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Activity: Parent Concern Video Review

Time: ​2


Description: ​In this particular incident, there was a bus issue that needed to be
reviewed by pulling the video feed. As a part of my internship, I was invited to sit down
with my principal and lead to teacher to review the video feed and offer my input to
develop a solution.

Reflection: ​Without going into detail, this was a very eye opening experience. This was
an incident that I found to be incredibly surprising and difficult to find a solution for that
would satisfy all parties involved. By working with my mentor, I was able to be coached
through what they felt would be the appropriate line of action, offer my comments, and
watch as a solution was developed over the next several days. While this collaborative
planning was not in regards to academic achievement, it provided a unique opportunity
to evaluate systems of safety within the school, led to a conversation of strategic goal
setting, and engaged all of us involved in conversation focused on an improved school
environment for students. This was an experience that I will continue to think back to as
I pursue employment in administration and will undoubtedly face similar circumstances.

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