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A. The Background of the Research

Speaking is one of language skill that must be mastered by any foreign language learner
(Yuliantono,2012, P.1) because speaking is an essential tool for communicating, thinking and learning
(Hadi,2011, P.1)

Speaking is one of the central elements of communication. In EFL (English Foreigner Language)
teaching, it is an aspect that needs special attention and instruction. In order to provide effective attention, it is
necessary for a teacher of EFL to carefully examine the factors, condition and components that underlie
speaking effectiveness.

However it is not easy to master speaking skill, there are many problems in learning speaking skill: (1)
the limited opportunities for the students to speak in class, (2) the lack of variation of teaching techniques used
by the teacher in class, (3) the teaching strategy application was monotonous that made the students bored and
disinterested in studying English (Buzanni,2008, np).

Considering the problems above, improving students speaking skill is part of

teacher‟s job. The teacher is expected to have right teaching techniques to provide students withappropriate
teaching materials and to create positive classroom environment. Therefore, the students will have an
opportunity to use English among themselves. (Dwiyanti,2009, p.3)

One of the techniques that the teacher can apply in teaching speaking is game because, games is one
of potential activity that gives students feeling of freedom to express themselves (Dwiyanti,2009, p.3). In
line with the statement, Chandra (2008) states that games are also believed to give the positive effect on the
students‟ interest and motivation in studying English as well as to increase their speaking ability. Ersoz (2000)
as cited by Amelia (2007, p.1) in Amir (2010, p.2) states that “Games are greatly motivating, because they are
entertaining and interesting”.

The game implemented in this research is guessing game. There are some tasks thatteacher can instruct to
the students to do the activities in guessing game. Byrne (1987, p.21)says as follows: name of the object,
spell the object, say something about the object, give oneor more uses for the object, say what they would
do with the object if they had it, and makeup sentence using the object. This research is expected to have
some contributions to the language teaching-learning process. Therefore, it serves as an alternative in
teaching speaking strategies in order to improve students' speaking ability.

Nevertheless, based on my own experience, the use of guessing game to improvespeaking skill is still
rare. That might be because the teachers who teach English have not known the advantages of the use of
guessing game to improve speaking skill.

To full the gap, this research will investigate the use of guessing game as the media to improve speaking
skill. In addition, this research will also investigate the students response
toward the use of guessing game to improve speaking skill.

1.2Research Questions

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages the use of guessing game to improve
students speaking ability?
2. How do students perceive the use of guessing game.
1.3 Research Aims
This study is aimed at:

1.Finding out the advantages and disadvantages of guessing game in improve

students speaking skill

2.Finding out the students perceived in use guessing game

1.4 Significance of the Research

The study is significant theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the result of the study is expected to
enrich English teaching theory in speaking skills. Practically, the result of this research is expected to be
useful for English teacher certainly in teaching speaking and also for students. Therefore, teacher can
reduce the difficulties of teaching English and can encourage students to speak English in the classroom.
While for students, the implementation of this strategy is expected to reduce their difficulties in learning
English especially when they want to express their though and ideas by using spoken English.


This chapter will mostly talk on theories relevant to the study. It will elaborate the definition of speaking,
aspect of speaking; types of classroom speaking
performance, principles in designing teaching speaking, moreover, the definition of guessing game, theim
plementation of guessing game and review of previous research related to the study will be also presented
in this chapter.


2.1.1 The Definition of Speaking

Speaking is a two way process which is involves the productive skill of speaking and receptive skill of
understanding. (Byrne, 1998, p.8 cited in Astuti, 2010, p.2). Meanwhile according to Brown (1994) and
Amir (2010, p.10) in Astuti (2010, p.8) said that speaking is an interactive process constructing meaning
that involves producing and receiving
and processing information. So, it can be concluded that speaking is an ability to communicateorally to
other people with the aim is to express their idea and feeling.

