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Modelling of Small Wind Power Plant with

Savonius-Darrieus Rotor in the PSCAD

Michal Ptacek, Marek Kopicka, Tomas Pavelka, Lukas Radil

Brno University of Technology
Brno, Czech Republic,,,

Abstract—The paper focuses on the creation of a mathematical a shaft with a gearbox, generator, controllers and more. The
model of a small wind power plant with a vertical axis of rotation use of partial description is derived, however, from the
with a Savonius-Darrieus rotor within the PSCAD. The paper concept of the wind power source and its actual construction.
describes the principle of a wind energy source and it brings basic The requirement to all models of the wind power source is that
data about this technology and specifies individual parameters and the conversion of the kinetic energy of wind into the
their mutual relations that are needed for mathematical simulation. mechanical energy must be expressed.
The paper also presents the results of simulations of the created
mathematical model and assesses the overall generated energy for an Generally there are two basic concepts of wind turbines used
average and above-the-average windy day in a chosen area. primarily for electric power generation. One features turbines
with a horizontal spin axis (HAWT), where the rotation axis is
Keywords—wind power plant; mathematical model; aerody- parallel to the wind direction. The other concept is represented by
namic model; VAWT; Savonius rotor; Darrieus rotor; power curve; wind turbines with a vertical spin axis (VAWT) which is
PSCAD. perpendicular to the wind direction [3]. HAWTs are more cost
effective than VAWTs [4]. Due to HAWTs design, rotors can
I. INTRODUCTION reach greater heights and thereby also utilize more favourable
velocities of wind. The advantages of VAWTs concept including
The wind energy source is a plant which through a wind independence of wind directions and effective use of variable air
turbine converts the kinetic energy of wind into the mechanical flow [5]. Wind turbines can further be divided according to
energy or further into the electrical energy. Kinetics of a solid operational statuses during which the rotor operates at constant or
body is based on the fact that the mass of the body is constant. variable speed [4]. In the constant speed mode the turbine rotor
The output of wind energy source strongly depends on weather revolves at invariable angular speed regardless to the wind
conditions, in particular on the direction and velocity of wind. variability. As the rotor speed under specific conditions must be
Wind is a moving air, therefore it must be seen as a fluid whose restricted, the turbine does not run effectively, as it does not fully
density and velocity can change [1], which also affect the use the wind energy potential at all velocities. The rotor angular
mathematical description of the conversion of the kinetic energy velocity is mostly selected based on the frequency of the grid to
of wind into the mechanical energy. One possible method of which the wind power plant is connected. It implies that turbines
modelling a wind energy source is described in [2]. It is a power with a constant speed generate less power at lower wind
description of a particular wind source. The model can provide velocities than turbines with variable speeds for which pro-
only an electric power generated by a wind power plant. The
portional dependency is taken into account [4]. The advantage of
power curve enables to assign a power value to a corresponding
this solution is the reduction of the financial cost of power
velocity of wind. The aforementioned model makes it possible to
electronics, such as inverters and controllers [5]. Wind turbines
analyse its power potential, without the knowledge of other
with a constant speed use one or two fixed speeds [6]. Ref. [6]
electrical and mechanical quantities. When using this approach,
presents that a wind power plant with variable speeds and a
however, it is important to correctly model the power curve of a
permanent magnet generator without a gearbox generates 5 % to
wind power plant so that it fully captures the different operating
10 % more power than a wind power plant with two fixed speeds
modes. It is also necessary to take into account the wind turbine
and an asynchronous generator with a gearbox, and 10 % to 15 %
dynamics, due to the rotor torque and the steps performed by
more when one fixed speed is considered.
regulating elements. According to [2] the response of a wind
turbine can be reflected by a moderately attenuated system of a
second order. The model of a wind power plant can be generally Although the vertical axis wind power plants can not
divided into individual partial mathematical descriptions compete with HAWT plants by their power output, especially
characterizing e.g. a wind turbine, the hybrid VAWT (i.e. Savonius-Darrieus rotor) plants with
variable speeds still have a considerable potential for use
This research paper has been carried out in the Centre for Research and
Utilization of Renewable Energy (CVVOZE). Authors gratefully acknowledge
mainly in common urban areas where small hybrid energy
financial support from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech systems are being newly developed. Regarding to a small
Republic under NPU I programme (project No. LO1210) and from the Technology hybrid wind plant it is appropriate to perform a mathematical
Agency of the Czech Republic (project No. TA04021490). simulation just through partial descriptions within the PSCAD,
978-1-5090-0908-4/16/$31.00 c 2016 IEEE
which will enable specification of individual mutual links in dt
greater detail. Considering the individual links in conjunction where
is the air mass flow rate (kg·s− ), A is the area
with the PSCAD then also offers progressive options for
analysing dynamic behaviour of the finite mathematical model. 2 3
swept by the rotor (m ), ρ is the air density (kg·m− ) and vR is the
wind velocity at the rotor (m·s− ).
II. THEORY BASICS The density of air can be calculated using the ideal gas law,
expressed as a function of temperature and pressure [3]. Both
In this paper, a wind turbine aerodynamic model is ex- temperature and pressure vary with elevation and decrease
pressed with a method which uses a homogeneous disc and
control volume. An overview of the methods usable in the with increasing elevation, respectively. Hence site location is
development of an aerodynamic model including details is important as elevation has major effect on power generated
contained in [7]. For schematic representation see Fig. 1. as a result of air density and [1] considers the following
− 0.297 (2)
area 2
area 3
ρ = ρ0 · e 3.048 h ,
area 0 area 1
p v 3
v0 = v’ 1 where ρ0 is the air density in zero elevation (in kg·m− ) and h
is site elevation (in m). At high elevations the air density
wind flow

