Jonos Developmental Milestones Summary

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2 months Ooohs and Aaahs

4 months Lift head when prone Grasp Laugh, squeal Smiles responsively
Head control held erect Interested in things

6 months No head lag pull to sit Pass object b/w hands Turn to voice Smile spontaneously First tooth (6-9)
Sits unsupported Look at object in hand Enjoys play No primitive reflex
Rolls Mouth objects

9 months Stands holding on Bang 2 objects together Understand no Fear of strangers

Crawls Know own name Plays peekaboo
Babble Feed self biscuit
Reach/search for toy

12 months Pulls to stand Scribble Follow 1 step command Drink from cup
Stands alone Pincer grip (finger/thumb) Single words Give up toy
Crawls Wave goodbye
Point at wanted object
18 months Walks well Tower of 2 blocks
Throw/kick ball

2 years Walks up steps Copy line Follow 2 step commands Feed self with spoon Hand pref (2-5)
Jumps Tower of 4 blocks Combine words Turn pages
Point to body part

3 years Rides tricycle Copy circle 3 word sentences Put on clothes

4 years Stand on one foot Copy square/cross Dress with Bowel control
supervision (18-48/12)
Simple game rules: tag Bladder daytime
control (8-48/12)

5 years Hop on one foot Copy triangle Knows colours Dress independantly
Draw person Knows own age

- RCH Handbook p161, Qld Govt developmental milestones checklist, Paeds Secrets p 60, AFP article Sept 11

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