2.1.2The Aspects of Speaking

There are some aspects of speaking ability that the students should consider ins peaking according to
some experts, as follows:1.

includes the segmental features of vowels, consonants, stress, and intonation patterns. The speaker is
required to pronounce English word correctly.(Harris, 1969 in Khalidah, et, al, nd, p.2; Brown, 2001 in
Mega, 2009, p. 14)2.
involving the correct use of vocabulary, grammar and
pronunciation practiced through controlled and guided activities. The speaker should articulatewords
clearly, grammatically, and phonologically correct. (Harmer, 2001 in Erik,2006, p.10; Brown, 2001 in
Mega, 2009, p. 14)3.

considered to be „the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously‟ it
is probably best achieved by allowing the air stream of speech to flow then as some of this speech spill
over beyond comprehensibility. The speaker should utter the words naturally. (Harris, 1969 in Khalidah,
et, al, n.d, p.2; Brown, 2001 in Mega, 2009, p.14; Harmer, 2001 in Erik, 2006, p.10

in brief speaking requires that not only knowing how to produce it well but also understanding when,
what, and why to produce the language. (Harris,1969 in Khalidah, et, al, n.d, p.2).

2.1.3 Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

The types of speaking which are expected to carry out in the classroom are the followings:
Teacher asks students to drill word in which the students simply repeat a phraseor structure (e.g., "Excuse
me." or "Can you help me?") for clarity and accuracy.(Brown, 1994, p. 271 as cited in MaryAnn, 1999,

It is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow
band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationships (such as prosodic elements
intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture). The speaker must be aware of semantic properties in order to be
able to respond, but interaction with an interlocutor or test administrator is minimal at best. Examples of
intensive assessment tasks include directed response tasks, reading aloud, sentence
and dialogue completion; limited picture cued
tasks including simple sequences; and translation up to the simple sentence level. Intensive can be self-
initiated or pair work activity. (Brown, 200, p. 273 in Pearson, 2004, p.2 and in Astuti, 2010, p.4)

Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited level
of very short conversations, standard greetings and small talk, simple requests and comments, and the
like. The stimulus is almost always a spoken prompt (in order to preserve authenticity), with perhaps only
one or two follow up questions or retorts. (Brown, 2001, p. 273 in Pearson, 2004, p.2)

d.Transactional (dialogue)
It carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information. It is an extended form of
responsive language. Such conversation could readily be part of group work activity as well, such as
information-gathering interviews, role plays, or debates. (Brown, 1994, p.273 as cited in MaryAnn, 1999,
n.p; Brown, 2001 in Astuti, 2010, p. 4)

e.Interpersonal (dialogue)
The conversation carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for the
transmission of facts and information. These conversations are a little trickier, because it includes some
factors; a casual register, colloquial language, emotionally charged language, slang, ellipsis, sarcasm, and
covert agenda,such as personal interviews or casual conversation role plays. (Brown, 1994, p. 274 ascited
in MaryAnn, 1999, n.p; Brown, 2001 in Mega, 2009, p. 17)

Extensive (monologue)
Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentations, and storytelling, during which the
opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal responses) or
ruled out altogether. Language style is frequently more deliberative (planning is involved) and formal for
extensive tasks, but we cannot rule out certain informal monologues such as casually delivered speech
(for example, my vacation in the mountains, a recipe for outstanding pasta primavera, recounting the
plot of a novel or movie). (Brown, 2001, p.274 in Pearson,2004, p.2)Those are several types of speaking
performances that can be used in teaching speaking. Those types are based on the syllabus of the first
grade junior high school. Teacher can determine which type is appropriate for her/his speaking class
based on students‟ ability.(Mega, 2009, p. 17)

2.1.4 Principles in Designing Teaching Speaking

The principles in designing teaching speaking are as follows:

1.Use techniques that cover the spectrum of learner needs, focus on accuracy and fluency.
Accuracy is the extent to which students‟ speech matches what people actually
say when they use the target language. Fluency is the extent to which speakers use thelanguage quickly
and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses, false starts, word searches, etc. When teacher
use one technique, she/he has to make sure that the technique is designed to help students to feel and use
the building block of language. (Brown, 2001, p.275-276 as cited in Mega, 2009, p. 16; Nababan, 2012,

2.Provide intrinsically motivating techniques.

