light rays as they exit the
prism. This angle, θT , may be determined from Snell’s law,

sin θT n1
= Eq. 9.100 (1)
sin θI n2
where we are given the indices of refraction (since it is not given explicitly, assume that n1 = 1
because the prism is either surrounded by air or vacuum) and need to solve for θI before calculating
θT .

In order to determine θI we will need to figure out the geometry of the reflection/transmission
phenomena occurring as the rays exit the prism. See figure 1 for this explanation.

Figure 1: An arbitrary light ray exiting the prism. Since this is a semi-circular prism, the normal to the
rounded surface is the radial vector originating at O. The length of this vector is the prism radius, a. The
angle of incidence is shown where the incident ray (E ~ I ) strikes the surface. Other angles also equal to
θI are known from basic geometry. The angle of transmission, θT , is shown for the transmitted ray E ~T .
Note that Snell’s law tells us θT > θI , which is represented in this figure.

Once we know the transmission angle that pro-

duces the shortest OQ length, we can use the
triangle to the right to determine that length.
This is possible because once we know the
transmission angle we can solve for the inci-
dent angle (or the other way around, if we can
ever find the transmission angle it is probably
because we have already determined the inci-
dent angle). Once the incident angle is known,
we can apply the law of cosines to the triangle
at right and determine the length in question.

The smallest possible value of θT is zero. This occurs for the bottom most ray in the prism. The
bottom ray strikes the interface at normal incidence, meaning that the transmitted ray emerges at
normal incidence (θT = 0) and never touches the tabletop. From the figures and Snell’s law we know
that the other rays emerge from the prism directed down toward the table. There is a maximum
value of θT , however, as required by Snell’s law,
−1 n1
θT = sin sin(θI ) (2)

but the argument of the sin−1 function must be less than or equal to one,
sin(θI ) ≤ 1 (3)
sin(θI ) ≤ 1 (4)
sin(θI ) ≤ (5)
Using sin(θI ) = 2/3 allows us to solve for the largest possible θT ,
sin(θT,max ) = sin(θI,max ) (6)
3 2
= · (7)
2 3
θT,max = = 90o (8)
The maximum transmission angle is 90o . Such a limit makes physical sense because a 90o transmis-
sion angle from a circular surface means the transmitted ray is tangent to the surface. A transmission
angle greater than this value would mean that the transmitted ray is still in the prism, which is not
possible. We now know that 0 ≤ θT ≤ π/2.

The first ray to strike the table will be the one with θT = θT,max . One conceptual argument for this
fact is: the bottom ray is known never to reach the table. The top most ray (at θT = θT,max ) definitely
reaches the table. All of the rays with a transmission angle between these two extremes must strike
the table between them. As such, the top most ray is the one hitting the table at the point Q.

The ray featuring a transmission angle of 90o is tangent to the prism surface. That means we have
a right triangle in which the length OQ is the hypotenuse. This is why the problem asks for this
length instead of P Q. One side of this triangle has length equal to a, and another side whose length
L may be written as (using figure 1),

L = OQ sin(θI ) (9)

= OQ (10)
The length of the hypotenuse in this right triangle is calculated by,
2 2 2
OQ = a + OQ (11)
4 2
1− OQ = a2 (12)
OQ = (13)
= √ (14)

≈ 1.34a (15)

[2.] The polarization of an electromagnetic wave is determined according to the direction of its electric
field. Show that when a wave strikes an interface between two media, the reflected and transmitted
waves have the same polarization. Let the polarization vectors of these waves be n̂T = cos(θT ) x̂ +
sin(θT ) ŷ and n̂R = cos(θR ) x̂ + sin(θR ) ŷ for the transmitted and reflected waves respectively.
Consider the boundary conditions in this system to show that θT = θR .

Regardless of the possible changes in polarization, this is still a problem of reflection and transmis-
sion. Consider the case of normal incidence because that will provide the easiest solution (if you
were not sure which type of incidence to use and asked about this problem, then Professor Carter
or myself would have told you to use normal incidence).

The components of the electric and magnetic fields are everywhere parallel to the interface and we
use the following boundary conditions (the following are (iii) and (iv) from Eq. 9.74),
~k = E
E ~k (16)
1 2

1 ~k 1 ~k
B = B (17)
µ1 1 µ2 2
As usual, set the direction of the incident wave propagation to be in the +ẑ direction.