wind flow
v1 v
corrections can be important. Fig. 1 also shows the
p0 T 3

A0 A1 A2 A
developments of the static pressure and the velocity associated
freestream upstream p
3 to the axial force exerted by the actuator disc (i.e. turbine
rotor). The pressure increases from its freestream value p0 to a
actuator disk value p1 in front of the rotor. Behind the rotor the pressure
wake drops to value p2 and then gradually recovers in the wake to
the freestream value. The disc also acts as a drag device
Fig. 1. One-dimensional flow through an actuator disc representing ideal wind slowing the velocity from the freestream velocity v0 far
turbine: the velocity is dash line (- - -), the pressure is dot-and-dash line (– · upstream of the rotor to vR at the rotor and to v3 in the wake.
–), the lateral boundary of the stream control volume is dotted line (· · ·)

The thrust is equal and opposite to the change in momen-tum of air

The main purpose of this theory and mentioned equations
stream [5] and according to [7] the thrust is the force in the streamwise
is to give an overview of the most important aspects of the
aerodynamics of wind turbines. The method uses a homoge- direction resulting from the pressure drop over the rotor, and is used to
neous disk (known as the actuator disc method) as a wind reduce the wind speed from v0 to v3
turbine rotor with an infinite number of blades capable to T = − dm (v0 − v3) = p · A, (3)
extract energy from winds (flowing air). Actuator disc theory
can also be applied to a wind turbine with Savonius-Darrieus dt
rotor to determine optimum operation generally. This is the where T is the thrust (N) and expresses the force of the wind
basic aerodynamic expression considering an infinitely thin on the wind turbine, v0 is the freestream velocity (m·s− )
disk with a surface A, whose motion is not resisted by friction representing the wind velocity in area 0, v3 is the wake
forces. Fig. 1 also shows border streamlines of air that still 1
velocity (m·s− ) representing the wind velocity in area 3 and
pass through the rotor (disc). Airflow passes through four p is the pressure drop over the wind rotor.
areas marked 0 to 4, and the corresponding flow areas A0 to
A4. It is necessary to point out that individual variables can be The pressure drop can be found as difference of the
pressures in front of the rotor and behind the rotor
marked differently, therefore the freestream area (area 0) are
sometimes indexed as x∞, the upstream area (area 1) as xu, the p= 1·ρ· 2 2
= p1 − p2. (4)
downstream area (area 2) as xd and the wake area (area 3) as 2 v 0 − v 3
xw. The flow area always represents the plane of the cross- In anyway, Fig. 1 illustrates the wind flow is divided into two
section by a control volume in a specific area. Border control volumes on either side of the actuator disk.
streamlines (nozzles) then define an area of the control Considering sufficient distance from the rotor (i.e. area 0 and
volume. It can be assumed that the mass flow leaving this area 3) it is p0 = p3. According to [5] the Bernoulli equation
volume is theoretically zero. The courses of velocity and can be applied in these volumes. Because of one of the
pressure in the areas considered are also indicated. According volumes corresponds to freestream and upstream areas in front
to [5] air is considered incompressible and its flow is of the disc, it can be express as
homogeneous, stable and only linear. It is also assumed that
p0 + 1 · ρ · v0 = p1 + 1 · ρ · vR ,
2 2 (5)
the velocity of the air flowing over the rotor vR, is the same
over its whole surface. The method is described in more detail 2 2
in [5], [7]. The introduced premises lead to the fact described where p0 and p1 are the air pressures (Pa) in area 0 and area 1
by vR = v1 = v2 and A = A1 = A2. Under the aforementioned in front of the rotor. Second control volumes is represented by