Try to appeal students‟ interest and willingness in learning the materials and achieving the purpose of
learning speaking skill. It is help to make them realize that the activity will benefit them. (Brown, 2001,
p.275-276 in Mega, 2009, p. 16; Nababan, 2012,n.p)

3.Encourage the use of authentic language in meaningful contexts.

The learning context must be meaningful towards the students and also basic knowledge of students so
that students can talk or write about their own life experiences and their personal opinions. (Brown, 2001,
p.275-276 in Mega, 2009, p. 16; Nababan, 2012, n.p)

4.Provide appropriate feedback and correction

.Giving feedback and corrective are important in teaching speaking in which it needs a fluency and
accuracy. Students should know whether or not they speak correctly and grammatically. In most EFL
situations, students are totally dependent on the teacher for useful linguistic feedback. In ESL situations,
they may get such feedback “out there” beyond the classroom, but even then you are in a position to be of
great benefit. (Brown, 2001, p.275-276 in Mega, 2009, p. 16; Nababan, 2012, n.p)

5.Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening.

Receptive and productive will always exist in the process of speaking. These two skills cannot be
separated if it is used to achieve the process of communication. In teaching speaking, teacher should
include listening aspect. (Brown, 2001, p.275-276 in Mega, 2009, p.16; Nababan, 2012, n.p)
6.Give students opportunities to initiate oral communication
.The competency of oral communication is turn-taking in speaking. A good deal of typical classroom
interaction is characterized by teacher initiation of language. Teacher gives students chance to start the
conversation by asking questions, control the conversation, giving opinions, and even change the subject;
it is best practiced within small groups or in pairs. When we design speaking practices, we need to ensure
that the interaction is meaningful and participation is maximum. (Brown, 2001, p.275-
276 in Mega, 2009, p. 16; Nababan, 2012,n.p)

7.Encourage the development of speaking strategies

.Use different strategies to support the students in speaking class. Create more speaking strategies to
accomplish the purposes of oral communications. The concept of strategic competence is one that few
beginning language students are aware of. They simply have not thought about developing their own
personal strategies for accomplishing oral communicative purposes. Your classroom can be done in which
students become aware of, and have a chance to practice, such strategies as:
• Asking for clarification (what?)
• Asking someone to repeat something (pardon me? Huh? Excuse me?)
•Using fillers (uh, I mean, Well) in order to gain (to get) time to process
•Using conversation maintenance cues (Uh-huh, Right, Yeah, OK, Hmm)
•Getting someone‟\s attention (Hey, Say, So)
•Using paraphrasing for structures one cant produce

8.Meaning must come first

Students can learn the materials especially for spoken language if they can accept them eaning of the
foreign language. Hence teacher must create the appropriate environment can learning of the language.
Children will acquire the language easily when they build the interaction both their teacher and a
classmate. (Cameron, 2001, p.36 as cited in Mega,2009, p. 17)

9.Learning discourse skills

Practicing the language give much contribution in developing students‟ discourse
skill. The familiarity of the words in teaching language would be handled by the students in the condition
when children usually do the interaction with their family, friends or children.(Cameron, 2001, p.36 as
cited in Mega, 2009, p. 17)

2.2Guessing Game

2.2.1 Definition of Guessing Game

Guessing game is a game in which the participants compete individually or in teams to identify something
that indicate obscurely. (Webster, 1986 in Jubaedah, 2008, p.13 as citedin Astuti, 2010, p.11)

In teaching speaking through guessing game, students are expected to be involved actively in speaking
class activity; they are much courage to think what they want to say(Klippel, 1994, p.32). According to
Klippel, “The basic rule of guessing games is eminently simple; one person knows something that another
one wants to find out.”

2.2.2 The Benefits of Use Guessing Game

“Guessing games can be used to develop or reinforce concept, to add diversion to
regular activities, or just to break the ice. However, their must important function is to give
practice in communication.” (Richard-Amato, 1988, p. 156 as cited in Dwiyanti, 2009, p.16).It says that
guessing games give students do not feel bored during learning process. Nevertheless, the most important
thing is to give the students in practicing their English.

