Tensiometro Alpk2

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ALF経 No.

Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
INSTRUCTIONS 辛PleaSe read carefully BEFORE USE!

辛This device is designed to measure the human blood pressure.Do not use for other purposet

<Know Your Unit>

The position of the individuat when being

measured may be eitherlying down or
sittingoin the sitiing position hOwever make
sure that the locatiOn on the upper arrn t。
be measured is about at the same height
<Specittcations> as the heart and that the foream ts
Measurement Range i 20 ∼ 300 mmHg extended natura‖y on the table and does
Accuracy : キ 3mmHg not rnove、
Pressurization System i Manual pressure fed through rubber buib
Defiation System i Manual air reloase vaivo

打.Cutt with B13dder(Adequate upper arm circumferenco:indicate to the cu軒 )
2 . I n ■a t t o n B u i b w i t h V a l v e s

幸NOTE : DO NOT use except genuine accessories and parts for this devico.
: When disinfecting Of cu付 ,please wipe up the stain by alcohoi swab.

<How to Take Blood Pressure> ■NOTE : Ploase try to measure catrnty!

1.COnnect one tube from the bladder to air release vatve and buibo Connect the other bladder tube to the
2.Wrap cutt around upper lo化 arrn and adhere veicro together.Be sure to position arrow On cutt over the
brachial arterys
3. Piace chestpiece of stethoscop。 (not including) under the edge of the cutt where arrOw is pointing.
4.VVhilo holding buib,turn knob on air retease vatve ciockwise and pump buib untit point rises tO approximatety
40 points above the subjocts average systOtic pressure.Defiate cuff siowiy(about 2 to 4 points per second)
by turning the knob cOunter― clockwiso.
5.At the point where the first beat is heard,record the reading frOm the scale.This is the Systolic Pressure,
6.Continue defiating tho cutt while iistenig to the puise beat When the puise beat is no ionger heard,record
the reading from the scato,This is the Diastolic Pressure

1`To avoid the risk for ch‖ dren,please keep this device at the safety place after using.
2.This device has components that contain naturat rubber iatex and formalin which may cause aHergic reaction
in some individuais.
3 The cutt has dyed with dyestu常 ,but keep it is the safety place fOr children's hands o市 v
4.The measuring value should be judged by your doctor to give you advice in regard to hoatth management
5。VVe suggest that yOu have yOur device checked every 2 years.
6。 Manometer requires carefult handting procedures
7.When the Bladder cra● ked,check(or adjust)this device at specialty store.

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