The electric fields for all of the waves may be written in the form,

~ (z, t) =E o ei(kz−ωt) n̂
E (18)
where n̂ is the polarization vector. Note that all of our other work in reflection/transmission utilized
n̂ = x̂ (e.g. Eqs. 9.75 - 9.77). The same method is employed here, now using x̂ → n̂.

The incident wave is,

~ I (z, t) = E oI ei(k1 z−ωt) x̂
E (19)

~ I (z, t) = 1 ∼ i(k z−ωt)
B E oI e 1 ŷ (20)
where I can set the polarization of this wave as I wish. The point of this exercise is to show that the
reflected and transmitted rays have the same polarization, the incident wave’s polarization does not

The reflected wave is written,

~ R (z, t) = E oR ei(−k1 z−ωt) n̂R
E (21)

= E oR ei(−k1 z−ωt) (cos θR x̂ + sin θR ŷ) (22)

~ R (z, t) = 1 ∼ i(−k1 z−ωt)
B E oR e (−ẑ × n̂R ) (23)
1 ∼ i(−k1 z−ωt)
= E oR e (sin θR x̂ − cos θR ŷ) (24)

where the cross product is used because the magnetic field must be perpendicular to both the electric
field and the direction of propagation.

The transmitted wave is,

~ T (z, t) = E oT ei(k2 z−ωt) n̂T
E (25)

= E oT ei(k2 z−ωt) (cos θT x̂ + sin θT ŷ) (26)

~ T (z, t) = 1 ∼ i(k z−ωt)
B E oT e 2 (ẑ × n̂T ) (27)
1 ∼ i(k z−ωt)
= E oT e 2 (− sin θT x̂ + cos θT ŷ) (28)
Condition (15) provides the following (the interface is placed at z = 0 so the exponential dependence
factors out of all the terms),
∼ ∼ ∼
E oI x̂+ E oR (cos θR x̂ + sin θR ŷ) = E oT (cos θT x̂ + sin θT ŷ) (29)

∼ ∼
E oR sin θR = E oT sin θT (30)
where (29) is the y component of (28), the usefulness of which will be shown soon.

Condition (16) gives,

1 1 ∼ 1 ∼ 1 1 ∼
E oI ŷ + E oR (sin θR x̂ − cos θR ŷ) = E oT (− sin θT x̂ + cos θT ŷ)
µ1 v1 v1 µ2 v2
This time keep the x component terms,
1 ∼ 1 ∼
E oR sin θR = − E oT sin θT (31)
µ1 v1 µ2 v2
∼ ∼
E oR sin θR = −β E oT sin θT (32)
where β is given in (51).

One way to proceed from this point is to subtract (31) from (29). The result is,
0 = (1 + β) sin θT (33)
This is satisfied when either β = −1 or the sine term is zero. Using the definition of β, where the
propagation speeds are positive definite, this condition could be met if one of the permeabilities is
negative. Such novel materials are studied and have unique properties, but they are not a part of
this course and you are not expected to apply the physics of such materials. We generally assume
all permeabilities are close to that of free space and certainly not negative.

Our solution is sin θT = 0. For transmission we limit the angle to 0 ≤ θT ≥ π/2 (if the angle
was greater than π/2 then the wave would be propagating back through the glass instead of being
transmitted, just as in problem [1.]). This means that we have shown θT = 0. Now, going back to
either (29) or (31) and considering that the amplitude terms and β are non-zero we see that sin θR =
sin θT = 0 and therefore θR = θT = 0. Replacing this in the equations for all of the original wave
equations shows that they all have the same polarization.

[3.] Consider the problem of using a submerged light source to illuminate the surface of a body of water.
If the light is placed at a depth d = 1 m below the surface, determine the surface area of the light
seen on the surface. The relative permittivity of water at optical frequencies is r = 1.77.

Treat the light as a point source. A point source will create a circular pattern on the surface of the
water because its light is emitted equally well in all directions. The emitted light is then going from
water to air, meaning we have a reflection/transmission problem. Solve for the index of refraction
of water,

n ∼
= r Eq. 9.70 (34)

= 1.77 (35)

Figure 2 sets up the geometry of the problem and determines the method for solving.

Figure 2: For a point light source, all of the emitted light share the same origin. A few select
rays are shown here to illustrate the process that will determine the area of light seen on the
water’s surface. At the surface (solid horizontal line) we have a situation where n1 > n2 ,
meaning that θT > θI . As we consider light rays that strike the surface further away from
the source, we notice that θI increases and θT must increase as well. Once θT = 90o , there is
no transmitted light. The position where this happens will determine the illuminated area
on the surface.