conditions it is possible according to [1] to determine the air volumes of the downstream area and the wake area behind the
mass flow through the rotor using following expression disc. Due to this it can be used following expression of
Bernoulli equation for area behind the rotor
dm = A · ρ · vR, (1)
p3 + 1 · ρ · v3 = p2 + 1 · ρ · vR ,
dt 2 2 (6)
2 2
where p2 and p3 are the air pressures (Pa) in area 2 and area 3
behind the rotor.
The force acting on the disc can be expressed as where CT is the torque coefficient (-). Each type of wind
1 2 2 turbine has a different curves of the power coefficient and the
· · · − torque coefficient. Curves of individual type of wind turbine
A ρ v0 v . (7) are presented in [6]. If a wind power plant uses a rotor with an
T=2 3
In an ideal case the velocity vR is equal to the velocity of option of blade adjustment, the power coefficient does not only
the rotor. Equating (1), (3) and (7) leads to the wind velocity depend on the high speed coefficient, but also on the angular
passing through the rotor direction of blades β [9], [13]
vR = v0 + v3 . (8) P = 1 · ρ · AR · v3 · CP (β, λ) , (16)
Based on the energy conservation law the energy extracted where β is the blade pitch angle (◦) and it is defined as the
angle between the plane of rotation and the chord of the cross
from wind per unit times gives the power of wind turbine,
section of the blade. Vertical axis wind turbines do not exhibit
according to [1] it is
so many constructional limitations as horizontal axis wind
1 2 2 power plants which have to turn the rotor in response to a wind
P = 2 · ρ · v R · A R v0 − v3 , (9) direction. The power coefficient is often expressed empirically
where P is the actual mechanical power extracted by the rotor because it is a non-linear function and it is a function of wind
blades (W). According to [5] the mechanical power can also speed that the turbine is operating in, [9] presents the following
be defined by the axial factor 116 e − 12.5
3 2 CP (β, λ) = 0.22 − 0.4 · β − 5 λi , (17)
P = 2 · ρ · AR · v0 · a (1 − a) , (10) λ i
where a is the axial factor (-) describing the dependence of where λi is defined by
the wind velocity at the rotor on the freestream velocity v0 as 1 = 1 0, 035 . (18)
shown below v λ λ + 0, 08 · β

0 − vR i β +1
a= . (11)
v0 The aforementioned relations describe the basic determi-
The expressed premises apply and according to [7] they are nants involved in the conversion of wind energy into the
only used in cases where the axial factor is smaller than 0.4. mechanical energy of the wind turbine rotor. However, in
The main parameter of the wind power plant is the power order to transform the mechanical energy into the electrical
energy the properties of the used generator need to be taken
coefficient Cp representing the turbine efficiency. It is defined into account. Ref. [14] presents equations which describe
as the fraction of wind energy extracted by the turbine of the interrelations between the mechanical power of a turbine and
total energy that would have flowed through the area swept the electric power of a generator. The following applies to
by the rotor blades if the turbine had not been there [8]. mechanical power
It is apparent that the power coefficient value significantly (19)
P = Tm · ω,
affects the resulting value of a wind turbine performance.
Ref [5] expresses the relation by means of the axial factor where Tm is the torque (N·m). A generator electric power can
only, therefore the following equation applies. be described as
Pg = Tem · ωg,
CP = 4 · a (1 − a) . (12) (20)

On the other hand, [1] expresses the relation by means of the where Pg is the output electric power of the generator (W),
Tem is the electromagnetic torque (N·m) and ωg is the angular
velocities directly 1
velocity of the generator magnetic flux (rad·s− ). According
v3 2 v3 v3 3 to [14] the following expression relates to the differential of
CP = 1 + the angular velocity of a ideal generator

