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Alex Rojas

When Training is Needed

(Video Introduction)
In a Human Resources environment we as in training managers will have to identify if
training is the need to fix the learning gap. In some occasions training is not the solution for
example it could be resources or management. If training is the cause of the problem then we
will use the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model is the traditional process used by instructional
designers. The process to this design is very easy to follow equalling most of the time a
successful outcome. There is a learning problem in a chemical power plant that needs to be
addressed immediately for the safety of the employees. Are you ready to use the ADDIE model
to eradicate the chaos in the powerplant?
(Dramatic music to bring excitement)

Analysis Voice over (Slide 1)

Your supervisor is furious with your department. An employee has been injured while using
the new state of the art loaders. These loaders are made from a liquid poly-alloy. The loaders use
the consumption of metals to move. The machines are able to auto pilot and need very little
supervision. The worker in charge of the station did not know how to set up autopilot and instead
hand keyed the instructions. Causing a major spill in which the worker injured his leg. He will be
okay but, this cannot happen under any circumstance. Under the influence of the ADDIE model
you quickly figure out this is a training gap. Under analysis you conclude you will need help
from a subject matter expert. The only knowledgeable person on these new machines is the
operations manager. He confirms your hypothesis no one other than himself was taught how to
properly use the machines.
(Insert picture of a liquid metal)

Design voice over (Slide 2)

You receive a list of the 25 employees that work in the transportation department. The
employees are regular full time employees that have been with the company for more than 5
years. They work a 7am to 5pm shift. Most of these employees only have a High School diploma
and are in their late 30s early 40s. You conclude a virtual training program might not be the best
choice. Instead you design a in person training with all of the employees on a Saturday. To
compensate for the inconvenience they will get paid time and a half for the 5 hours training.
(Insert a picture of happy employees)

Development voice over (Slide 3)

In the development stage you develop a in person training with the transportation manager and a
technician from the Wayans corporation. They are the creators of the poly-alloy transporter your
powerplant is using. The training is simple to create. You created a slide with the seven steps
needed to successfully operate these transporters. Although you might think they are easy to
follow they do require a lot of practice and memorizing. The training session will consist of 2
Alex Rojas

hours of videos and going over the presentation. While the rest of the time the time the
employees will split into 2 groups to use the transporters in a desolate area of the plant.
(Insert catchy music and insert a picture of a person working on three computers.)

Implementation Slide 4
Finally the big day has arrived. On this Saturday of March your team is going to train the
employees. To make the situation less painful you have bought breakfast and snacks for
everyone to enjoy. You made sure to bring the best foods that the employees would enjoy. From
the start you notice there are some employees that are annoy they have to be here. You remind
them they are getting paid time and a half. Your expert group quickly delivers the presentation
and in no tie you have the workers training with the transporters. The training was a success your
team has made sure every member of the transportation department can successfully operate the
(Insert eye of the tiger music and insert a group of workers in a training session)

Evaluation Slide 5
Your supervisor needs to be sure the training session had a successful 100% completion
rate. To verify that this each employee will take an assessment in which they will have to list the
seven steps to operate the transporters. The assessment will be administered in paper format.
After grading every one of the paper tests you and your supervisor conclude the training was a
success. You have successfully been able to complete this training with the ADDIE model.
(Insert a picture of money)

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