The radius, r, of the illuminated water surface area is
given as part of the triangle shown to the left when θI = θc
is the critical angle (zero transmission). This critical angle
is solved for using Snell’s law, (1), when θT = 90o .
sin θI = sin θT (36)
= √ (37)
where I leave this in terms of sin θI because,
sin θI = (38)

and the length of r is determined by,

a2 = d2 + r2 (39)

r = − d2 (40)
sin2 θI
2 1
r − 1 = d2 (41)
sin2 θI
r2 = (42)

employing d = 1.

The area of the illuminated surface, A, is,

A = πr2 (44)
≈ 4.08 m (45)

[4.] Solve for the reflection (R) and transmission (T ) coefficients for normal incidence of light waves on
the interface between two materials with arbitrary permeabilities µ1 and µ2 (repeat what was done
in lecture, but don’t assume µ = µo ). Also show that R + T = 1.

Begin with the definition of the coefficients,
R = Eq. 9.86 (46)
T = Eq. 9.87 (47)

The intensities mentioned above are,

I = vEo2 (48)

Define region 1 to contain the incident and reflected waves (the left side of the interface with the
incident wave moving to the right) and region 2 to contain the transmitted wave. The reflection
coefficient becomes,
1 2
2 1 v1 EoR
R = 1 2
2 1 v1 EoI
= 2 (50)

Now consider the following general relation between the reflected and incident amplitudes,
∼ 1−β ∼
E oR = E oI Eq. 9.82 (51)
µ1 v1
β ≡ (52)
µ2 v2

If we divide the incident amplitude from both sides in (50) and then square the result, the complex
factors will become unity. Therefore,
∼ !2  2
E oR 1−β
∼ = (53)
E oI 1+β
2  2
EoR 1−β
2 = (54)
EoI 1+β

Returning to (49) we have solved for the reflection coefficient,

R = (55)

Following the same method to solve for T ,

1 2
2 2 v2 EoT
T = 1 2
2 1 v1 EoI
2 v2 EoT
= (57)
1 v1 EoI

The amplitude ratio is found from,

∼ 2 ∼
E oT = E oI (58)

∼ !2  2
E oT 2
∼ = (59)
E oI 1+β
 2  2
EoT 2
= (60)
EoI 1+β

Insert this result into (56).
2 v2 2
T = (61)
1 v1 1+β

The velocities are related to  and µ according to,

v=√ Eq. 9.68 (62)

Use this to simplify the expression for T .

T = β (63)

Making use of,

µ1 µ2 2 v2 v12 µ1 v2 µ1 v1
· = · = = β (64)
µ1 µ2 1 v1 v22 µ2 v1 µ2 v2

Expressing everything in terms of β allows us to easily show R + T = 1.

 2  2
1−β 2
R+T = +β (65)
1+β 1+β

(1 − β)2 + 4β
= (66)
(1 + β)2

1 − 2β + β 2 + 4β
= = 1 (67)
1 + 2β + β 2

[5.] Problem 9.18 from Griffiths

(a) Let there be an amount of free charge in a piece of glass. Roughly how long will it take for this
charge to entirely migrate to the surface?

(b) How thick should you make the silver coatings to protect yourself from 1010 Hz microwaves?
Bear in mind that silver is expensive so you want to balance the protection it affords with a minimal

(c) What are the wavelength and propagation speed of 1 MHz radio waves in copper? Compare
this to the wavelength and propagation speed of these waves in air (which you may approximate
as vacuum).

(a) The characteristic time, τ , for free charge to get to the surface of its conductor is,

ρf (t) = e−(σ/)t ρf (0) Eq. 9.120 (68)

where τ ≡ /σ.

Table 7.1 in Griffiths gives the resistivity of glass, and the conductivity σ is the inverse of the resis-
tivity. Therefore, σ ≈ 10−12 Ω/m.

The permittivity of glass is  = o r , where r is the relative permeability. Glass is non-magnetic so
we can write its index of refraction as,

= r Eq. 9.70 (69)

The index of refraction of glass is given in Griffiths to be n = 1.5 (p. 391). The permittivity of glass
 = o (1.5)2 ≈ 2 × 10−11 (70)

The characteristic time we seek,

2 × 10−11
τ≈ ≈ 20 s (71)

(b) Since silver is expensive we want to make these coatings as thin as possible while still blocking
the microwaves. The skin depth for microwaves in silver is a measure of how far these waves
can penetrate into the metal. If the metal is thinner than the skin depth, then the waves will pass
completely through it. Find this distance and then make the coating slightly thicker.