v0 v0 − v0 , (13)
2 dω = 1 (Tm − Tem) , (21)
where v0 presents the tip speed ratio of the wind turnine and dt J
according to [1], [9]–[11] it can be also expressed as 2
where J is the moment of the inertia (kg·m ). By modification
λ = v3 =ω · R , (14) of the preceding equation (19) a torque can be expressed with
v the power coefficient
0 v
−1 2
where ω is the angular velocity of the turbine (rad·s ) and Tm = ρ · AR · R · v · CP (22)
R is the radius of the wind turbine rotor (m). Previous (12) 2·λ
and (13) inform that the power coefficient is not a constant Considering that principally different generator designs exist,
because it is a function of the tip speed ratio. Moreover it is specific features of a particular solution must be respected
the most important parameter, especially in the case of power and taken into account within the mathematical model of
regulation [1]. Its curve is typically used for regulation of a generator. The basic model of an asynchronous generator
the active power of the wind power source and it presents is presented by [9]. A detailed model of a three-phase asyn-
reference curve [12]. Furthermore, the torque coefficient can chronous generator and its interrelations is included in [15].
be determined as Another model of an asynchronous generator is described
CP = CT · λ, (15) by [16], where also models of a drive train and gearbox
are presented which also consider a coefficient of attenuation not be oriented in the direction of wind velocity. Table I shows
and rigidity. The mathematical description of a synchronous general parameters of combined wind turbine.
permanent magnet generator is provided e.g. in [11].
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
The created model describes DS-300 wind power plant vin cut-in wind speed < 3.0 m·s−
with Savonius-Darrieus rotor. The model consists of two main vout cut-out wind speed 15.5 m·s−
vn rated wind speed 13.5 m·s−
modules representing both three-phase AC synchronous d diameter of the shaft 14 mm
generator with inset NdFeB permanent magnet rotor (PMSG)
m weight of the rotor 25 kg
and Darrieus-Savonius rotors which are combined by
installing the Savonius rotor inside the rotational closed space The preceding text describes two principally different ro-
of the Darrieus rotor. Fig. 2 shows created model in PSCAD. tors used in a hybrid power plant. A Savonius rotor works
according to the resistance principle, as opposed to the lift
mech. spd principle that a Darrieus rotor is based on. Fig. 4 illustrates
Wind Source
Mean Turbine individual forces and their distribution in these types of rotor.
Vw trq torque
Ramp wind spd W
wind spd Te PMSG A Load

el. torque Te
T (Į) . v drag
Ɏ v ș
- Ȧ RDar R Į
Fig. 2. Model of a small wind power plant in PSCAD
lift N
Previous Fig. 2 also shows other used modules and com- v’ v’
ponents in model, e.g. source signal of wind speed, measuring
and display elements etc. These are provided by components
from main library of PSCAD. Proposals of a wind turbine and
synchronous generator are described in more detail below. Fig. 4. General schematic of rotor cross sections and considered forces

A. Wind turbine
The combination of these two types of rotor makes it
The Savonius rotor consists of two horizontal circular possible to operate a power plant within a broad range of wind
discs, between which there are two S-blades vertically velocity with high efficiency. This construction of rotor does
mounted. In the middle the blades are set in an opposite not require adjustment of blades in response to a wind
direction toward to each other, so part of wind coming from direction, which reduces its maintenance requirements. As this
the back of the momentarily passive blade is directed at the is a combined wind power plant, whose construction does not
front of the active blade. Rotor blades are conceived with the enable a blade adjustment, also the power coefficient does not
aim of the resulting momentum to revolve the turbine consider a change in angular direction. The created
counterclockwise. The turbine contains a two-stage Savonius mathematical model uses the empirical expression of the
rotor, where the rotor stages are turned toward each other by power coefficient and internal layout of constructed model is
ninety degrees. The aspect ratio of Savonius rotor αSav is 1.94 shown in Fig. 5.
and its overlap ratio βSav is 0.39. The height of the Savonius
rotor HSav is 660 mm. Fig. 3 shows design concept and size of , #2 , !

the hybrid wind power plant with Savonius-Darrieus rotor. ( , -& 0 01

&' "#


1000 330

120 ° "$


170 ()*
+ , +& , +-&./ '
Ø 220 ! "

# # * 0 01

Fig. 3. Front view and top view of hybrid vertical axis wind turbine with "#
Savonius-Darrieus rotor / "