They also add that: Guessing games can be painless to develop or reinforce any number
c o n c e p t s “ Gu e s s i n g w h a t I a m, ” Gu e s s wh o I a m” f o r
e x a m p l e , c a n b e used teach about animals profession or people in different age groups
(baby, child, teenager, youngadult,elderlyperson). (Richard-Amato,1988, p. 156ascitedin Dwiyanti ,2009,p.17). Silver (19801983,
p.244) says as cited in Dwi yanti (2009, p.17) “Real guessing games provide the students with much
needed practice in formulating questions, an essentials kill that does not always receive sufficient

Another advantages of use guessing game in teaching speaking is guessing game make students more
pleasure from regular activities in class. It creates a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom. Then using
guessing game can encourage the students to communicate in English because the game are combination
between language and practice with fun and excitement.

2.2.3 The Implementation of Guessing Games

There are some tasks that teacher can instruct to the students to perform the activities in the
implementation of guessing game. Byrne (1980, p.21) in Amir (2010, p.4) says as follows: name of
object, spell the object, say something about the object and make up sentence using the object.

A.Pre-teaching Activities
In the first activities, the teacher greets the students and checks the students'attendance. Then the teacher
checks the students' readiness to study and also review the previous lesson to remind the students about
the last lesson. In this stage, the teacher builds the students' background knowledge related to the lesson
that will be given. Besides that, the teacher tells the students about lesson which are going to be taught
and the teacher tells the achievement indicators and the objectives of the lesson which are going to be

B. Whilst-teaching Activities
Then in the main activities the teacher begins this stage by introducing the firstlesson by use guessing
game technique. Here are some of the procedures in apply guessing game technique in the class room :a.

Class is divided into four groups; one chairperson is given a picture of the object, and then tells a group a
clue about the object is household tool, clothes, vehicles, or any other stuff. The group should find the
answer by asking yes or no question, for at least twenty questions. A group which has twenty questions
and answer correctly will be the winner. (Dwi, 2009, p.24). b.

The teacher has a picture, which the students cant see. The teacher presents a
brief explanation about the picture and then asks the students to ask questions and find out exactly what
the picture looks like or draw the picture. Hiding the pictures gives students a genuine reason to ask
questions because they want to find out information about the picture. They also have to listen carefully to
answers, so thatthey draw the pictures. (Doff, 1990 as cited in Shojaee, n.d, p.7) or one students and at the
front of the class with a picture in his or her hands and other students guess.

2.3 Review of the Previous Study

Regarding to this research, there are some related studies which can be considered as the reference of this
research. Those studies are described as follows:

The study entitled The Improvement of Students Speaking Skill through Guessing
Games Technique conducted in fourth grade of elementary school at Tangerang which
is published by Dwi in 2009, this study aimed to know the effectiveness of speaking throughgames
technique and to know how to improvement student is speaking skill through guessing game. This
research, the researcher uses the qualitative method is the kinds of the data are descriptive data. From
getting the data, the researcher wants to describe and explain the problem that chosen in this research. In
the research, it doesnt used questioners but using the work sheet to evaluate the result and using picture as
a material, because the research focus on classroom action research.

The researcher explains about procedure of teaching, speaking using guessing game. The procedure is
dividing into four stages. They are socializing guessing game, individual grouping, distributing cards, and
asking question and asking giving answer. The researcher gave speaking skill test before did the
presentation of lessons material (pre-test). After giving the treatment, give the some test (post-test) then
made calculation of result from both test.
Based on this method there has some advantages and weaknesses. One of the advantages of using
teaching speaking using guessing game is using guessing game make students more pleasure from regular
activities in class. It creates a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom. Then, one of the weaknesses is in
applying guessing game; the teacher needs the students who are skillful formulating question from
dialogue .In teaching speaking through guessing game, a teacher had to know purpose of using this
method, the procedures of teaching, the techniques will be applied, and the evaluation accomplished. The
learning processes using guessing game give students chance to use English orally, it means that students
can practice and develop their ability to speak English.