Skin depth is given by d ≡ 1/κ where,

r "r #1/2
µ  σ 2
κ≡ω 1+ −1 Eq. 9.126 (72)
2 ω

ω is the angular frequency of the wave and σ is the conductivity of the material into which the wave
is propagating.

Take the resistivity of silver from Table 7.1 in Griffiths to find that σ = 6.29 × 107 . The angular
frequency is ω = 2πf = 2π × 1010 . We can use  ≈ o = 8.85 × 10−12 .

 ω = 0.56 (73)

= 1.12 × 108 ≫ 1 (74)

Due to (73) we can simplify κ as,
r "r #1/2
µ  σ 2
κ = ω −1 (75)
2 ω
µ h σ i1/2
= ω (76)
2 ω
= (77)
The permeability of conductors is approximately that of vacuum. Check Table 6.1 in Griffiths to
verify this.

The skin depth is, r

d = = 6.4 × 10−7 m (78)
so the coatings should be made a little thicker than this.

(c) Wavelength, λ, can be written in terms of wave vector as,

λ= (79)
In a conductor the wave vector is given by,
r "r #1/2
µ  σ 2
k≡ω 1+ +1 Eq. 9.126 (80)
2 ω

As in part (b) we get the conductivity of copper using Table 7.1. Also, the permittivity may be
approximated as o .

σ = 6 × 107 (81)

ω = o (2π × 106 ) = 5.56 × 10−5 (82)

= 1.08 × 1012 ≫ 1 (83)

We can skip to the same simplifications made in part (a) due to (82).
k = (84)

= 15390.60 (85)

λ = 4.08 × 10−4 m (86)

The propagation speed is,

v = Eq. 9.129 (87)
= 408.25 (88)

In vacuum the speed of an electromagnetic wave is always c = 3.0 × 108 m/s. The corresponding
wavelength is,

2π 2πc
λ = = (89)
k ω

= 300 m (90)

[6.] Problem 9.21 from Griffiths

Solve for the reflection coefficient of light striking an air-silver interface. Use µ1 = µ2 = µo , 1 = o ,
σ = 6 × 107 , and ω = 4 × 1015 .


The reflection coefficient is defined according to (49). A relationship between the complex ampli-
tudes is given in,

 
∼ 1− β  ∼
E oR =  ∼ E oI Eq. 9.147 (91)
1+ β

where β is now a complex quantity.
∼ µ1 v1 ∼
β = k2 Eq. 9.146 (92)
µ2 ω

k2 = k + iκ Eq. 9.125 (93)

Arrange this into a useful form,

!2  ∼

E oR 1− β 
∼ =  ∼ (94)
E oI 1+ β
∼ ∼
  
 2 ∗
EoR 1− β   1− β 
=  ∼ ∼ = R (95)
EoI 1+ β 1+ β ∗

where the starred variable means complex conjugate.

From previous work in problem 9.18 we know that silver is a good conductor and can show that it
has the property k ≈ κ. Using (76) and (83) we can write,
k2 = κ2 = (96)
∼ µ1 v1 ωµσ
β = (1 + i) (97)
µ2 ω 2
= µ1 v1 (1 + i) (98)

Now make the numeric substitutions given in the problem to find the prefactor in (97), noting that
v1 = vair ≈ c.
6 × 107
µ1 v1 = µo c (99)
2ωµ2 2(4 × 1015 )µo

= 29 (100)

β = 29(1 + i) (101)

The reflection coefficient is,
∼ ∼
  
1− β 1− β ∗
R =  ∼
  ∼ (102)
1+ β 1+ β ∗
1 − 29(1 + i) 1 − 29(1 − i)
= (103)
1 + 29(1 + i) 1 + 29(1 − i)

−57 + 292 (2)

= (104)
59 + 292 (2)

= 0.93 (105)

This shows that 93% of the light incident on the air-silver interface is reflected.

[7.] Consider light traveling from x = −∞ (in the x̂ direction), incident normally on a plate of glass with
thickness a. The plate if parallel to the yz plane, with one face at x = 0 and the other at x = a. The
glass has index of refraction n, and is surrounded by vacuum (n = 1). The incident wave has its
electric field in the ŷ direction.

(a) Write expressions for the electric and magnetic fields in the three regions: x < 0, 0 < x < a, and
x > a. Note: in the first region there will be an incident and reflected wave, in the second region
there will be a transmitted wave and a reflected wave (reflected off of the back surface of the glass),
and in the third region there will only be a transmitted wave.