The Darrieus rotor consists of three aerodynamically

shaped egg-beater blades which revolve around the vertical "

axis. The shape of the blades should reduce the effects of "$

centrifugal forces on them to a minimum. This rotor type need

Fig. 5. Wind turbine model in PSCAD
The model uses the methods and empirical expression 1
reaches approximately 2.06 m·s− . Annual measurements,
from [18], where the power coefficient for a combined wind however, have arrived at a higher value of average wind
power plant is established based on this relation velocity, reaching approximately 2.47 m·s− . This value was
8 7 6 5
Cp (λ) = c0 · λ + c1 · λ + c2 · λ + c3 · λ + reached on average on 23 December 2013, when an overall
4 3 2 generated power amounted to 22.5 W·h and the power plant
+ c4 · λ + c5 · λ + c6 · λ + c7 · λ + c8, (23) operated for 7.8 hours. The winds on 16 March 2014 can be
where ci stands for individual empirical coefficients. To the- considered above the average, with an average wind velocity
reaching approximately 6.78 m·s− . On that day the overall
oretically define the power coefficient of a wind turbine with generated power amounted to 1.51 kW·h and the power plant is
Savonius-Darrieus rotor an empirical expression (23) is used in operation almost for the whole day analysed, i.e. 23.2 hours.
which is primarily designed for a combined wind turbine There is no day analysed during which the wind velocity is
of a similar size, although of type H-design. Therefore the below the average wind speed has not reached the value which
individual coefficients are newly established to reflect the ac- is set for starting electric power. Initial results indicate that the
tually used wind turbine with S-blades and egg-beater design. power generated by the wind plant analysed does not reach
A general overview of all new empirical coefficients used satisfactory values.
within the simulation is included in Table II.
TABLE II. DETERMINED EMPIRICAL COEFFICIENT OF WIND TURBINE Fig. 6 brings the comparison of the real and simulated
developments of the output power of wind power plant for
Symbol Value Symbol Value individual operating wind velocities. It is necessary to point
c0 -0.00018229 c5 -0.45309279 out that slowly growing ramp of wind speed is considered in
c1 0.00197208 c6 0.36167657
c2 -0.00200764 c7 -0.07959959 simulation to avoid inappropriately response of simulated
c3 -0.05101515 c8 0.00382108 system to fast changes of wind speed. Then deviation of
c4 0.24954231 output power provided by static wind speed source reference
and output power provided by this ramp is negligible.

B. Permanent magnet synchronous generator 450

The generator of wind power plant DS-300 is permanent 400 PSCAD
magnet synchronous generator with 300 W nominal output

350 340

power. Because of the wind turbine is VAWT and full variable rated power error
0.525 %
speed, the generator works as vertical one without gearbox.
Power of wind powerplant

300 310
The rotor is salient pole type and it has 8 projected pole pairs. 250 280 13.4 13.6 13.8

Table III presents general parameters of permanent magnet 13.2

generator used in performed simulation. 200 30 max. error

26.133 %


100 10
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Ω 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.3
Rs stator resistance 0.3528
Φ flux in the stator windings 0.03 Wb 50
4 2
J moment of inertia 5.2·10− kg·m 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
5 −1
F viscous friction coefficient 3.035·10− N·m·s·rad
f frequency 40 Hz 0
Wind speed (m⋅s )

The design of poles leads to the longitudinal inductance Ld Fig. 6. Power curve of modelled DS-300 small wind power plant
and the transverse inductance Lq are not significant different.
Therefore the creation of unbalanced magnetic reluctance
paths for the flux and consequence asymmetry in flux
distribution within generator is not significant. Individual Fig. 6 and following comments also reveal achieved accu-
inductances have been determined by [19]. racy of model for parameters specified above. The reference
curve is based on approximation of measured data of real wind
power plant in Brno University of Technology. The deficiency
IV. THE RESULTS of created PSCAD model is expressed by the relative error of
its power curve, therefore some parts of power curves are
According to [20] a number of studies dealing with the highlighted in detail in Fig. 6. At nominal wind speed (i.e.
1 1
problems of wind power sources use average wind velocity 13.5 m·s− ) the relative error is 0.525 %. From 11.5 m·s− to
values as their basis. The created mathematical model in 1
15.5 m·s− the accuracy of model is remained fairly static
combination with actual measured data of wind velocity is 1
also used for additional assessment of a hybrid power plant below approximate relative error of 1 %. Between 7.5 m·s−
operation. The power plant is located in the city of Brno, the and 11.5 m·s− , the decrease in the relative error is slow linear
Czech Republic, at a height of 25 m above the ground. and its pace is from 20.663 % at 7.5 m·s− to 0.904 % at 11.5
According to [21] an average wind velocity at a height of 100 1
m·s− . The lowest accuracy is achieved in range of wind
1 1 1 1
m above the ground ranges from 2.5 m·s− to 5.0 m·s− in this speeds from 3.0 m·s− to 7.5 m·s− where the relative errors
location. On recalculation of 4 m·s− according to [22] an reach approximately 20 % with maximum peak of 26.133 % at
average velocity at a height of 25 m above the ground then 6 m·s .
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