Diary Assignment Day 2

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“Dear Diary”

Anne claimed that her diary was the thing that helped her survive her time in hiding. While reading
her diary, you will keep your own diary in which you respond to, reflect on, and actively engage in the reading
of Anne’s diary. This will be the major assignment throughout the book; there will not be a large test at the
end. However, you will be using the diary entries to reflect on your thoughts about the diary when completing
a culminating activity related to the unit.
Follow the guidelines below to complete your diary. Be honest in your entries, and remember to dig
deeper into your thinking -- go beyond the surface discussion of ideas and REALLY think about your thoughts
and reactions to Anne’s writing, experience, and life. Anne wanted to be a famous writer and put her heart
into her writing - so should you!


1. Give your diary a name, just like Anne. Anne named her diary “Kitty”; pick a name for your diary and
use it in your entries.
2. For each entry, have the following;
a. The date that you are writing,
b. Entry number
c. The page numbers that you have read between the entry and the last entry,
d. The prompt that you are choosing OR clearly write the your own prompt based on the text of
Anne’s Diary,
e. The greeting, i.e. “Dear Kitty,”
f. At least 20 lines in which you address the prompt that you have chosen, and
g. A closing in which you sign your entry.

April 19, 2105

Entry #2
p.p. 22 - 46
Prompt #4

Dear Violet,

At least 20 lines in response to the prompt. . .


Dr. Bomp

3. When writing your diary, keep these requirements in mind:

a. Write in first person; you should use pronouns like “I,” “me,” “we,” and “my.”
b. Use text evidence to make sure that your entries and references to Anne’s Diary are clear.
When you make a text reference, it should be a direct quote or really strong and clear
paraphrase. Be sure to include the page number of the text evidence after the sentence in your
entry. Then, when you are looking back through the diary, you can go right back to the
moment about which you were writing.
c. You may add character and interest to your diary by including pictures, doodles, stickers, color,
d. Trust your diary. Tell it things you can’t express. Let it know your feelings, thoughts, and
e. Remember the purpose of each entry is to respond to the prompt that you choose or create.
Stay on task and know what types of things and feelings you want to discuss.

“Dear Diary” Rubric

Format Each entry has the date written, entry number, page numbers covered ___/20
between entries, prompt chosen, greeting and closing, and at least 20 lines?

Entries Written in first person and show true, deep, honest reflection and response to ___/15
the prompt?

Writing Shows evidence of attention paid to spelling, grammar, and conventions? ___/10

Personalization Shows evidence of adding “self” to the diary through the naming of it and ___/10
additions such as pictures, color, or drawings?

Completion Has the minimum number of 12 entries? ___/15

TOTAL ___/70

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