(b) Using the appropriate boundary conditions, solve for the transmission coefficient, T (here you
are interested in the energy transmitted into the vacuum region beyond the glass). Also solve for
the reflection coefficient R (this will be the energy reflected in the first region).

(c) Plot T and R as a function of ka, where k is the incident wave vector. Interpret your result phys-
ically. In particular, comment on how R can equal zero in this case - isn’t there always a reflected
wave from the first interface?

(a) Write out all of the waves in a general manner. Beginning with the incident and reflected waves
in region 1, extending from x < 0,
∼ ∼
~ I (x, t) = 1 E oI ei(k1 x−ωt) ẑ
∼ ∼
~ I (x, t) = E oI ei(k1 x−ωt) ŷ
E B (106)
∼ ∼
~ R (x, t) = − 1 E oR ei(−k1 x−ωt) ẑ
∼ ∼
~ R (x, t) = E oR ei(−k1 x−ωt) ŷ
E B (107)
In region 2, from 0 < x < a, I define a right-going (subscript r) and left-going wave (subscript l),
∼ ∼
~ r (x, t) = 1 E or ei(k2 x−ωt) ẑ
∼ ∼
~ r (x, t) = E or ei(k2 x−ωt) ŷ
E B (108)
∼ ∼
~ l (x, t) = − 1 E ol ei(−k2 x−ωt) ẑ
∼ ∼
~ l (x, t) = E ol ei(−k2 x−ωt) ŷ
E B (109)
where the right-going wave is the transmitted wave from the x = 0 interface and the left-going
wave is the wave reflected from the x = a interface.

In region 3, extending to x > a, there is only the final transmitted wave.
∼ ∼
~ T (x, t) = 1 E oT ei(k1 x−ωt) ẑ
∼ ∼
~ T (x, t) = E oT ei(k1 x−ωt) ŷ
E B (110)
where the k and v values in this region are the same as in region 1 because they are both vacuum.

This is a normal incidence problem so we apply the boundary conditions of (15) and (16). The
permeability of glass is approximately equal to that of vacuum, so (16) becomes,

~k = B
B ~k at z = 0 (111)
1 2

~k = B
B ~k at z = a (112)
2 3

Applying the boundary conditions at z = 0 provides (the exponential dependence factors out as in
other similar problems),
∼ ∼ ∼ ∼
E oI + E oR = E or + E ol (113)

1 ∼ ∼  1 ∼ ∼ 
E oI − E oR = E or − E ol (114)
v1 v2
∼ ∼ v1  ∼ ∼ 
E oI − E oR = E or − E ol (115)
where the reason for writing (114) (and (117) below) will become apparent soon.

At z = a only the angular frequency parts of the exponentials factor out when the boundary condi-
tions are applied,
∼ ∼ ∼
ik a −ik a ik a
E or e 2 + E ol e 2 = E oT e 1 (116)

1 ∼ ik a

−ik a
 1 ∼ ik a
E or e 2 − E ol e 2 = E oT e 1 (117)
v2 v1

ik a

−ik a v2 ∼ ik a
E or e 2 − E ol e 2 = E oT e 1 (118)
The expressions in (112), (114), (115), and (117) relate the five amplitudes in this problem. We treat
the incident wave amplitude as a known parameter (assuming that we have purposely shot this
incident wave at the glass). This set then consists of four equations with four unknowns.

Begin by rewriting (117),

v1 h ∼ ik a

−ik a
i ∼
E or e 2 − E ol e 2 = E oT eik1 a (119)
Now let β = v1 /v2 and then divide (118) by (115),
∼ ∼ 
β E or eik2 a − E ol e−ik2 a
∼ ∼ = 1 (120)
E or eik2 a + E ol e−ik2 a
which removes the transmitted wave dependence.

∼ ∼
Performing further algebra allows E ol to be written directly in terms of E or ,
∼ β − 1 i2k2 a ∼
E ol = e E or (121)
and to make the algebra easier to write out I will further define,

β − 1 i2k2 a
γ = e (122)
Place (120) into (112) and (114) to obtain,
∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼
E oI + E oR = E or + γ E or = [1 + γ] E or (123)

∼ ∼ h∼ ∼ i ∼
E oI − E oR = β E or − γ E or = [1 − γ] β E or (124)

Divide (122) by (123) and then solve for E oR ,
∼ ∼
E oI + E oR 1+γ
∼ ∼ = (125)
E oI − E oR β(1 − γ)
∼ 1 + γ + β(γ − 1) ∼
E oR = E oI (126)
1 + γ − β(γ − 1)