This chapter discusses the research methodology, which will be applied in this research. The discussion of
this chapter involves purposes of the research and research questions, research design, research site and
participant, data collection techniques and data analysis.

3.1Purposes of the Research and Research Questions

The purposes of this research are to find out the advantages and disadvantages of guessing game to
improve student ‟s speaking skill and to identify
the students‟ responses toward the use of guessing game in teaching speaking. Therefore, this research
will be conducted to answer these two questions. “ What are the advantages and disadvantages of use
guessing game in improve students speaking ability?” and “What are the students‟ responses toward the
use of guessing game in teaching speaking?”

3.2 Research Site and Participant

This research will be conducted in one Junior High School in Bandung. This junior high school will be
chosen as the site of this research because the access to this school is easy. The seventh grade of junior
high school will be chosen as the participants in this research because they represented young adult
learners. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of guessing game in teaching speaking to
young adult learners. According to Brown (2001, p.91 as cited in Popi, 2010, p.31) the definition of
young adult are teenagers students and high school students where the age range is between twelve up to
eighteen or so. One class will be chosen as the sample of the research and it will chose randomly without
a purpose. Like the regular classes in Indonesia, the class is big enough. The class consists of more or less
40 students, both male and female. The age range of participants
are between 12 to 13 years old. All of them are originally from the Sundanese ethnic group inIndonesia.
They are having Bahasa Sunda as their mother tongue, Bahasa Indonesia is their second language and
English as their foreign language. This research will investigate students improvement toward guessing
game and to find out whether guessing game is a suitable game to improve students speaking ability.

3.3 Research Design

In conducting this research, the researcher will employ a case study. Both qualitative and quantitative
approach will be used in this research. Case study can be done both in quantitative and qualitative. The
choice of case study is related to the research questions and the purposes of this research; to get an
understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of guessing game in helping students improve their
speaking skill; and to investigate students‟ responses toward the use of guessing game in teaching
speaking skills. There are some characteristics of case study that can be used as the foundation of this
research. Some characteristics of a case study which is relevant to this research is that it is
carried out in “a small scale, a single scale” (Stake, 1985, p.278 as cited in Emilia,
2008, p.191) and that is a teaching program, where “the researcher acted as teacher in teach speaking
” (Stake, 1995, p.91 as cited in Emilia, 2008, p.191).

As stated previously, one of the purposes of this research is to find out the advantages and disadvantages
of guessing game on student’s speaking skill in order to improve teaching and learning process. Since, it
will be used a case study, thus the focuses were to observe the teaching and learning process, and to
investigate the improvement of learners based on the activity applied in the classroom .In this research,
the qualitative data will obtain through interview and observation. Moreover, quantitative data will collect
through speaking test.

3.3.1Test (Pre-test and Post-Test)

In completing this research, the test would be based on an achievement test which
will be the result later will be used as data. In order to get enough data, the researcher will beconducted
two tests, pre-test and post-test. The purpose of giving the tests is to check the students‟ achievement as
a progress indicator towards educational objectives set for the students. It is the reason why the role of pre
and post-test are important to this
research because it will determine whether the use of guessing gas is effective to improve student‟s
speaking skill. The content of the tests will administer in order to measure students proficiency in
speaking skill including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Some criteria
will be used to categorize students‟ achievement through these tests.

Pre-test will be given in the first meeting before the teaching learning process. In the pre-
test, the students will invite to introduces theirselves in front of class. This pret-testactivity is one of type
classroom speaking performance that stated in Chapter II, which is belong to the monolog categories.
Then, while pre-test the researcher will seen the reaction of other students’s response s. This pre-test has
aim to know how the students’s speaking ability. While those pre-test activities the research will observe
their pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension it is related to the aspects of
speaking that stated in Chapter II, then the researcher will observe in the form of teachers field notes.

