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Hernandez Diego

English 7 period 3



I’d hadn’t remembered the day my father died, I was a young infant. After my father died

my mom and I had moved to Cleveland from El Salvador. My father was a farmer, he had

planted a farm of strawberries. When I saw the garden I thought I should contribute. But I was 13

and had no experience in planting. I decided to go to library to get a book on how to plant.

Once I got a book I read it and understood after a couple steps. The next day I went to the

garden and found an area to plant the strawberries. I met a couple of people who grew all sorts of

plants. They were all very kind and I thought that I can fit in. I met a Puerto Rican teenager and

we quickly became friends. I felt really good to be a part of the garden.

I would go to the garden everyday and check on my strawberries. I would water them and

make sure that they were not dying. I watched the neighbors nurture their plants and tried to

make conversation with them. I would talk with them to usually see how they were doing with

their plants. I would also ask to some of them what they were planting. My strawberries would

get look better as the days went by.

The days went by, followed by weeks, and even months. Seasons started changing from

spring to summer to Autumn. Autumn was a very bad season for growing. The weather would

get colder and sales would go down. I had counted all the money I had sold from strawberries

and concluded I had made 201$ which was a lot of money to help me buy more seeds.
But now that it was Autumn the seeds wouldn’t be able to survive. As the season progressed the

strawberries started dying. I was upset but then I thought of an idea. I could go to the store to buy

something to protect the strawberries. I went to the store and got what what I wanted. Then I

used it on the strawberries and it worked.

Then Halloween came around the corner which was a good time for sales. My

friend was selling pumpkins so he was going to get a lot money for his sales. I figured I could

sell a decent amount of strawberries to make a lot of money. I was saving money to buy a TV for

myself. I was 100$ away.

When Autumn past I had made my 100$ and bought the TV. Then winter came

which was the worst time of the year for farming. None of the neighbors were farming and the

plants were not touched but they were still protected. I prayed that spring would come so

everyone would go back and grow their plants. It felt bad when nobody showed up to the garden

to plant anything, even though the plants were well alive.

It didn’t feel right to have anyone at the garden with everyone expressing their kindness

through the garden. Days past, then weeks, then months. Then I saw a neighbor in the garden

planting tomatoes. Then more people started heading to the garden. Then everyone started

working and I got the nerve to go and work with them. My strawberries were fine and I had

realized that spring had begun.

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