Place (125) into (122),

∼ 1 + γ + β(γ − 1) ∼ ∼
E oI + E oI = (1 + γ) E or (127)
1 + γ − β(γ − 1)
∼ 2 ∼
E or = E oI (128)
1 + γ − β(γ − 1)

Now put (127) into (120),

∼ ∼
E ol = γ E or (129)
2 ∼
= γ E oI (130)
1 + γ − β(γ − 1)

Solve for the remaining amplitude by placing (129) and (127) into (115),
∼ " ∼ #
∼ 2 E or 2 E oI
E oT e
ik1 a
= eik2 a
+γ e−ik2 a (131)
1 + γ − β(γ − 1) 1 + γ − β(γ − 1)
" ∼ #
∼ eik2 a + γe−ik2 a 2 E oI
E oT = (132)
eik1 a 1 + γ − β(γ − 1)

With this amplitude we have solved for the fields in all of the regions.

(b) The reflection and transmission coefficients are defined in (45) and (46). Since the reflected and
transmitted rays were are considering here exist in vacuum, their intensities share the same ve-
locities and permittivities. The solutions here are then given entirely by the ratios of the square

For R,
1 + γ + β(γ − 1) 2
R = (133)
1 + γ − β(γ − 1)
     
1 + β−1
β+1 ei2k2 a + β β−1 ei2k2 a − 1
β+1 1+ β−1 −i2k2 a
β+1 e +β β−1 −i2k2 a
β+1 e −1
=    ·     (134)
1 + β−1
β+1 e
i2k2 a − β β−1 ei2k2 a − 1
β+1 1+ β−1 −i2k2 a
β+1 e
β−1 −i2k2 a
− β β+1 e −1

where the complex conjugates have been taken for the squared complex terms.

Multiplying all of this out gives,

2(1 − cos(2k2 a))
R = (135)
(1 + β)4 + (1 − β)4 − 2(1 + β)2 (1 − β)2 cos(2k2 a)
Rewrite k2 in terms of k1 using,
kI = kT Eq. 9.92 (136)

k2 = nk1 (137)
and then R is,
2(1 − cos(2ank1 ))
R = (138)
(1 + β)4 + (1 − β)4 − 2(1 + β)2 (1 − β)2 cos(2ank1 )
The transmission coefficient is found in a similar way,
+ γe−ik2 a
 ik2 a 
e 2
T = (139)
eik1 a 1 + γ − β(γ − 1)
β−1 i2k2 a −ik2 a
" #!
eik2 a + β+1 e e 2
= (140)
eik1 a 1 + β−1 i2k2 a − β( β−1 ei2k2 a − 1)
β+1 e β+1

e−ik2 a + β−1 −i2k2 a eik2 a

" #!
β+1 e 2
· (141)
e−ik1 a 1 + β−1 −i2k2 a − β( β−1 e−i2k2 a − 1)
β+1 e β+1
β−1 β−1
1 + β+1 eik2 a 1 + β+1 e−ik2 a
= · (142)
eik1 a e−ik1 a
" #" #
2 2
· (143)
1 + β−1
β+1 e
i2k2 a − β( β−1 ei2k2 a − 1)
β+1 1 + β−1
β+1 e
−i2k2 a − β( β−1 e−i2k2 a − 1)

16β 2
= (144)
(β + 1)2 [(1 + β)4 + (β − 1)4 − 2 cos(2k2 a)(1 + β)2 (β − 1)2 ]

16β 2
= (145)
(β + 1)2 [(1 + β)4 + (β − 1)4 − 2 cos(2ank1 )(1 + β)2 (β − 1)2 ]

(c) We can rewrite β so that it is in terms of only the index of refraction of the glass,
v1 c n2
β = = · = n2 = n (146)
v2 n1 c

where I have applied n1 = 1 for the vacuum region and n2 is the index of refraction of the glass.

The cases in which R = 0 are found when the numerator in (137) is equal to zero. This leads to,

2ank1 = 2mπ (147)

ak1 = (148)
The plot below is for a case of n = 1.5, which is a commonly used value for glass. The coefficients
may not always add to unity because of rounding errors in my approximation. This indicates that
purposely making the glass a certain thickness will result in zero reflection. Furthermore, this thick-
ness, a, is related to the wavelength of the light inside the glass. This relation will be discussed
further when we consider dipole radiation.





0 0.25π 0.5π 0.75π π 1.25π 1.5π


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