Post-test will be given in the last meeting administer after several sessions of teaching learning process.
The purpose is to find out whether there is improvement or not after the
teaching program and to identify how significant the changes are, before and after the treatment is being
applied. The posttest will be conducted in 45 minutes.
Analysis of Data from Test3.5.2.1

In the first meeting before use guessing game in teaching-learning process the researcher will be
conducting a pre-test. The data obtained from the pre-test is aimed
to know how the students’s speaking ability
in the first meeting. While those pre-test activities the research will observe their pronounciation,
grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension in the form of teacher’s field notes. Teaching Process

In teaching process the researcher starts using the technique of guessing game in teaching speaking. Then
the data while conducting guessing game in the form of teachers note will be analyzed the minus and plus
of guessing game technique. Post Test
After use guessing game while teaching and learning process in the last meeting the students will be given
the last test or post-test. The data obtained
from posttest will be analyzed how significant the changes are after conducting theguessing game
technique and to measure whether or not guessing game help students in improving their speaking ability.
3.5.3Analysis of Data from Interview
The interview will be conducted to get deep and comprehensive information from the students toward
guessing game and the data of interview will be transcribed by using an audio recorder and
teacher‟s field notes. In analyzing the data, the researcher will use these steps:
1.The interview data which is recorded by the tape recorder will be transcribed into the written text, in
order to complete the interview data which is obtained from the researcher’s note.
2.Categorizing the data of the interview that relate to the students‟ improvement
in speaking skill and their responses toward the use of guessing game in teaching speaking.
3.Interpreting the data from interview to answer and relating the data to the theory the research questions.

Speaking is one of language skill that must be mastered by any foreign language learner
(Yuliantono,2012, P.1) because speaking is an essential tool for communicating, thinking and learning
(Hadi,2011, P.1)

Speaking is one of the central elements of communication. In EFL (English Foreigner Language)
teaching, it is an aspect that needs special attention and instruction. In order to provide effective attention, it is
necessary for a teacher of EFL to carefully examine the factors, condition and components that underlie
speaking effectiveness.

However it is not easy to master speaking skill, there are many problems in learning speaking skill: (1)
the limited opportunities for the students to speak in class, (2) the lack of variation of teaching techniques used
by the teacher in class, (3) the teaching strategy application was monotonous that made the students bored and
disinterested in studying English (Buzanni,2008, np).

B. Recommendation
Having concluded the result of students’ activities in every cycle, the writer would like to propose some
suggestion for English teacher, students, and other researcher. The suggestions are as follows:
1. For English Teachers The teacher should learn the characteristics of the students, including the
psychological condition before conducting the teaching learning process.
2. For the students The students can study English not only in the classroom but also everywhere, such as
watching English Cartoon film, playing computer, and etcetera at home as long as they have motivation to
do it.
3. For the Other Researchers The writer is aware that this research is not the end of the problems being
studied. The result of the study doesn’t prove yet that the output of this research is absolutely good for all
Amir, Fahmi. (2010). The Use of Guessing Game to Improve Student’s Speaking Skill
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Astuti, Yuni. (2010). Increasing Student’s Speaking Ability Through Storytelling . Bandung:Unpublished.
[Accesed on September 15, 2013]

Brown, H. Douglas. (2000). Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy

Second Edition. California: A Person Education Company. [Online].Available online
at: [Accessed on
December 24, 2013]Brown, H. Douglas. (2000).Principles of Language Learning and Teaching Fourth
New York: A Person Education Company. [Online]. Available online
at: [Ac
cesed on December 24, 2013]Buzanni. (2008).
The Use of Guessing Games in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability at the Second Year Students Of MTS
Ikhtiyarul Ummah Pamekasan.Malang: Institute ofTeacher Training and Education Budi Utomo.
[Online]. Available online at:
in-improving.html Buzanni. 2008. [Accesed on September 4, 2013]
Chandra, Noor Eka. (2008). Teahing Speaking Skill through Language Games . Banjarmasin:English
Department Of FKIP Unlam. [Online]. Available online
games/. [Accesed on October 21, 2008]Dwi M, Mega. (2009).
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